Chereads / Eastern Horror Story Antholog / Chapter 9 - The Fear of Cats

Chapter 9 - The Fear of Cats

A couple got married at the age of 20 but had not been able to have children even by the time they reached 35. They went to a county hospital to get checked but couldn't find any medical issues. Unable to bear the gossip from people in their village, they decided to move out for work.

The couple rented a house in the urban village of a big city. The husband worked at a construction site while the wife took a job at a restaurant. Across the street, there was a residential area where a young nanny was often seen with a little boy. The nanny was quite young and enjoyed playing around. Surprisingly, the couple took an interest in the child, planning to steal him away.

After much deliberation, the husband was hesitant, fearing that they might get caught by the police. One day, both the couple and the child disappeared suddenly. It was the day when the child also went missing. The police checked the surveillance cameras but found no recordings due to road construction at that time. They then checked the couple's identification with the landlord of the rented house, only to discover that their IDs were fake. It appeared that they had planned this for a long time.

It turned out that the couple had treated the child very well.




小刘是个文弱的男孩子.他从小就非常怕猫.只要见了猫,就会两腿发软,全身出冷汗,无法抑制地大叫.为此,他准备了一把刀,用来防身. 16岁那年,同学们去东北玩,坐飞机.他不知为什么,就给答应了.后来想起东北可能有老虎,更是害怕.当然,由于旅行限制,没有带那把刀.但是带了一把木制的工艺品刀. 同学们知道他的毛病,因此,所到一处,总会事先打探有没有猫或类似动物.他们旅行到一个道观时,遇到一位看得有点仙气的道人,很年轻.那人看出他的问题,问:您可是怕猫?他点点头,于是求叫破解的办法.那道人就给他的那把木刀(竹子的,不是剑)上画了个个符.本来,大家不信迷信啥的,可是总有心里安慰作用吧.那个道人也不像是骗子,没有收一分钱. 结果回程的时候,路过一个市场,居然迎面有只黑猫过来.他一改往日害怕的样子,变得凶神恶煞冲上前去,用刀刺中了只猫,猫当时就死了.大家吓得够呛!他大笑,就疯了一样.然后晕了过去.醒来后说:我很小的时候,阿姨不管我,猫挠了我的脸... 从此不再怕猫.




Title: "The Fear of Cats"

Xiao Liu was a frail young boy who had been terrified of cats since childhood. At the sight of a cat, he would go weak in the knees, break out in a cold sweat, and uncontrollably scream. In response to this, he prepared a knife for self-defense.

When he turned 16, his classmates planned a trip to the Northeast, traveling by plane. Xiao Liu inexplicably agreed to join them. Later, he realized that the Northeast might have tigers, which terrified him even more. Of course, due to travel restrictions, he didn't bring the knife but instead carried a wooden craft knife.

His classmates were aware of his fear, so wherever they went, they would always inquire in advance about the presence of cats or similar animals. During their journey, they visited a Taoist temple and encountered a Daoist who exuded a somewhat mystical aura, despite being quite young. This Daoist recognized Xiao Liu's issue and asked, "Are you afraid of cats?" He nodded, and so he sought a solution. The Daoist drew symbols on his wooden knife (made from bamboo, not a real sword). Although initially skeptical of superstitions, the group felt a sense of comfort. The Daoist didn't ask for any money.

On their way back, while passing through a market, they suddenly encountered a black cat coming toward them. Xiao Liu underwent a dramatic transformation, no longer displaying his previous fear. Instead, he fiercely lunged forward and stabbed the cat with the knife, killing it instantly. Everyone was shocked to the core. He burst into maniacal laughter and then fainted. Upon waking up, he said, "When I was very young, my aunt neglected me, and a cat scratched my face."

From that day on, he was no longer afraid of cats.