Sabina opened her eyes to find herself laying within a white world with a never ending expanse of snow, however she did not feel cold as she spun around in a circle. Where am I?
Then faintly she began to hear faint screams in the distance but as she looked about the barren snow she saw no owner, she blinked several times when suddenly the screams got louder. She winced as the screams were accompanied by the clattering of sword and metal, but as soon as she had gotten accustomed to the noises of a distant battle she found the battle taking place all around her.
She immediately felt her heart begin to quicken that was soon accompanied by the sudden urge to feel flesh between her teeth. She quickly covered her ears with her paws to block out the noise but she almost jumped as her paws laid upon her ears. Instead of paws she felt long slender fingers upon her ears.
She slowly took one arm away and the clattering once more filled her senses, but she solely trained her gaze upon her paw to see the slender hands of her human form. She glared at it but as the rush of adrenaline hit her again she quickly used the hand to cover her ear again.
She could smell the heavy stench of iron as the snow slowly began to melt into water before long green grass grew quickly in snow's place, making the white world turn into rolling hills of grass as the flat land slow began to bubble up with hills. She closed her eyes for a moment only to open them upon feeling something wet beneath her knees. She opened them and instantly recoiled away until she stood on her two feet, the grass was completely drenched in blood.
She turned and ran, but her two legs weren't fast enough to get away from the smell. She screamed in frustration as she tried to change into the wolf, but her body refused to change. She raced as hard as she could letting the sound of her feet landing upon the grass drown out the blood boiling noise around her. However before long she had begun gasping for air between each pant and step when suddenly a vampire clad in armor jumped within thin air at her with his sword drawn.
She fell to the ground in fright as the vampire warrior stood over her with his sword drenched in enough blood to drip upon the blood covered grass. She felt fear pierce her heart as she tried to look for anything in the blood grass to protect herself with but to no avail. She was defenseless.
Then suddenly the world went red, she blinked quickly trying to see her enemy strike her down, when she felt something between her jaws. She glanced at her teeth to find the vampire that had towering over her sword a second ago was now between her jaws, with her armor she noticed was dented all over from the bite marks she assumed she had given him.
It was so pleasurable to listen to his screams, and slowly she began closing her jaws letting his throat slowly begin to be pierced by her canine teeth. Her teeth dug through the vampire's soft thin skin into the meat making it squish as the iron filled liquid began to run down her tongue. It was so good. Yet even as the blood ran down her throat like that of a river it wasn't enough to quench her thirst as the smell of iron filled her nose with the scent of a vampire, she growled with joy.
It's not real.
Sabina blinked several times trying to discern whether she heard the whisper or not when the screams of the vampire was dying out as her jaw relaxed. She growled with anger as the screaming had ceased and she began closing her jaw once again to which she happily found was accompanied by the screams of the vampire again.
"This is not real." whispered the voice again.
The voice pierced through the hazy world to which she once more felt she could think beyond the animal cravings of the wolf. She looked down at the blood drenched vampire between her jaws and cringed. No! This isn't real!
She shook her head making the screams of the vampire change ocative as she squished his throat, she dropped him and he landed with a thud.
She tried blinking several times trying to ignore the taste of blood in her mouth, as she transformed back into her human-like form.
It's not real! It's not real! She screamed it loud and clear at the dead vampire whose helmet seemed to make her believe the vampire could not hear her protests. She fell to her knees as she leaned closer to the vampire and screamed at the corpse, hoping if she willed it the corpse would disappear.
Then suddenly the sounds of battle slowly faded and she began to relax her shoulders, it wasn't real nothing here was. Not the vampire, the smell or the blood. She wasn't there anymore, she was here, in the Petra Clan. She closed her eyes and a few tears began to roll on her cheeks, this wasn't real and she never wanted it to be again. Never.
Sabina looked up quickly "Hello?"
Albalina, Where are you?
She quickly stood as her heart began to hurt from how quickly it beat, she knew that voice.
"I am here!" she called out but no one appeared to answer her call.
Albalina?! Where are you?!
"I am right-" she began to scream out when suddenly something rushed at her knocking her to the ground. She screamed in fear as she looked up to see blood slowly flowing from the teeth wounds of the once dead vampire, only to stop her heart short as she gazed into violet eyes over the helmet's visor.
It was Him. She stared up at vampire dumbly as she heard the voice she loved so much, begin to scream out in pain. She tried scratching at those eyes, but he quickly grabbed a hold of her hands and pinned them beneath his knees. She shrieked as she heard the cracking in the bones of her hands, yet all he did was smile exposing her green eyes to the sight of two enlarged canine teeth.
"Finally." the vampire cackled.
She couldn't move, she was trapped under this creature with no means of escape. She couldn't die here. She had to get back to her clan, she had to save them from her mistake. But it was too late as the vampire lunged at her with his teeth exposed until she felt it go through her soft throat.
She woke with a start sitting up in one fluidic motion gasping. It wasn't real, it was okay now, she thought as she looked around to find herself in darkness. She felt her face and found it to be angular and very humanoid, and she sighed as she turned back into a wolf. Her eyes slowly adjusted to the gloom and she found herself still in her den and she exhaled in relief.
She hadn't had night terrors for years, why did she now? She looked at the scar on her chest Maybe seeing Him had something to do with it, much like a reminder. She nodded but she did not try to sleep again, instead she exited out into the cold night air.
A bath would do me good she thought as she headed out of camp not noticing the eyes that watched her from the shadows under a den outcrop.