Ever since Hiroyuki and Senjumaru were admitted to Jujutsu High, all the practical missions they had done so far, in their own opinion, were all basic stuff.
Some of it simply revolved around dispatching low-grade CS, the highest grade being a grade 2.
Well, they are still first-years so it only makes sense that they're not being given much harder missions.
Actually, compared to other first years, the missions given to them are already much harder. In the first place, typically, first years only do investigation tasks, subjugation ones are pretty rare to come by.
But for the duo, not only the missions they've been doing so far were all subjugation, the majority of them were even unsupervised. Something that is only usually allowed for third-year students and above.
Proving that they clearly stand above the rest.
This was especially proven when they joined this year's annual Good Will event... and absolutely demolished every opposing student, be it at the team battle or on the individual battles.
The competition didn't even last for long because it was so one-sided.
So much so that the Kyoto High, literally after that very event, filed a complaint to not allow them to participate in the next Goodwill event. Or at least, only one of the two is allowed to join.
Cause as an individual, both of them are already so strong. But when put together, the synergy they display is nothing short but phenomenal. At that point, they are basically unstoppable.
But, given such facts, Jujutsu High is still holding themselves back from giving them harder missions. Believing that, even though they are that capable, they are still not cut for the real deals.
In the first place, one's strength is not the only deciding factor when fighting higher-grade spirits, specifically speaking, special-grade curse spirits.
Even some strong Jujutsu Sorcerers in the past, still died even though they can overwhelm their opponent in the strength criteria.
Also, it is a widely known fact that Hiroyuki and Senjumaru can use Reverse Curse Technique. A fact that makes the duo an extremely valuable asset. This fact and their lack of experience are the two main reasons why they are not being given risky missions.
However, that will soon change... exactly right after when the report about the recent Finger Bearer incident was made.
The moment everyone heard about how the two, handled that disastrous situation, all were shocked.
Especially at the part of the report about how Hiroyuki easily handled the Finger Bearer.
Finger Bearers, among the special grades, are probably the most unpredictable ones, for the better or worse. The strengths they possess are pretty random.
They can either be too strong, or a little weaker than the rest.
Nonetheless, they are still formidable foes. Especially the Finger Bearer that was on the report.
And that very being was defeated by a first-year student? And with ease at that?
That piece of news was shocking for everyone. So shocking that some even thought that it's too unbelievable.
Well, the report was made by a guy who was put in a near-death situation. So there's a high chance that he's just being delusional and saw the entire situation differently. Also, the fact that he's the only one who testified for such information is mighty suspicious.
But still, given the benefit of the doubt, the higher-ups finally decided to do a Grade promotion for both Hiroyuki and Senjumaru. They also did this to prove if the report about their achievement was true or not.
Well, they planned to do something like this already anyway. However, it was originally scheduled to happen in the future, but given the situation, they decided to readjust it.
Right now, both Hiroyuki and Senjumaru currently sit at a Grade 2 status. Purely because they possess an immense CE pool and impressive control over it. Some even voted for a much higher grade but that wasn't approved due to their lack of experience.
But if they truly are THAT capable, then giving them a much-befitting grade is only a must.
Anyway, the question now is, how would they even do their Grade Promotion?
Usually, such a thing only happens when enough achievement is reached or through the recommendation of one or more High-Grade Jujutsu Sorcerers.
But none of that is currently available.
In the first place, what is stored for the two is not an ordinary one, so usual ways would not work. That is why, the method that everyone agreed upon, as extreme as it might be for a mere Grade Promotion, is.
A subjugation mission for a Special Grade Curse Spirit.
___ Loading next scene...___
[ We are now arriving at Sendai Station. ]
In the city of Sendai, there exists a huge temple.
That temple is pretty well known and is even considered one of the tourist attractions of the city.
Unfortunately, a couple of days ago, in that temple, an incident occurred, causing it to be shut down momentarily.
Some barricades were even put in the entrance just to make sure that no one could get close to it. This happened so abruptly that even some people who visit the temple frequently are only left with a confused expression.
Long story short, as obvious as it is, this very temple is the assignment that was given to Hiroyuki for his promotion.
Cause a Special Grade Spirit spawned inside it.
The area where the temple is located isn't that far from the station. It's within walking distance. That's why, after getting off the train, it only took Hiroyuki a couple of minutes to arrive at the scene.
However, one might notice that currently, Hiroyuki was all alone. A pretty weird sight to see, given that he and Senjumaru are pretty much together all the time.
Well, the reason for this is because, just like him, Senjumaru is also getting a Re-evaluation.
Meaning, that she also has a separate assignment. And since that assignment was literally in a complete direction from where Hiroyuki is currently, they had no choice but to go on separate ways in the meantime.
This isn't a problem though since he knows that Senjumaru would be fine. She's more knowledgeable about curses and stuff than Hiroyuki and also has the strength to back it all up, so she's more than capable of this, surely.
Besides, if a problem were to actually come up... they already prepared some means for it. That's why he isn't worried at all.
Immediately upon arriving at the vicinity of the Temple, there he was greeted by two Jujutsu Officials. One was a stern-looking woman and the other was a typical glasses guy.
Hiroyuki was already notified about them before coming here. He knows that they were supposed to be his guide or something.
He did not expect much about them though.
Well, it was said that they can assist him when needed, but overall, they are just a spectator here. Tasked to monitor him as he does the mission alone.
"You must be tired. You can rest first if you want. We've already prepared a-"
"Oh, no thank you, I'm fine. You guys can lead the way already, the sooner we finish this, the better it is, isn't it?"
"Hmm, that's true. Then..."
After that, they started walking toward the stairs that would supposedly lead them to the entrance of the temple.
Along the way, one of them, the stern-looking woman, started informing Hiroyuki about the situation and the information they had gathered so far about the Special Grade CS inside the temple.
According to her, this one is pretty dormant compared to the usual.
It would still attack anyone who gets near it, but it wouldn't go out of its way to harm somebody. But, given that it literally just murdered some people a couple of days ago, this piece of information doesn't make this one any better than a usual CS.
Also, those who saw it described its appearance as, a tall woman dressed in a bright white gown with extremely long black hair covering Its face. A character fished out of a typical early 2000 horror movie, one could say.
Hence the name it was given. The White Lady.
Now going on its abilities... unfortunately, nothing is recorded about that yet.
It just appeared a couple of days ago and Hiroyuki was literally the second sorcerer who came here intending to exorcise it, the first one being dead already. So no specific data about it has been gathered yet.
Not much can be taken from its victims as well. Cause all of them seem to have died in different kinds of ways. Some were burned to death, some looked like they drowned, and there were even some who were smushed on the ground as if they had fallen from a very high place.
But, regardless of whatever its capabilities might be, one fact is known for sure, it's very strong and dangerous.
The last sorcerer that died from this CS was said to be competent enough to receive a semi-grade 1 status not even a year after becoming a Jujutsu Sorcerer. But just like the other victims, he seems to have died not long after going in on the temple.
"If I don't know any better, it seems like they were simply asking me to die by sending me to a Special Grade that has no information huh." Hiroyuki sarcastically said after he finished hearing the Stern woman's explanation.
A remark that the two can't give a response to.
Well, in the first place, even they were initially confused as to why Jujutsu High decided to send a first-year student to handle a situation like this. For them, that idea was nothing but insane.
But it's not like they can do anything but simply follow the order.
"Well. We were told to only watch, but don't worry, we'll help you." The glasses guy said while flashing Hiroyuki a reassuring smile.
"It might not seem like it but me and Tsumugi san here are both Grade 2 sorcerers. We also have Innate Techniques so, you can surely rely on us."
That statement was followed by the stern-looking woman, giving her a nod of approval.
Seeing this, Hiroyuki can't help but replace his sour expression with a bit of a smile. Initially, he thought that these two were your typical 'orders are absolute' people.
But it seems that his initial judgment of them was incorrect.
"That's nice to hear, and I truly appreciate the offer. But it's fine. It might sound arrogant as hell but I think I am strong enough to do this alone. No need to trouble yourselves."
"I- I see. Umm, but just in case you get in trouble, just call out to us okay? We'll help anyway."
"Well, If you insist that much, then I'll rely on you guys when that happens."
Right after that light-hearted conversation, nobody spoke anymore. They've all gone quiet as if the talking switch was suddenly flipped off.
That's probably because they finally arrived at the entrance of the Temple already.
Looking at the temple itself from where they currently stood, Hiroyuki could already sense the looming dread that was covering the entire place. It's not just one building or one area, all of it was being covered by it.
Hiroyuki can even tell that it could've easily reached them. However, due to the talismans attached to the entrance, it stopped just right in front of them.
This a clear sign that the CS that was residing inside was on a level that Hiroyuki hadn't seen before.
But, given all those facts, Hiroyuki was not even feeling scared or anything like that. He was even more excited.
"Alright then..."
That's the reason why, upon arriving at the entrance, without wasting any moment, he immediately went in with no hesitation.
"Let's start."
Officially initiating the start of his mission.