Chereads / golden hearts / Chapter 19 - part 18

Chapter 19 - part 18

Third Person POV


"What are you doing, Adam!" exclaimed an angry voice of Emma before closing the door, coming inside.

Adam stopped whatever he was doing, and looked at her.

"Just why on earth were you trying to stand up when you were your stomach was ripped open not even 24 hours ago!" She chastised, both her hands on her hips, looking like an angry mother.

Adam was busy checking her up, trying to figure out how she managed to look so cute and dangerously lethal at the same time.

She was wearing a black tight jeans, black sleeveless shirt with a sweetheart neck, nude pointed high heels with ankle buckle with a nude sleeveless coat on top.

However what caught Adam off guard was her hair color. It was no longer short auburn. Her locks were now straight, waist length, golden with auburn highlights.

"What happened to your hair?" He asked instead. Looking completely dumbfounded by the beauty standing in front of him.

He never thought she could get any more beautiful, but she keeps on proving him wrong, unknowingly.

She touched her hair lightly as if to check what was he talking about before answering. "It's my true hair color. The other one was a wig." She shrugged nonchalantly while putting her black Gucci clutch on the table next to him.

"How are you feeling?" She asked, feeling his forehead and cheek for his temperature.

He was brought out of whatever world he travelled to when she touched him.

He took her wrist and pulled her to him causing her land on his lap softly, avoiding his wound, then he hugged her to his chest. "I missed you." He mumbled in her hair.

Emma snaked her arms around him before she hugged him tightly. "I'm sorry you had to go through all this." She sighed stopping for a while before continuing. "I'm sorry our wedding was sabotaged, I know you worked hard to arrange everything in a limited time frame."

"But it wasn't." He claimed.

"It wasn't?" She raised one perfect eyebrow while frowning slightly.

Adam couldn't help but pecking her nose. "We were married long before we got along. A month after you joined our company to be exact." He revealed.

Emma shot up from his lap, and spent some time looking at him surprised with his words, dumbfounded even.

She was trying to grasp the meaning behind his words but to no avail.

Adam studied her scrunched up nose, and eyebrows that almost met each other, and her bitten lip. "Thought you're the only one with secrets?" He questioned playfully, trying to lighten up the mood that suddenly got thick.

However he knew he failed when he noticed her tense posture getting worst. He was about about to elaborate when I the door was burst open, and a frantic looking Patricia came in.

Emma mumbled a sarcastic 'just great' under her breath.

Adam frowned slightly when he heard her tone when she spoke. It wasn't her usual tone nor her usual behaviour towards his mother.

Something about her features looked hostile, and unappreciative of his mother's presence.

There goes another mystery he needs to solve. He thought tiredly.

His mother went to his side, checking his wound. "Are you okay son? Just what the hell happened? How did you get hurt?" She released a question after another while roaming her hands on his body, looking between him and Emma frantically, waiting for an answer.

"We were attacked by some armed men in the church." Emma replied in a bored tone, too busy to pull her innocent pretence. Luckily Patricia seemed far too occupied to notice the change.

Adam however did since all he did was studying her from the moment she walked in the room few minutes ago.

"Why would armed men attack you?" Patricia finally snapped out of whatever daze she was in.

Emma raised an eyebrow. "How would I know their reason to pick our wedding to attack?" She asked in the same tone.

Patricia realised her mistake. "Sorry, dear. I'm just too frightened to focus." She said.

"Oh, trust me I know."

Patricia thought she was telling her that it was okay in other words since her mind was still fuzzy about her only son's injury to realise the hostile tone Emma was using. She smiled kindly to her before turning her attention to her son.

Emma sat not far from them, looking at their interaction when the door was burst open yet again, and Müller came in. "Young miss, we have a situation." He said calm yet there was a hint of worry and uneasiness in his voice.

"What is it?" She inquired calmly.

Müller advanced towards her and whispered something in her ear.

Emma shot up from her chair causing a scratchy sound to resonate in the room, alarming both Adam and his mom. "When?" She snapped her head in the man's direction.

"Few minutes ago." He replied.

"Prepare the plane!" She ordered.

Müller nodded and went to execute the order.

Emma advanced to Adam. "I'm sorry, but I'll have to leave the country for awhile." She explained.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Adam asked sternly. His eyes held a glint so lethal and venomous that she had shivers run down her spine.

"Someone whom I hold dear to my heart needs me-" she clarified. "But I'll try to come back as soon as possible." She added when she saw he still held the same dangerous look.

She knew his possessiveness over her, how much he hated her driving alone let alone travelling to a different country without him. There are some unspoken rules that he didn't need to say out loud for her to pick them up, his actions alone were loud enough for her.

She never crossed those rules, never did anything to stir the reaction she once witnessed.

The image of his torn house that was forever imprinted in her mind, and the splattered blood that came from his hands were a sight she never wanted to do anything to cause again because whether she likes it or not his darkness stirs only when the matter is related to her.

She kissed his nose. "Please. I need to do this he's really important to me." She tried to coerce him into letting her go without stirring troubles.

If it was someone else she can easily walk out of the door without even bothering to do so much as talking to him, but this was Adam. Someone that no one should cross, not even her. He made sure she of all people knows not to use his love for her as his weakness.

There are matters that she shouldn't even think of doing without his consent, and leaving the country is on the top of the list.

He may seem like a man who is easily wavered, like a ring around Emma's finger when in reality it was the opposite. She was always the one that obeyed him without a second thought especially after her accident, he made sure to show her just exactly who she was dealing with.


To outsiders Emma may seem the one with the upper hand in their relationship, when in fact if he tells her not to sleep in a certain position, she wouldn't. That's how afraid she is of doing anything that goes against his wishes.

She may have secrets that he didn't know, she may be a dangerous woman behind his back, she may be twisted in a sick way but when with Adam she's his damsel in distress. That's why he didn't even flinch when he found out about some of her secrets, he cared not about her life outside their house, nor did he care what she did to anybody because he knew she would harm only those who did her wrong.

"He?" He raised an eyebrow. He was a dangerously possessive man.

"Yes, a 57 years old 'he'." Emma almost rolled her eyes at his jealous tone that was out of place.

"24 hours is all I'm giving you. Whether you bring him here or leave him there. I don't care which one you chose, but you have to be in front of me in 24 hours." He said with finality.


"24 hours, Emma. Don't make me reduce it." He warned.

Emma huffed, annoyed with his bossiness. Adam realised her changed mood, he pulled her to him and pecked her nose and lips. She turned her face from him, leaving him facing the side of her face, he nuzzled her side before whispering. "I need you in front of my eyes for me to heal." He fake winced.

Emma chuckled at his exaggeration, and nodded her head.

One of the many reasons why Emma always show submission to Adam and Adam alone was because of the unconditional love and adoration she sees whenever she looks into his orbs. Adam was the only one who stuck to her side with the same unchanging colours, he made sure whatever he did was for her benefit and her benefit solely. He tends to forget himself and favour her over himself, and the prove to that is when he found out about what she did to the redhead that stormed in their house claiming him. Her cruel action never wavered his will to make her his.

He still stuck to her.

Adam kissed her cheek. "Don't forget to take your meds." He whispered again before kissing her cheek once again.

"Okay." Emma nodded. Then picked up her clutch that was laying on the night stand next to him.

"See you later." She pecked him.

"See you later, Pat." She said to a distant looking Patricia. Emma smirked, she knew why Patricia held that faraway look. She was busy thinking why Papa's right hand's son was by Emma's side.


She had a lot in store for her.


Hey, lovelies.

Here's an update for you guys.

I hope you enjoy it.

Until next time, enjoy.