After my battle the trainers of silicobra and luxio came next, the match was a close one! I mean dude who knew a snake could be so agile? And who knew that an electric cat can be so destructive, i mean look at the arena!
It has holes and charred rocks!! The good thing is i don't have to face the cat, although powerful the snake has a type of advantage! It was a big factor in the fight! And now i am about to face a powerful trainee, a person i see a lot of times while doing tasks around the place.
He is also one of the people i know who did his research because i see him a lot of times in the library as well
A person who i came to respect a person who i came to know who also has the same dreams as mine and a person who also started a Pokemon earlier than me…
"Hey Arth, it seems like we are going to have a battle huh"
"Seems so James"
"Still stiff eh"
"Guess so"
"Hehe, my friend i will show you a Pokemon that is both a powerful rival to yours!"
"Come! My Friend and let the lands know your existence!"
"What?! Wooper!!"
"I thought they were hard to tame?"
"Yeah, i mean you don't normally see them."
"And… and the kind of wooper who is poisonous as well"
"Baaah, wooper snooper! They're just weak pokemons, I mean besides being poisonous they're kind are pretty lax!"
"True, but those that aren't… could as well be poisoned where you are standing."
"And couple that with the wild? You might as well see you're self-sinking in a poisonous ground!!"
"That's a hard bargain, James, we both know the advantages and weaknesses of our respective Pokemons, and knowing you, you chose the one with the immunity, isn't it?"
"Of course! Who doesn't want a Pokemon who has immunity to two types?"
"Tsk, come, my partner, enlighten my friend why he should fear us!"
"DEeewwwww PEDERRRR!!!"
"Ill start arth! Woops make the mud fly!!" (Mud Shot)
"Dewpider, webs and a lot of them!" (Sticky Web)
"Haaa! That won't work ARTH!! Woops make it RAIN!" (Rain Dance)
"So you're going to go with a battle of attrition! Two can play at that game! Infestation!"
"Annoying move! Woops more mud!" (Mud shot's)
"Trap him down" (Silk Web)
"Woops slide front and more mud!"
"Shit! Dewpider endure it and when it's close enough bite him!"
"Bad PLAN!! Woops ACID SPRAY!!"
"Noooo!! Dodge as much as you can"
"Hahaaha, Mud shot, and Acid Spray are both good moves against you arth! We've been training this one for a longer time than you can think of"
I knew it! I was going to lose, both of us have chosen a specific pokemon who can heal our pokemon battles and this specific terrain move is a water move which means…
Although my Pokemon has a chance of winning, it is really low, i know he has a secret move that would finish the fight quicker than i can think of… and even if i want to deny it, he has superior resources than me…
I know that he was training that poison wooper for a longer time than i trained Dewpider, stat wise my mon should be able to take down a wooper but experience? Trained wise? And tm wise?
He has every advantage, and right now. I am in a bad spot.
"Tsk, Dewpider sticky web!!!"
"HAHA that won't work you know! Swat those strings and use mud shot!"
"This is hopeless, we will defeat you sometime James"
"Hahah, I'll be waiting."
And thus, i surrendered knowing we were going to lose and have to fight for the 2nd place with some damage intact...