Chapter 2 - Chapter 2

It's been 2 years since i decided that i would be the best bug Pokemon, and being the best meant that i had to study them thoroughly, which like I said there were a lot of books about them, and I only needed to confirm some of them to see if I could get some inspiration

While I was doing tasks around the town to gain more funds when I started my journey, a league affiliate talked to our matron about inviting able kids in the orphanage to battle trainers who will pass through here, but they will be strictly handled and only limiting them to 2 Rank 0 or 1 Rank 1 pokemon

Many of the kids wanted to be a trainer and I was one of them, I mean starting early and having a lot of benefits such as medical check-ups, salary, and the best of all. You can use the poke center freely, as long as you finish your quota

But… of course, there's a but, you and the starter that either you captured or was given to you have to be battle-ready after a week, which is a lot of time to train and bond and get this, you can get privilege if you won the small tournament that will happen after a month

Which I would gladly like to win, and so 20 of us from the orphanage readily accepted, after the long wait of reading the contract and long explanation we signed up and got, 3 Poke balls, 50 pd (Poke Dollars), and a potion, this is a big investment but i think i can understand a little

Why does the league even bother to do this? i already chose what Pokemon I would like and just ended their birth season. So, the bug Pokemon would be numerous at this time of the month, and I even searched where is a good place to see the Dewpider line

Their habitats would look like this the Dewpider line could be seen in sewers, ponds, and lakes, but the highly likely you can see them without too much danger would be the sewers, for the reason that highly territorial Pokemon inhabit those places, don't get me wrong sewers

Are dangerous places as well, because of their narrow and dark environment which have a high risk of being assassinated, BUT the place where I am? Ha, you can see Dewpider roaming in the sewers wandering around for as long as 10 minutes

How did i know? Well, I did my research of course!! And get this Dewpider that has the ability to water bubble has a bigger bubble head than the Dewpider that has the ability of water absorb! So, knowing this, I made my way to the sewer where i saw Dewpider roaming around after the night of rest

Okay, i found one Dewpider but sadly it has the ability of bubble head which is not the goal, although bubble head dewpiders are strong because they enhance their water moves, the main point of getting a water bug in the first place is to eliminate

The weaknesses from fire, ground, and rock types although the flying type is a problem being able to be super effective against those 3 and only half effective against the ground and rock types better, and the fire type, which is the bane of bug type is

Normal effective against it? And add to that, being able to resist water-type moves?? Or even enhance said Dewpider? Sheesh, a resilient Pokemon, isn't it? Anywho, I've been searching for one for an hour and met a lot of Dewpiders passing through

I also somehow got a trace of the Kricketot group, and that was the time i bailed out since i know that a sign of them means a sign of a horde, and having a horde of those on your trail? Not very good! So, i sneaked away from the place and saw Dewpider's again but this time with a hinge of luck, I saw

2 of them one bigger and one smaller, one of them with a group and one of them in a small corner, which i can say is a great situation, i approach the little Dewpider and slowly but surely walk closer, it got alerted but it saw me without any pokemon

And don't see any weapon in my hands, so its guard is a little bit down

"Hello little Dewpider, I was wondering if you would want to be my Pokemon"


"Well, the benefits would be, i take care of you, i help you get stronger, and give you a great environment to be in"

"Deww Piiii Deww"

"Well, i can feed you right now"

Then i slowly got a berry inside my small bag and showed it to him and slowly but surely put it in front of it, the little spider stared at me for 20 seconds and its face suddenly smiled and hoped on my arm and ate the berry

Which i gladly knew that it accepted my offer

"Don't worry Dewpider, you will be one of the strongest Araquanid in the region maybe with a lot of effort we can become one if not the greatest team in the world"


I went back up holding my tiny partner and finally held the Poke ball in front of it which it gladly pressed and got sucked up in the ball


I screamed at the top of my lungs as much as I could, i mean dude, having a pokemon in the real world? And get to bond with it? Whooo wee, bruh the feeling just will make you faint, of course I didn't faint because that would be embarrassing, i released my tiny pokemon and right away introduced it to my matron

She gladly smiled and told me she was proud of me, of course, it didn't affect me… yuhp, of course, it didn't affect me… then i got to the center where the league affiliate was, and told me that i get to keep the poke balls and rewarded me with

100 poke dollars which is a significant amount considering i am an orphan, After that, I bonded with the small Pokemon, then went around the town and finally talked about what i wanted to be and what his position in the team is, which the little one's reaction became a shock to pride , after that long talk, we got to the orphanage and saw

Other kids talking about what they would want to have as a partner and what they could get in the town, and seeing that i was the only one who had a pokemon on the first day drew a lot of envious glances to me, but they also knew how much effort

I put on researching about the pokemon that i would've got, so they didn't have anything against me, so, they asked me what kind of pokemon they could have that was strong and cool or cute, which i told them what they could see 'in' the town that they could safely get

In the north part of the town, which is a place where there are a lot of trees and the place, they can see a lot of pokemon, ranging from flying, bugs, and some normal

They can see, pidgey, Spearow, and pidove for the flying type, Rattata, and lechonk (if they are lucky) for the normal type, and finally, Caterpie, Weedle, venonat, and ledyba for the bug, while in the east or the market, they can see a few skitty, lillipup and snubull for the land

And pidgey, spearow, and rookidee in the air, in the west part, where most of the graveyard is. Is a place of Pokemon that i didn't dare go to, because ghost types are scary and authorities don't advise kids to go alone in that place

Any who the south place where I was, is a place abundant of bug Pokemon and water Pokemon because that's where a water source is close to, and it's really near a lake as well, so you normally see the birds, the rats, and magikarp, goldeen, poliwag, and Chewtle, and lastly the bug pokemon that is in the range inside the town

Are the Dewpider line, Kricketune, and the dangerous individual bug pokemons, heracross and pincir, they are strong bug pokemons and because they are strong, they can fend for themselves so taming one and capturing them is a hurdle that you ever like unless you're really strong

The next day, I woke up early and had breakfast with my little spider, by the way, who knew that this small Pokemon could finish one berry, I thought it could only finish half since it didn't eat the berry I gave it yesterday, so while other kids were discussing what pokemon they want

With the information I gave them, I warned them about certain dangers that would occur if they weren't ready and didn't know what they had to do, but all i got was a glance and a thank you, which of course is kinda disappointing but hey man, i did help them

And they chose to ignore the help i gave them, so it's not my problem if a problem happened, anywho, my little spider is a male and has the ability of water absorb

The little dude demonstrated what it moves and I was not even disappointed, there is the infestation that he demonstrated by using bug energy to surround a dummy and somehow damage it. I don't get how that happened, just Dewpider shaking some kind of powder

And sending it to the target and somehow to damage them, another one is bubble… i mean OBVIOUSLY? The dude literally could create a bubble in its butt and you are expecting me not to believe that could not be a move? The last one took my very attention, I mean its an upgrade of string shot? Just in the form of web, just like electro web but this time with bug energy!

[Guys i have a problem, and i know you guys also has problems, its financial... and i got some know hows that you can get paid if you write good stories. i don't know how they get paid, and i want to know how?? any suggestion would be highly appreciated]