Tonight was so incredible I didn't want it to end, it felt like a dream I never wanted to wake up from but reality hit when we pulled into my driveway. Zac unbuckled and hopped out of the truck to run to the passenger door to open it for me. It's still a little shocking to know men still do these things. He takes my hand and walks me to the door. We're just looking at each other knowing we both don't want to say goodnight.
I can feel my face turning bright red. Trying to hide my face I lower my head down a little, only to have him reach down and hold my face in the palm of his hands. His hands are so big and warm that I feel myself heating up more. How red is my face now? He lifts my head until I'm looking him in the eyes and, says "Don't hide your facial expressions from me. I want to know everything about you but I want to see the facial expressions that only I can make you have." I became speechless after hearing him say that. He starts to lean down to kiss me and our lips are only a few inches apart until the door busts wide open and smiling ear to ear is my sister.
We both move away from each other kinda embarrassed. Rebecca just keeps grinning and says " Welcome back kiddos! I'm sorry to interrupt your goodbye kiss but I have to get this idiot home". She moves for us to look and we see Logan drunk and wobbling to get to the door. Zac offers to help her and she accepts. They get Logan and carry him to the vehicle for Becca to take him home. Becca looks at me saying " I'll take this idiot home and make sure he doesn't puke on himself or drunk call anyone then I'll come back home" I just nod. As they all back out of the driveway I wave goodbye. Becca calls me to let me know she made it to Logan's house safely, and that she'll be home later. We hang up and I start getting ready for bed. Becca will tell me what happened tomorrow. I hope everything was okay though, Becca looked like she had been crying.
The next morning I wake up before my alarm clock. This is where I felt like Shikamaru Nara when he says "What's the point in setting the alarm if I'm going to wake up before it goes off? What a total waste. Now I've gotta shut it off but I don't feel like moving. But if I don't shut it off it will just keep ringing and ringing. Sigh. It makes me tired just thinking about the whole thing. Some mornings are such a drag…" Finally getting up from the bed and turning off the alarm I start getting ready for work.
Walking out of the room I head to the kitchen to grab some toast for breakfast before leaving the house. I wonder where Becca is? Umm, let's see if she is still asleep. Well, she's not in her room or anywhere else I wonder if she stayed at Logan's or just left early. Oh crap, I'm gonna be late. Rushing out the door, to my truck, I buckle up and pull out of the driveway. Driving down the road I can't help but wonder what happened to Becca. Suddenly I'm turning into the school parking lot, I have 2o minutes before class starts so let me just message Becca real quick before I get out. Pulling out my phone I text Becca saying " Hey are you okay? You weren't there when I got up this morning so just wanted to check on you?" And sent.
After I had sent it, I got all my stuff together and rushed to the classroom. When I reached the classroom my phone dinged. Looking at my phone it's a message from Zac! My face lights up, I wonder what he wants so early this morning. Clicking on the notification I got it read " Good Morning Annmera, I hope you got some rest last night and I hope you have a wonderful day too." Aww ain't that so sweet! Before I can reply to Zac my phone dings again and this time it's Becca. Opening her message it says "Morning sis, I'm all good just left a little earlier today for work. Have a great day and I love you!" Replying back I say " I'm glad you are good. I hope you have an amazing day Big Sis. I love you more!" After that, I can respond to Zac now. Clicking his name I write back " Good morning to you too Zac, I did get some good sleep thanks to a sweet gentleman and I hope you have a wonderful day too. I'll talk to you soon."
Ding, ding, ding the school bell goes off. Welcoming all my students into class, we get started on our new literature subject "To Kill A Mockingbird" By: Harper Lee. As we start off the class I begin to ask how many students read the first 3 chapters of this incredible novel and nobody raises their hands or replies. To be fair I did see this coming, it was Friday when I asked them. Well nevertheless let's get started. Looking at the class I say " Alright well we will just read the first 3 chapters in class today but before that let's talk about it for a moment. To Kill a Mockingbird is both a young girl's coming-of-age story and also a darker drama about the roots and consequences of racism and prejudice, probing how good and evil can coexist within a community or individual."
Continuing on I say "It's set in a small town in Alabama. It chronicles the childhood of Scout and Jem Finch as their father Atticus defends a Black man falsely accused of rape. Scout and Jem are mocked by classmates for this and unfortunately, the Black man is convicted by an all-white jury. The most important theme of To Kill a Mockingbird is the book's exploration of the moral nature of human beings - that is, whether people are essentially good or evil. We'll be looking at the good and evil in detail throughout this novel like we did with Frank Miller's graphic novel. So let's begin."
Through each period I teach the kids about To Kill A Mockingbird when the final school bell rings and I pack up to go home.