Chereads / Dealer's choice / Chapter 14 - CH 14 - Rescue mission

Chapter 14 - CH 14 - Rescue mission

"Makes sense, also now I understand why you get so many chests, your trait is always giving you best possible reward." Karla spoke.

"Isn't that normal?"

"No, it is not!" She chuckled.

"Well then, I am lucky. Not only I have my beautiful perfect petite berserker I also have very good trait. Lucky me!"

We both giggled a little. "How many treasure chests you have?"

"Two more blue and one yellow."

"We should gear up before we go to pick them up. You don't even have armor, just a rapier."

"When we are on the topic, how do you do that that your armor appears and disappears on you on will." I asked

"You have two sets of gear there, just stuff your casual clothing in one and armor in the other. You can specify slots that are shared for me it's weapon and neck slot."

"Cool never noticed that."

"You didn't have to, that armor is not very comfy, so i tried to find a way around it. This way I can swap it out with a single thought. And you can also set the slots to be always what you actually put on as clothes. So, one of my sets is axe neck and whatever clothes I decide to put on and second is my armor, axe and neck. But now I think about it I have no inventory so where the fuck is the armor stored?"

"We have system, ghouls, zombies and similar creatures are roaming the earth and you are surprised by the fact that your armor can pop out from who knows where?" I asked.

"Point taken. Now let's gear you up. Check the yellow box."

I nodded and grabbed the small wooden box with a yellow ribbon on it from my pack. It looked like small wooden jewelry box, what is weird when I think about the fact that I pulled greataxe from something of this size.

"Let's have a look." I spoke and tried to open the small box.

I heard the usual notification and then the list of options appeared.

"I found something perfect for us." After a moment of piercing yellow light small chest disappeared and I was holding two platinum rings.

"Here have this one, I will have this one."

"What those rings do?"

"The one I am giving you will give you +10 strength and constitution and also will let you see my status and feel my position anywhere. Mine gives +10 agility and magic and does the same."

She giggled. "Wasn't the one you are giving me meant for a man?"

"Well, they look the same, they will scale in size. Just effects are different. And you can use strength and constitution more than me and I can use the other two stats better than you. But yes, it's funny. Fencing and magic don't use strength so trying to get higher strength than you because I am man sounds foolish, doesn't it?"

"Honestly, I am kind of scarred that I am going to look like body builder woman. I like the look you are giving to my body now; I don't want that look to change."

"Don't worry. You should read the descriptions to your stats. How you look now is the extend of changes you will go through, rest of it will be just empowering your muscles by the mana thing.  Look at my body I also don't look like lean tendinous guy despite the fact I only have 10 strength and high agility and magic. And this is how I am going to look even if I reach agility 1000. With the stats we are just choosing what part of our body will be nourished by mana."

"In that case, it's all good. I want you to always have that hungry look when you see me naked. You look like wolf that is about to gobble up a sheep. I like it."

I chuckled. "There is one little issue with the rings. You have to drop a little blood on your and me on mine. They will than bound to us and will only work for two of us."

"And what is the issue? That sounds good to me." She smiled.

"I just wanted you to know that."

We both pricked one of our fingers and bound the ring. After that we wore them. I decided to check if I can see her status and indeed I got new tab in my system that displayed her full status, and when I closed my eyes I can feel her location next to me.

"Can you see my status? Can you feel my location when you close your eyes?" I spoke.

"Yeap. Both work perfectly fine." She spoke.

"Perfect.We can play with status and skills once we are done with rescue mission."

She smiled and nodded. " Sure we can save that for after the mission I have a feeling we are going to have much more to play with then."

"Now let's check what we can get from the two blue boxes. From what I saw the yellow one had stronger stuff that the blue one."

"Why didn't you choose weapon or armor for yourself? "

"I wanted something for us both ideally. And I found the rings. They were too perfect to not take."

She chuckled. "I won't argue with that."

I opened one of the two blue chests and looked for a light armor for me. I found one that was perfect. It had ok-ish protection for light armor but it gave +5 to all three agility, magic and constitution.

I equipped it a to the battle gear equipment slots, you just had to think that you want it there and it just vanished from my hands and appeared there.

Then I thought about swapping to battle gear and it appeared on me. It was very light weight easy to move in black leather armor.

"OK that would do it for armor. Rest of the stuff there is not really needed for us unless you want some accessory that adds 5 strength or constitution. Outside of that we are done with blue chests."

"It sounds cute getting a bit of stats. But I think it would be better used by somebody who needs basic gear."

"Exactly my thoughts, I was thinking of saving it for your sister. Or just somebody that is going to journey with us, if there is going to be somebody."

"We will see. Anyway. It is going to be sunset in about an hour what do you say we have something to eat and then you can munch on me before we go?"Karla spoke

"How did you know that I was thinking about munching on you?" I asked surprised.

"Your eyes had betrayed you. You are practically eating me with your eyes."

And so, we did that, we ate and then we had one more quickie for the road.

After that we prepared for the rescue mission and went out of the room. As we reached the exit few teachers were standing there as guards and surprisingly Brook was there.

"Brook what are you doing here?"

"Can I go with you? I am decent at archery and I even got archery related skill magic arrow. It lets me create arrows from mana. So, I can help you. I want to help safe my friend."

I looked at Karla. And asked. "What do you think?"

She answered. "Extra hands could come handy but please give her proper bow."

I turned to Brook. "Fine. Come with us."

So, all 3 of us embarked on the rescue mission. On the way I got decent bow for Brook and we met several groups of ghouls and zombies. They were dispatched without any issues.

Brook was just level 3, she was afraid to fight. She only asked to go with us because she wanted to help her friend out of captivity. But she was pretty handy with the bow. She was one-shotting zombies and ghouls like it was nothing and was leveling pretty fast. When we got close to the stadium, she was already level 8.

That was when the stadium came to sight. We could see three musclebound huge green man with great-axes and great-swords standing guard in front of entrance.