People have 3 bars on their interface. Hp,mp,stamina. Stamina increases naturally as you train and mature. It also increases when you put stat points in defense.
A person receives 10 stat points on each level up. A person also obtains 2 skill points on every level up.
They can also receive skill points from achievements. They can also receive skill points as a reward from quests.
A person has acces to 2 skill trees. One specializes in combat and one in magic.
There are also certain specialised parts of the skill tree. These parts lets one become a certain type of mage or warrior.
These are all available skill tree specializations. First combat classes.
1. Warrior : Attacks quickly and with power . Usually wears light armor.
2. Knight : Deals medium amount of damage. Usually wears medium armor.
3. Warlord : Master Strategist. Usually gets a lot of critical hits. They scan for weak points.
4. Assasin : Wears light armor. Very stealthy. Can kill within a few powerfull attacks.
5. Ranger : Uses a bow. Also wears light armor. Expert in ranged combat. Shoots slowly.
6. Sharpshooter : Also wears light armor. Compared to the ranger shoots very quickly. But is less accurate. Expert in medium ranged combat where he /she shrreds his/her enemy.
7. Monk : Expert in martial arts. Often stays away from using weapons. Wears light armor.
8. Juggernaught : Wears heavy armor.Attacks slow. Uses heavy weaponry .
Now magic specialists.
1. Elementalist : Uses a certain element like fire or earth for combat, defense and mobilty. Elementalists can controll their element with great expertise.
2. Illusionist : Creates illusions and mirages to trick and confuse their enemy. Their specialization doesn't let them deal damage directly. So, they usually use a weapon.
3. Enchanter : Imbues objects with magical properties. This allows them to enchant their armor and weapons.
4. Summoner : The Summoner summons creatures and sprites to aid them in combat and other situations.
5. Light Mage : A mage who uses the power of the light to heal,fight and ward off darkness. They can also dispel curses. They also can temporarily boost their teammates capabilities.
6. Dark Mage : A mage who uses the power of the darkness. The dark mage can curse his opponents to weaken them. He can also use dark spells to deal damage.
7. Alchemist : Creates potions to aid in combat or other situations. Healing spells, poisons,agility boost potions they have it all.
And now time for combination specializations. These are tge combinations of multiple other specializations.
1. Paladin : The combinaton of Light Mage and Knight. Wears medium armor and can cast light magic.
2. Necromancer : Combination of Dark Mage and Summoner. Raises the dead to do his bidding. Can also use Dark Magic.
3. Spellblade : Uses a combination of magic and bladed weapons.
4. Arcane Sentinel : Combination of the Juggernaut and any other support type magic specialization.
5. Shadowasin : Combination of Dark Mage and Assasin. Uses dark magic to weaken his enemys then attack.