"Arth be careful on your journey okay"
"Yes mom, ill be really careful"
Getting out of the busy city, there i saw the people who helped me and also the people who i helped by doing task around the town, there i saw the kids from the orphanage, the guards that commissioned me about some poke problems, the nurses who asked to get certain wild herbs and vegetables, i saw a certain old grampas and gramma's who were a great person to learn somethings like pokemon spots,
Signs about certain herds of pokemon, wild nests and many more of course with a lot of things that probably just pure exaggeration, and of course in the middle of the crowd is my mom… i know she is not my biological mom but in my heart, she deserves that name
More than some random people who are my blood that just threw me out and didn't even try seeking me out, and with a promise of success, i turned my back and walked away and headed to my first gym
"Okay team first destination is called the Nayubab islands! its a place that is famous for their Pig type pokemons, and apparently, they are also a source of delicious meat that goes around the region! Which by the way famous chefs who specialized in cooking meat mostly came from! So, expect foodgasm if we get there!
although it will be a long journey apparently because we have to pass at least 3 cities and 10 towns and beside that it might take us at least 3 months walking! anyway we are heading north so on wards!"
Knowing where you are going and estimated the journey might have helped but holy creeking litwick! Who knew that earth and poke world is really different! Bruh, pokemons alone already stopped us from getting to my estimated town!
I know i've read that the Rattata and Zigzagoon line pretty much have high birth rate but i didn't freaking knew that id meet at least 100 of them the first week of my journey! And upsetting a group of them could lead you to the first incident of ash with the spearows!
Oh, my freaking gosh was that a mess! I'm really thankful that i trained for a year and my pokemons are bug type! I've always knew that training the essential bug move will help us BUT who knew that it would save our butts!
Holy freak! String shot is the way to get out of a hoard of pokemons! Oh my gosh who knew having a sadistic bug would save you? Arth just yanks a lot of those rodent then slam them to the pursuing hoard! While Durant used metal sound to slow them down
We lost the hoard after getting closer to a beedrill nest which is safer? For us at that moment, although beedrill are far dangerous than those rodents
But knowing some ways to calm them down? Whoo wee, i am so thankful that i read a book called, Weedles and Beedrills! And are honey safe? The first book gave a description about the weedle line and their traits if alone! But if you see a lot of Kakuna on the trees expect
1. a nest of beedrill that might chase you
2. If they have honey, they WILL chase you
3. At least 4 beedrill will patrol around their territory
Knowing those there is a preventive way to not anger them which are
1. Give them fruits (Easiest)
2. Sneak out of their patrol (Hard)
3. Don't poke any trees at all (Nightmare)
You see in this region there is also a pokemon who alone can defeat a lot of the bee pokemon, which balance out the environment since said pokemon also know not to kill all the baby pokemons, even its descendant is also strong to take down a lot of them
Can you guess who? Well, if you don't know then its…. Ursaring and Teddiursa!!! These pokemon tends to wonder around bee pokemons such as Beedrill nest and Vespiquen nest
Which normally can and would happen when there is a lot of bees pokemon! Anyway, i wasn't even planning on fighting the beedrills since me and my partners is literally too tired to even fight! And worst of all we were too far away from the next establishment from here
Did i ever told you guys that i am really thankful we have space bags? If not holy freaking shielt i really am too thankful they have these!! If not… i shudder at the thought of adventuring without this bag!
Having a food that would rot a lot slower, holding a lot of space that could hold clothes, utensils, bags of food and materials!! just purely greatful
Passing a small cave, we decided to settle in for the night
While i was cooking, it was recommended to cook food than cold food if you are a trainer since it helps you more than cold food.
Arth and Durant were finding some few rocks that could help cover the entrance and some sticks and leaves that could help the fire going, while assigning Durant to ready an escape route for us by digging underground
I mean after reading the death rate of the poke world, i taught my pokemon some basic escape routes that we could literally do in a cave area, grass areas and the sea