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Becoming Mom

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my story and warning about mother hood

Chapter 1 - Things they don’t tell you

Did you know, when preparing to have a baby the amount of blood work and pee test you have to take? Or the amount of shots? Doctor check ups? No
? Well neither did I.

I'm terrified of needles.. so much so when going to the dentist last time I had them clean out my cavities without numbing medication. I did have to signe a waver. But it was way better than a needle stuck into my gums. Yes it sounds crazy.

Also heads up if your a mom with O negative blood. Or RH-negative. You have to get extra shots. And have more risk on your second pregnancy. Why do I know this. Because lucky me
 I am a unerversal blood donner. Why did I know this before I got pregnant

Well my sister dragged me to our high school blood drive and basically guilted me into donating blood. We joked about how unlucky I'd be becoming a needed blood type. Sister found out she was AB and I nearly passed out seeing I was 0 - (negative). Can't tell you how many Red Cross calls I had to dodge or avoid because they were needing my blood.

 so not fun. Also I tried, I really did, to push myself to try a natural birth. The idea of an epidural was my word nightmare. Seeing that huge needle that they were gonna stick into my spine. Yeah
 I was a hard no. That was until I hit five centimeters dialated. I do not have greater pain tolerance than that.

So heeellll no! So I tapped out and just told everyone not to show me what was happening. Did you know you have to sit up and hug a pillow tightly and they wait till you are having a contraction till they give you the epidural
? Yeah.. at least that's how it went for me.

Mine dueled the pain, but honestly made it feel like I was just having bad cramps. My epidural button was missing so I had to call a nurse every time I felt pain to give me more. Just FYI
 I HATE inconveniences other people. So that's the last thing I wanted. I even tried not moving much because every time I did the nurse would have to come back in and adjust the heard beat monitors. My Mom and Fiancée sat looking board playing on their phones. We watched the Harry Potter movies 1-7..8? On rerun 39 hours. I kept apologizing to them
 don't ask me why
 it's my bad habit.

Most times your OBGYN isn't going to be the one delivering your baby. I got a very nice on call doctor who I still don't know her name. Wish I did. My daughter was born with her umbilical cord wrapped around her, the doctor acted fast, cutting me and using the vacuum..? To get my daughter out safely. Really glad we didn't do anything like a baby adjustment the week before because who knew what could have happened.

That was the only time I cursed, "Fuck!" I swore feeling the scissors cut me. And the doctor quickly tried giving me local anesthetic(?) Idk. Then groaned in pain as she started stitching me up still the medicine hadn't kicked in
 but hey my baby was born and that's where all my attention tried to focus on. Waiting for her to make a noise. Waiting for them to put her on my chest. She was soo small and didn't cry a lot. It was soft cries. Born with a strawberry mark (hemangioma) on her ribs and a stork mark on the back of her head. They never took her out of the room. They gave her, the first bath in the bathroom sink. Not just laying her in the sink. They had a small grey tube the fill with warm suddy water and hold the baby wild gently washing them. If your baby is done with hair just know they might have dried blood stuck in their hair. It's best just to wash it away throughout the first few weeks. Some babies have hair, some don't. Yes I had some heart burn so I think that was because of her hair.

Just a heads up, they then have to do a blood check up on you and your new baby. Man
 That was hard. Having them prick her heel of her foot and trying to get enough blood on the card. They might have to do this a few times. Sadly we had to do it three time.

Your baby might also be born looking a little yellow like my daughter, not to worry to much this is jaundice. Means the baby needs sunlight or to be under a UV light. The hospital might want to keep the baby longer until they get to a better color. Thankfully we were allowed to take her home after 24 hours.

At home we would wake up early and sit on the porch outside so she could get the sunshine rays in her skin, and then do the same just before sunset. We also had to give her iron vitamin D drops.

I'd say it's good to have patience before having a baby. For you and your partner. The frustration of lack of sleep, being hangry the mood swings
 it can be A LOT. I am a pretty chill person so is my fianceé but there were nights when I'd have to leave my daughter crying in her crib while I took a moment to my self in the bathroom. Splashing water on my face trying calm myself down. Before going back and taking care of my daughter.

Breast feeding can save you on money, but is also hard. You have to take care of yourself. Drink enough water, or coconut water to produce milk. Have a emergency formula tucked away for those moments or days when you can't produce milk.

I've stopped breastfeeding once teeth came in, one or two bites and I was done. It helps baby's swap over to bottle if you pump and bottle feed mix it up. Let them have boob or bottle.

Your probably wondering what it's like breast feeding in public spaces. I always carried a cover with me, light and breathable. At first it's akward trying to not flash the public or have people glance at you. But you get used to it. I'd never breast feed without a cover just because I'm modest, but if I had to I would.