
Besides humans there are also other intelligent races in this world.

1. Dwarves : Dwarves are usually shorter than humans. They are on average 5 ft. There Isn't much of a height difference between dwarves. Some are 5 ft. 1inch. Some are 4 ft. 10 inch. They are usually very good craftsmen. Some make armor. Some make weapons. Some are architects.

2. Elves : Elves are nature lovers. But don't mistake them for vegans. Even though they love nature they still eat meat. This is because they understand that this is just a part of nature. They have pointy ears. There also usually skinny. They have muscle but, they have the least amount out of all the races. They are very agile. They are also great marksmen.They are also amazing artists. Most of their population is divided between being an artist or being an archer. In elf culture it is not weird to see men excited about shopping or fashion.

3. Orcs : Orcs are famous as great wariors. An orc is nevel less than 6 ft. in height. They dont favour a particular weapon. Some use waraxes more. Some use swords more. Some use a bow more often. But all of them are trained to use ranged and melee weapons. Its rare to see an orc mage.

4. Fae or fairys : They are called fae or fairys depending on their gender. Men are called fae and women are called fairys. Their height is the same as humans. They are powerfull magicians. But they are physically weak. They are on the same level as elves physically.