"Hey, Arth if you help me teach my morpeko's agility, I'll help you find the three pokemon that you want in that bucket list of yours."
"There's one…"
"Wha… SDGDFHEZXFHREGDCVDF, Durant take your booty up and use fury cutter on that Nymble!!"
"Yes, you have to."
Getting my stupid ant to rush up to the nymble, said nymble is too late to react to the incoming force of a metal ant, the nymble tried to use astonish but my relentless metal ant kept on using bite which made said grasshopper scream like it is about to die..
The last struggle of the nymble was fleeting as a butterfly… no butterfree, and so with one of my poke balls at hand, i let the round ball fly to the downed grasshopper.
Nymble (F)
LvL: 10
Abilities: Tinted Lens
Bug type
Moves: Leer(F), Tackle(F), Struggle Bug(E), Astonish(E), Skitter Smack (Sealed)
Sweet a decent move set for a Pokemon and because of that juicy egg move i know this one is going to be smacking good ones trained before that i have to subdue this one and make it known who is the one who is in command.
Most of the time, bugs are dumb unless you make them really understand. I mean, if a hard-core sergeant understood that your orders are absolute, they would literally liter away. It's in their genes to be below the food chain.
I tried experimenting with the few caterpie's that are in the orphanage but sadly they were too hard to train, even with threats! And the only thing i can make them understand is by threatening them with food but with kids around? Haa good luck!
Oh yeah, arche and Durant gain a few levels and few astonishing moves.
Dewpider (M) Arche
LvL: 29
Abilities: Water Absorb
Water type, Bug type
Moves: Infestation(B), Bubble(B), Sticky Web(B), Bug bite (B), Bubble Beam (B+), Silk Trap (B+), Aqua Ring (D), HeadButt (F), Crunch (D), Soak (D)
Fusion Moves (FM):
Sticky Web + Silk Trap = String Terrain (D)
Aqua Ring + Bubble = Healing Bubble (E+)
Surprisingly with a lot of effort and advice he can almost understand where he can gain a lot better on his move set and discover how to improve them, another surprise is that physical training helps A LOT, bruh Arche trained his physique and some of his moves became better.
I guess stamina played a big factor in some moves to improve, then there is Durant
Durant (M)
LvL: 15
Abilities: Swarm
Bug type, Steel type
Moves: Bite(B), Fury Cutter(C-), Agility(B), Guillotine (E), Metal Sound (C), Vise Grip (D), Metal Claw (F), Beat up (F)
Durant is a lot slower on leveling because i wanted him to focus on training both his defense and physical defense although he leans more on speed and metal sound so i compromised with dividing the training which he agreed quickly