Will Hale was born like many people on the planet, in a basket outside a poor household in queens. His doting mother showed unconditional love towards him and treated him like she would her real son. Hale grew up without the knowledge that he was adopted. Only much later into his teens, did they tell him his story. That his biological mother was out there somewhere in the world. When the truth broke out, the relationship between his mother and himself strained. They grew further and further apart, much to the dismay of his father. Her tears gave him sleepless nights and one day it was decided, that he would move to the other side of town, away from his parents. I will come see you son, her mother said to him . As he carried his bags outside his home, she uttered, "everyday". But Will knew that she was lying and that she would probably see him only on the weekends. What he did not know was that her father would pack them up and move all the way across to Oklahoma. She never have seen him since.
Strum with the craziest coincidence in the world was living in the adjacent block. One night Hale had seen Strum fly out in the neighbourhood when everyone was asleep. Hey! Hey! shouted Hale atop the balcony of his building. Strum! landed down and made his eyes hostile. Relax! Said Hale. I got superpowers too, he said and made his hands like a brick block. Both his hands. Great! said Strum. I'm not the only weird guy in the block, he uttered or something along those lines.
Hale could not exactly remember as Strum landed again causing the slush to splatter around. Watch your landing Strum! said Hale as he was given a detailed report of what happened. Nazi Scum! uttered Hale and threw his bottle away. Get some sleep, he told to Strum and walked over to his lodging. Good night Colonel, said Strum and went away.