Chereads / Itachi: I got reincarnated as the 879th demon King / Chapter 9 - Chapter Nine: To The Human Realm.

Chapter 9 - Chapter Nine: To The Human Realm.

This story switches between narratives, is done in segments, and will sometimes be taken from the character's pov (point of view). Thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoy this story.


 Itachi: Reincarnated as the Demon King.


Chapter 9: To the human realm.

A week passed, and the envoys finally reached the Demon Kingdom. They were escorted to the demon king's office.

Yuki: "What's your business here?"

Envoy 1: "My name is Leesi, and I was sent by my king to invite the demon king to a peace meeting."

Itachi suddenly entered the office, rubbing his eyes and yawning.

The envoys looked at Itachi and then asked Yuki, "Who's that?"

Yuki: "He's the demon king."

The envoys were shocked. Itachi sat down at his desk and asked Yuki, "Who are these people?"

Yuki: "They're envoys from one of the four great Holy Kingdoms."

Itachi, still half-asleep, looked at the envoys with a yawn.

Itachi: "Oh, right, have a seat."

The envoys cautiously took their seats.

Envoy 2: "My name is Daniel, and I come on behalf of the human kingdom. We seek peaceful relations between our lands."

Envoy 3: "I am Aria, representing the elven realm. We hope to find common ground and end any past hostilities."

Envoy 4: "And I am Tariq, envoy from the dwarf realm. We have a lot to gain from cooperation."

Itachi, now more awake, sat up in his chair and rubbed his eyes again.

Itachi: "I see. Peace is something I'm interested in as well, Where will this meeting be held?"

Leesi: "In the Kingdom of Mataram."

Yuki: "We shall leave tomorrow."

The envoys nodded in agreement.

Suddenly, someone entered the room, apologizing for being late.

???: "My name is Mary, and I'm an envoy from the Holy Land of Aquarius, one of the four great kingdoms."

Itachi: "But aren't there already four envoys here?"

Aria: "We, the elves, aren't members of the four great kingdoms. We prefer to keep ourselves incognito."

Itachi: "I understand."

Itachi looked at Mary and started to laugh, "You must've run really fast."

Yuki: "We will leave tomorrow together."

Yuki clapped her hands, and a group of maids escorted the envoys to their guest rooms.

The next day Itachi, Yuki and a hundred of his knights along with the envoys set off to the kingdom of Mataram.

The people of the demon kingdom cheered as their king left the capital in a gold and black carriage.

the envoys had to travel by foot while itachi and Yuki sat in the carriage.

leesi: The demon kingdom is a beautiful place.

itachi: of course it is.

Aria: I never thought that I would be walking aside the demon king and his army.

itachi laughed, this isn't a army.

Yuki: It's our elite guard, the Deadly Hollows. We keep them sharp, so they're always ready when needed.

The journey continued, and soon, the group was far from the Demon Kingdom. The landscape transformed as they approached Mataram.

Mary: I must say, the sight of the demon land is quite enchanting.

Yuki: I'm glad you appreciate it. 

Itachi: How long until we reach?

Leesi: If we travel fast, it would take a few days, but it usually takes a week.

Itachi: A week? You must be joking.

Mary: It's a few days of travel, but we need to stop and rest, which extends it to a week.

Itachi gives Yuki an appealing look.

Yuki: I can't make it any shorter, my lord.

Itachi sighs and leans back in the carriage.

Itachi: Well, we might as well make the best of it during the journey.

The group continued their slow but steady progress, with Itachi, Yuki, and the envoys engaging in conversations and getting to know each other better during the long journey.

A few hours passed, and the sun started to set.

Yuki searched for a suitable spot to set up camp.

The envoys began preparing their camps before darkness fell.

Yuki retrieved a housing crystal from her bag, using it to create a small one-room hut. It was constructed from black and golden wood with a diamond-adorned door.

Aria looked at the hut in astonishment. 

"I didn't know you had something like this, Yuki," Leesi said.

"I'm always prepared for anything." Yuki replied confidently.

"I can see that." Mary said.

Itachi entered the hut and lay down on the bed. The knights formed a protective perimeter around it. Itachi gazed at the ceiling and let out a sigh.

Feeling restless, he got up and went outside. One of the knights spotted him and asked, "My lord, why are you outside?"

"Where is Yuki?" Itachi asked.

knight: She's over by the fire.

Itachi headed over to the campfire where Yuki and the envoys were chatting. Yuki was surprised and asked why he was there.

"I'm bored." Itachi responded.

Yuki felt as though she had let him down again, but Itachi reassured her that she hadn't.

Mary invited him to join them, addressing him as "Your Majesty."

Itachi agreed, and they all talked around the fire throughout the night and into the early morning hours.

As the sun rise above, they resumed their journey.

Tired from the previous night, Itachi spent the next eight hours sleeping in the carriage.

He eventually woke up, rubbing his eyes and yawning.

"Are we there yet?" Itachi asked.

Yuki replied, "No."