In a certain neighborhood in Japan, a fairly huge, normal-looking house exists. From the outside, it looks pretty unsuspecting. It's just a type of house that one could see all around.
According to the neighbors, the people who live in that house are also just your typical Japanese family: the husband, the wife, and their two sons. The same goes for everyone's occupation.
Everything is just as normal as it can be.
So one could truly wonder, about the reason why they all ended up in their current situation.
Right now, looking inside the house, right at the top of the bed inside the family's main bedroom, something was neatly piled there.
Although it cannot be seen because it was being covered by multiple layers of blanket, looking at the bloody stains, it doesn't take a genius or a detective just to guess what was behind it.
If those blankets were to be uncovered, it would reveal the corpses of the family that was living in this house. Or at least, judging from the distinguishable shapes, that's most likely the scenario here.
It is truly a horrific scene and situation.
But, if someone who personally knows the family were to check the bodies, regardless of the mangled state it was in, they would surely notice one fact. One of them, the eldest son, cannot be seen among the corpses.
Meaning, there's a chance that there was still someone left of them. It was a pretty low chance but, the possibility of it still exists.
Nonetheless, looking back at those corpses. It was pretty easy to incur that they were killed not so long ago judging from the fact that the blood dripping from them hasn't even dried yet.
It's too fresh.
So fresh in fact that the perpetrator of this incident probably hasn't even left the scene yet.
Now if that were to be someone's conclusion upon seeing this, then they would be absolutely right.
Downstairs, right in the living area, two people can be seen there, leisurely having dinner.
A pretty odd thing to do given the situation upstairs. Making it obvious that... they were most likely the suspect in this entire situation.
However looking at these two, someone would surely argue that it's probably not them. One looked like she belonged in some temple and the other was a pregnant woman. They don't look like someone who would do something as horrible as this.
This is an understandable statement for those who know nothing. But to those who truly know these two, something like this wouldn't even be surprising.
All for the reason that they've already done something much worse in the past.
Now, to make the long story short, the girl who's described as someone who probably belongs in some kind of temple is, Uraume. As for the pregnant woman in front of her, well...
It was mentioned once during their early conversation that her name is supposed to be, Kaori.
Or at least, that's the name she stated this time around.
"You haven't told me yet why we did this. How was this part of the plan?"
Urame spoke in a pretty casual tone while drinking her freshly made tea. Not even bothered that there were some blood stains on the floor near her.
Kaori on the other hand, hearing the question thrown at her, didn't answer the question right away.
Giving a subtle smile, she first put down the utensils she was using to eat and then drank a glass of water. Only after that, did she finally give Uraume a reply.
"I only planned for it not too long ago. I didn't have time to inform you about it in advance."
"... Then, feel free to inform me now."
"Relax, I was just about to do that..." Kaori said as she stood up and walked towards the kitchen area, taking the plates she just used with her and placing them at the sink.
As she started washing them, she continued speaking.
"As you know, due to the sudden increase in curse activities, the people from Jujutsu High are starting to become more active than ever. Making it hard for us to follow our original plan."
"... And doing THIS is our alternative?" Uraume said, sounding a bit sarcastic.
"Well, not really. Instead of doing that, I just used this couple of years to devise some plans that can help us proceed more smoothly with the original. Doing THIS is just one part of it."
"So... you're saying that, with all these years, plans are the only thing you've done? I thought you already established your plans long ago. Aren't you wasting too much time now?"
Feeling the edge within Urame's tone, Kaori simply smiled.
"It's not like I can do much given my current state. But if you want it that much, then, do you want to bear the vessel instead? You don't have the requirements for it but I'll gladly modify your body for you. That way, I could surely accomplish more things."
Seeing that Uraume didn't respond to what she just said, Kaori couldn't help but laugh.
"If Sukuna heard that his beloved servant cannot even take the burden for his sake, he would surely be sad you know?"
Right after Kaori said that, the temperature around the room suddenly dropped. So much so that even the running water that Kaori was using to wash the plates started getting colder.
"Shut up. Just go back to discussing your plans."
However, even with all this happening, Kaori remained unfazed as she just continued whatever she was doing.
"As I was saying before, I devised some plans that could help us proceed smoothly. However, one failure is already enough to make this entire plan crumble. That's the reason why I'm taking my time."
Suddenly, her expression noticeably sharpened as, in the middle of her speech, a certain person flashed in her mind.
"... Not to mention the annoying existence of those two, Gojo Hiroyuki and Senjumaru Shutara. Those two, currently, are the greatest obstacle to our plans."
"Are they that much of a threat?"
Hearing Uraume's nonchalant tone while mentioning them, Kaori sighed heavily.
"You don't understand. While you were holing yourself up, those two... could've already wiped out all the Special Grades throughout the entire Japan. If I hadn't acted fast enough, that is."
Hearing what Kaori just said, Uraume's expression finally turned more serious.
"Throughout all these years, those two have been going around like a loose canon, hunting Curses non-stop regardless of their orders. Thankfully, they're still under the school so, through my connections, I managed to put a halt to their onslaught. But..."
Kaori paused for a second as she turned around and faced Uraume, all while wearing the same serious expression.
"... next year, those two would graduate already. At that moment, nobody from the school could stop them anymore. If they decide to continue what they were doing, it will surely derail our plan for the future."
"The six eyes are still the greatest obstacle for us but, that's for the future. Right now, they are the biggest threat. That's why-"
Suddenly, as the two were talking to each other, they heard someone open the door and boldly walk inside the house.
"Hmm... Speaking about my plans, here goes one of them." Kaori said as a young guy wearing a uniform entered her vision.
The young guy, on the other hand, looks visibly confused. Probably because he suddenly saw two strangers inside the house he lives in.
He was about to ask who those strangers might be but, he had to stop because he was greatly distracted by the blood stains on the floor...
"Uraume, will you?"
Right after that, the white-haired stranger suddenly disappeared from her spot and reappeared in front of him. She was so fast he could barely react at all.
The young guy attempted to flare up his Curse Energy after realizing what was going on but... it seems that he reacted far too late.
Before he could do whatever he was planning to do, Uraume's palm already reached his face. Instantly after that, he was then encased in a massive block of ice.
Making him unable to do literally anything. Probably even live.
"Hopefully, you didn't ruin his body. I planned to use him after all when I'm done with this." Kaori said as she walked closer and inspected the young boy inside the ice.
"No. I preserved him, as you wanted." Uraume said nonchalantly as her expression finally turned back to her usual self.
"Good. Now take care of this guy for me, he will be a key player soon."
"... You haven't informed me about the plan yet."
"Right. Regarding the plan, it's still in the process you see. So can't say much for now. But I can tell you one thing." Kaori paused as she looked towards Uraume while wearing a smile on her face.
"I planned to make it happen as soon as possible."
"You mean..."
"That's right. The moment I am done with THIS, we will act right away. So I will ask you to prepare those useful pawns we took last year. Don't let them wild out too much. If those two monsters got a scent of them, it will cause us huge trouble."
"Don't worry about them."
"Alright. If you say so. Anyways, now that we're done here, I'll leave this place to you. I still have lots of things to do you see."
"... Do as you wish."
After that, both of them didn't say anything anymore. They just gave each other a nod and then left their spot.
Uraume went upstairs, probably to do her 'thing'. Whatever that may be.
Kaori on the other hand, simply took her bag that was sitting on a nearby table and then started walking towards the door after that.
Leaving the place with a smile on her face as if nothing horrific happened at all.
___ To be continued... ___