"You know guys, you could've caught one of those geodude"
"…Yeah, i thought so too, i mean Herbert could've used some fighting power"
"I mean Arth was the one who defeated them"
"Then just defeat them after you heal one of them"
"Now that i think about it, i saw one of them use dynamic punch"
"Wow really? That one should at least surpass advanced rank, right?"
"Jacob is right one of them used a dynamic punch and that's not all that geodude was about to rank up to intermediate rank"
"Dang, that's a loss huh"
"So we are still going to train?"
"Yuhp, Arth probably isn't even tired"
"You know Herbert i think you should be the one who trains hard right about now"
"And why is that?"
"Cuz, most of the Pokemon on your list are food Pokemon"
"Yeah, i also don't get why he needs to train hard"
"Huh, you two are an idiot, i mean 'Food Pokemon' Are FOOD Pokemon"
I emphasized the word food for the good measure of their notably small brain
"…So? Herbert's list of Pokemon could also fight you know"
"No… no i get why Arth said i needed to get stronger"
"Why? Their still Pokemon"
"Because in the Pokemon kingdom system, they are prey"
"And most of the Pokemon in this part of the region are territorial AND are predators"
"Hmm, what do you mean part of 'this ' region"
"Well, if we want to send the mail we have to pass a place generally called Mount Terraces which is teeming with Rock/Ground/Fighting/ Grass type pokemon, and most of those types of pokemon need a nutrient called iron"
"And because my Pokemon is made of Rock Salt they will try to hunt me and Naclstack"
"Dude, Naclstack is an intermediate-rank Pokemon, your pokemon can blast a few novice Pokemon"
"But the thing is Jacob, the fighting power of 'his' Naclstack is close to novice Pokemon, if his Nackstack didn't evolve then he is screwed by beginner rank pokemon"
Silenced prevailed in the camp because of that small revelation which made Herbert regret not getting an egg move Pokemon and he wasn't strong enough to defend himself with novice pokemon
"Of course, you can still train you know, we will probably be at the mountain terraces by 5 days after"
"Hey, arth can you give me suggestions on how i can make my Pokemon get stronger, i mean my morpeko's and pawmi got stronger because of your suggestion"
"Sure, i mean i can give you a few suggestions, how bout you, Herbert?"
"Yeah, i would like to have your suggestion as well"
I made suggestions on how the morpeko can try to learn rage which in my defense is innate to them, i mean they have hANGRY mode so it doesn't make sense they can't learn rage
Then i suggested to Jacob to teach his pawmi to dig… yes, i saw how pawmi could've trapped the golem with dig when the golem used bulldoze which could've bought enough time to damage the golem further
In Herbert's case, i asked what kind of Pokemon he and Naclstack wanted to be, which both answered strongly with a lot of defenses and could cause massive damage
This in my opinion strongly suited the rock and steel type, and got to the conclusion that Naclstack needed to be bulkier but also has an AOE move since it will be harder for him to hit agile opponents AOE moves will cover that sort of problem for land-based pokemon
He can also try to make his proficiency in Rock Throw/ Mud shot to C/B rank because in that rank he can hit most agile Pokemon, again he can try but that will take a lot of time
So, in the end, Herbert agreed to make Naclstack bulkier and try to learn Earth Quake if not possible Stealth rock, and rank up his Rock slide, while my team focused on improving their physical body, stamina, and strength
Of course, i didn't forget to train their moves since they were important as well. move rank not only helps Pokemon train their proficiency, but move rank helps lessen the input energy to the output move which in these cases, they fight longer but also hit harder
Some moves are harder to rank up such as the healing moves for the same reason that you need to constantly learn the biology of different Pokemon and humans, and you also must constantly use said healing moves…
That's why Pokemon centers are the go-to when you need check-ups for Pokemon and human healing, so a question pops up, how come wild healing Pokemon just heal random Pokemon without any of the knowledge that the centers have
Based on the books and research that I've read, wild-healing Pokemon tend to have some sort of innate knowledge of how to heal MOST pokemon in their area
When i said MOST pokemon in their area, it is because for some strange reason when a healing Pokemon tries to heal a for example a Pokemon that came from the Johto region such as Totodile, they tend to try healing only their surface problem and not the internal ones
I don't know why but that's all i can get from the ones that i've read, so back to the training
I wanted my Dewpider to focus on training his existing moves first before trying to learn new ones since the only ones that he didn't learn that took my eyes are Lunge (Easy to learn), Leech Life (Hard to learn but will try when we could), Mirror Coat (Psychic energy not enough)
Although learning entrainment would help Arche, this is still my first badge and we have a lot of time so proficiency is still his focus
Durant in another case is focused on learning as much as he can since moves such as Dig, Bug Bite, Iron Defense, and Sand attack are relatively easy to learn… it's in their name so Durant only needed to manipulate the energy outside and inside his body
I didn't bother making him learn moves such as fury cutter and iron head which in the future i would painfully regret
Nymble on the other hand is learning or training to be 'Nimble' while still hitting hard, so he is in the middle of learning agility while ranking up her skitter smack, i also want her to learn to endure but we are in the middle of pokemon territories so i don't want her to be too beat up
But that doesn't mean she doesn't get hit by random attacks coming from her teammates and me, i mean, her future evolution looks like a ninja so being hit by any random attack is a big no-no
My newly acquired sizzlipede is another matter of training, she is a maniac at torturing Pokemon which in this part of the case is not inherited by me, i mean yes Dewpider tends to torture his prey but that is a rare case (all so i thought)
Because of her attitude i accepted that part and made her a torture master, i mean she has an ability called the flame body, so any Pokemon that gets too close to her has a chance of being in a burned state…
And a move that is specifically torture, to begin with, will be a far more dangerous torture for her opponents… Wrap and Coil, these specific moves if by a huge chance to be successfully executed will be the torture of any small or large Pokemon
Imagine a Pokemon such as kangaskhan gets wrapped by sizzlipede with the flame body then said sizzlipede uses coil while wrapped at the neck of kangaskhan… dang such a scary thought but dangerously funny to see
If by some chance sizzlipede gets to get longer both of those moves will be far more dangerous and as she evolves to centiskorch even large Pokemon such as Ursaring, Mamoswine, Skarmory, Slaking, Exploud, Hariyama, Aggron, Flygon, Rampardos… etc…
will be her prey, of course, she must get close first which is why I'm trying to make her move faster by coordinating her feet. That is another reason I want her to try and learn agility but sadly no trainers or researchers have determined if the sizzlipede line can learn the move agility and dig
…of course, I'm stubborn so, I made her learn from the others and only allotted time for her to learn any of the two moves was an hour, the rest of the time was spent on making her fire stronger
I mean she is a fire type after all… i want sizzlipede to control her innate fire and maybe and just maybe she can exert enough fire and speed to learn flame charge
Anyway, while all the Pokemon train, the trainers train their physique, and when it is break time, we strategized all possibilities that 'might' happen
Call it my anxiety but Ash's journey full of trouble is not an experience that i would want to have right about now, i mean he met troubles left and right and i am asking if he was even alive when his soul was pulled away from his body!
… scary and creepy! Anyway, as we moved forward the Mountain Terraces gazes its face upon us
"Wow, this is amazing!!
//Bonus chap for the comments//