At the heart of the cosmos, the majestic figure sitting on a heavenly throne, surrounded by sovereign aura, a sign of divine authority and dignity.
His gaze penetrated the universe's incomparably light spectrum, and a mighty voice broke forth from his lofty seat
"It seems the fate of the universe has shifted once more." The sovereign sighed, puzzled, attempting to figure out why.
"Huh?" The sovereign's expression changed, and his voice echoed with shock, horror, and awe. "Walls of records!!! are trembling in shock and fear."
The majestic figure closed his eyes and channeled divine energy through his body, causing the fabric of the universe to shake.
After some pondering, he opened his eyes and gave the command to his messenger.
"An ancient prophecy has come true.
The fabric of the branch is dying.
Find him before he falls into "His" corruption or the fate of doom awaits us."
"Ha...ha...ha...!" I awoke panting and in excruciating pain all over my body.
Everything made me frown as I looked around at my strange surroundings.
"Where am I?" As waves of pain surged through my soul, I gasped and asked myself.
Lost within the chaos of the unknown I began to struggle to grasp the reality.
After a few deep breaths, the pain subsided.
A voice filled with boredom and disgust rang in my ears
"Finally! You woke up, worthless scoundrel." A man with gray wings, black hair, and a light gray stubble beard stood in front of me, with a unique phenomenon, a hollow pit around his larynx.
"Stop looking at me, you miserable worm," he scoffs, his gray eyes frigid, treating me like garbage.
"Oh, you're the guy with the wings, aren't you? Is your "angry" expression your factory default?"
"Haha! Looks like I didn't kick the bucket; as if heaven or god had other plans for my life!"
"You!!" His face turned red with anger and he reached out to grab the hilt of his sword.
"Stop it, Garp!" A woman's voice rang at the corner of the door
"Elsa! Don't interrupt me; I'm going to cut this bastard limbs off to show him where he belongs."
"No, you don't! Remember this is my domain. If anything happens to my patient, don't blame me for what happens next," Elsa warned.
"But he is lowly..." Garp argue
"I don't care if he's a dog or a bug; a patient is a patient," Elsa said cutting him in the middle and glaring at him coldly.
"Okay, you win, Consider today your lucky day, dammit," grumbled Garp as he left the room.
"Hah" Elsa breathed a sighed
"When will that guy grow up? You should consider yourself lucky, you are the first human to be alive and could insult him to his face." said with a smile as she enjoyed it
"Ah! Who is he? Who are you? Are you angels? Where am I? What is this place?" I asked, confused as my miserable headache was now a bit bearable however for some unknown reason I couldn't remember anything before the pain.
Facing a series of questions Elsa's facial expressions changed as she replied with an annoyed tone "Calm down!"
Elsa took a deep breath as she suggested "You should worry about him, Garp, he is someone who never..." With a pause, her expression changed to a curious one as she continued with a playful tone, "Hmm Ah! Well, I'm sure you'll be fine. Good luck."
I asked, "Garp? How is he? Is he that dangerous? But you solve him so easily?"
Elsa couldn't help but laugh, "Hahaha, are you a fool? Do you still expect me to be at your side forever?" She sighed and continued, "Garp also known as Grey Wingman, has earned the title due to his superior wing speed, unwavering ambition, and unfortunately, his intolerable pride since our wings represent our honor."
"What?" Her explanation only deepened my confusion, offering no answers within my memory. The struggle to unravel my memory worsened the throbbing headache. "Ahhh!!?" I clutched my head, letting out a scream of pain.
Seeing him suffering a sudden headache Elsa sighed as she tried to heal him, "Calm down, okay?"
She reached out to his head, and soon a soothing green aura released from her hand and enveloped my head which started to ease my throbbing headache, "Very well, first, allow me to heal your condition, and then I will elaborate on your situation."