Caleb coughed and wheezed on the wall desperately searching for an escape. His eyes pleaded for mercy but found none in Damien's cold stare.
Damien's hands tightened their grip around Caleb's throat, his fingernails digging deeper into the flesh. The sound of muffled choking filled the room, a symphony of despair and defiance. But Damien showed no mercy, his lips curling into a snarl as he squeezed tighter.
Caleb's eyes bulged with panic as he clawed at Damien's hands, desperately searching for any way to escape his vice-like grip. Sweat dripped from his forehead, mingling with tears that streamed down his face.
"Plea... Pleaseee," Caleb gasped, his voice strained and hoarse. "I'll te..ll you th.. the truth. just do..n't kill me."