'The war with the Echelons nearly wiped out our population. That's why I'm stuck going to this academy. Its a military school designed to make the strong and talented stronger and the weak further into their desperation. Two long years they're making us grind through before we can even think about choosing a career in the military or bailing out.'
'The ones that made it through the war well, they ain't exactly living the high life. We're just surviving, scraping by in this new world.
That is ofcourse all apart from the 'heroes' who helped us in our time of need. The originals. The people who appeared in humanities darkest hour against a losing war with the Echelons.
A look of confliction and anger spread across Adrian's face. "They're the ones who showed up in the nick of time. Without them, humanity would've been toast, or at least forced to hide underground like rats.
Their the ones who made us the skill books and ability books. Provided to the masses—or, well, the military—to help us put up a half-decent fight. Sure, there's peace now, but anyone with a brain knows it's as fragile as glass.'
Following Sergeant Simeon to a military bus, boarding and choosing an empty pair of seats near the back. Adrian sat, lost in thought.
'I bet this place is gonna be just as ba- no, worse than school. Military schools have a lot of competition to go around, so between the arrogant assholes and those with power to back it up there ain't no getting out of a good beating if your level is 1 like me. Fuck this is gonna suck. Having Essentech as your last name won't help in the slightest either. Honestly I'm starting to think its more of a liability than a blessing.'
The bus turned a corner, making a hard right around a bend overlooking a cliff, jolting him out of his stupor.
The engine's steady hum reverberated through the bus, the scent of synthetic upholstery mingling with teenage body odour spread to Adrian's nostrils. The rhythmic thud of his heartbeat echoed in his chest. His gaze drifted out of the window, watching the scenery blur by.
As the miles rolled on, the atmosphere grew tense. Whispers flitted through the air, a mixture of anxiety and anticipation. The students' faces bore a spectrum of emotions, ranging from nervous excitement to quiet desperation.
"Man, can you believe we're really going to Westcovern? It's like stepping into the big leagues! They have teleporters there to planets that only the military has access too!"
"I heard the training's intense, but the opportunities are endless. I heard rumours a few days before the end of school that there's an expedition at Westcovern that everyone gets the opportunity to go on! I'm ready to give it my all!"
'Yeah no shit sherlock its a military school, training is more than intense, its break bones or go home.' Adrian thought to himself, amused by the vague idea of their destination they had.
'Iv already done my homework on the subject, Westcovern academy is essentially 3rd in the rankings for military schools. That is of course in terms of results and soldier production. In addition to that they have insane budgets thanks to the government funnelling its taxes into the military like a fucking black hole.'
Adrian's thoughts were a mess, but soon there was something to take his mind off the subject.
Gradually, a peculiar scent wafted through the air. It was foreign and acrid, causing a collective stirring among the passengers. Unease settled into the pit of Adrian's stomach. He glanced around, noting the drowsy expressions of those around him.
His eyes grew heavy, the once vibrant interior of the bus blurring into a hazy tableau. He fought to keep them open, resisting the pull of unconsciousness. A message materialized in his mind.
[Non-lethal threat detected.]
[Threat state: Gas, low potency.]
[Resistance increased +1]
[Resistance increased +1]
Sergeant Simeon, who was checking each row of students one by one glanced over in Adrian's direction, clocking that he was still awake. A brief moment of surprise flashed across the sergeant's face.
"Seems your tougher than you look Recruit, but unfortunately your not meant to pass this test."
He felt a tightening around the back of his neck and in an instant, darkness claimed Adrian's senses.
When Adrian regained consciousness, he was met with a sharp splash of cold water against his skin. He jolted upright, disoriented and soaked. His surroundings had changed. He now stood among a sea of students, all clad in identical black slim-fit military jumpsuits.
Before them stood what looked to be a female instructor, Adrian began to focus in on her and noted down her appearance as he noticed them.
A figure with perfect proportions, her chest modestly covered by a jumpsuit more kitted out than anyone else's, she had a belt with multiple pouches strapped to her waist and an iPad of some sort in her left palm. Her red hair came down to her lower back giving her a youthful visage. However, her eyes held a penetrating gaze, assessing each student with a keen look. For a few seconds some were forced by a simple gaze at her eyes to contemplate their deepest insecurities. Some girls looked away when their eyes locked, and the boys began to sweat a little. Adrian was willing to bet that the only thing saving their asses from a beating right now was the large number of people around.
Even Adrian had to admit. She was quite stunning to look at. Luckily he was blessed with more self control than some of his classmates.
Just then, the instructor picked up a large bag at her side and began handing something out to each of the students. Each student was handed a watch, its sleek black design and clear screen was a telling factor of the price tag.
Once Adrian was handed a watch and fitted it on his left arm the instructor's voice resonated, cutting through the air with crisp clarity.
"Listen up, recruits. I am Instructor Lyra and right now you're standing on the grounds of Westcovern Academy. This is where you'll be honing your skills, pushing your limits, and transforming into the elite soldiers the human race needs for the future of our kind."
Her gaze swept over the sea of worried faces, each one brimming with a mixture of anticipation and uncertainty.
"I want each of you to take a look at your wrist. What you're wearing is more than just a watch; it's a crucial tool in your training. It holds digital storage for credits, a form of currency your most likely familiar with. Credits are used everywhere here and can be earned through exchanging contribution points and rewarded by handing in feat badges. Both of which are awarded to you by your instructors."
She held up her own wrist, displaying a sleek, high-tech device. Adrian along with many others noticed that it displayed the number "7.4" on the front, signifying that her ability had a power level of 7.4.
"Hey, did you see Instructor Lyra's watch? It says 7.4 that's insane!
"Yeah she must be one heck of a powerhouse."
"I can't even imagine what her ability must be. She's got to be a total badass."
"Well, I guess that's why she's in charge. We're in for some intense training, that's for sure.
The students exchanged excited whispers about Instructor Lyra's impressive power level, their awe evident in their hushed tones.
"Am I interrupting your conversation girls?" Suddenly as if by the will of god himself, Lyra rose from the backs of the two girls. Their faces ghostly pale as if stricken by a Ghost.
They were too tongue tied to even apologise for their interruption. Adrian shared a chuckle at their expense.
"As I was saying." Instructor Lyra continued, the slightest smile vanishing from her face just as quick as it had appeared. Notably she appeared back to her original position standing before the large group of recruits as if she had never left.
"This watch is your lifeline. It holds vital information, including your current ability level and other functions that will aid you in your training. Like the credits I mentioned and also the ability to 'Trade' credits to one another."
The recruits glanced at their own watches, feeling the threatening implications this could possibly mean. Many held their breath for what their instructor was about to say next, hoping she would mention a safeguard or...something?
"The ability level system ranges from 1 to 8, with increments such as 1.1, 1.2, and so forth. It measures your proficiency in utilizing your abilities. The number displayed doesn't, despite what you've been told, represent strength. It represents the energy in your body that allows you to utilise your abilities. When you use a skill of your ability you use up these energy units, and once your drained using it will be impossible, despite your will and determination, if you hit 0 you are not using your ability until it regenerates. There is no way to tell if you've hit rock bottom of your energy reserves until it happens so be tactful and find out your limits before you enter any fights. Am I clear?"
"Sir, Yes Sir!" The recruits responded clumsily, earning them nothing but a discerning gaze from the instructor.
"Your goal is to increase the amount of energy units in you body. Unfortunately the method to do that depends on your ability. Ability books teach you how to use the ability they hold within their pages and teach you how to make it stronger, what it means when it says stronger is how to increase the energy units in your body. Essentially making you capable of using it to greater lengths, larger time periods and more potent attacks and skills."
"In the second year we cover fighting techniques, mock battles and daily spars to make you proficient at using your abilities in mortal combat. Until then work hard, focus on learning from your ability books and obtaining credits to trade for skill books for your abilities."
"Your next focus will be classes, once you choose there is but one opportunity to change classes and it doesn't appear for at leased 4 months from now. Meaning if you do change when the time comes, you will be at a considerable disadvantage having to start from scratch. I presume it goes without saying that you must choose wisely."
Her words carried a weight of expectation, emphasizing the importance of growth and progression. Many had shivers running down their spine already, mainly the low-levels. Adrian was deep in thought of all she had mentioned, but put his thoughts on hold when he heard the talkative instructor speak again.
"Additionally, this watch features an emergency beacon. When activated, it sends a distress signal to our instructors, allowing us to locate and assist you in the field, especially during off-world expeditions."
She paused, her expression momentarily clouded with a hint of uncertainty.
"However, this function is disabled within the academy grounds and on red planets. It's a measure put in place..." Her voice suddenly trailed off, as if lost with the wind.
A subtle tension hung in the air, a silent acknowledgment that she had fumbled spread in silence.
"Remember, recruits, your watch is a tool, but it's your determination and dedication that will propel you forward. Now, let's get started. The Echelons wait for no one."
"When I call your name you are to step up, state your ability and head over there" She gestured to a shooting range with a red line painted on the grass, signifying the cut off line. And a punching bag with a digital screen above it just to the left of the shooting range was also present.
Already, a few embarrassed but brave hands rose to the top of bobbling heads but Instructor Lyra had already anticipated this.
"If you have no ability, you will be given an ability book to study in your own time and you will take this test again next week on Monday. Am I clear."
It was more of a statement than a question and so everyone, Adrian included yelled in utter disarray and disharmony. "Sir! Yes Sir!"
"Pathetic..." She murmured before calling the first name up.
"Ryan Steelgrave!"
From out the corner of Adrian's eye he could see a man of maybe 5ft 11 nonchalantly making his way over to the instructor. Arrogance shimmering in his eyes like moonshine. No wonder he was caught in his peripheral vision.
"Ryan Steelgrave, Sir! Ability, Mercury Manipulation Sir!"
A round of Ohs and Ahs sounded through the teenage crowd garnering Ryan a hefty amount of 'ego energy'. Adrian could practically sense it, this guy totally got off on praise, he had no doubt he was a bully and a jerk in his previous school.
"Go to the targets to your left, hit each target. Once thats done I want you to attack the punching bag in one hit with as much strength as you can muster, any means of doing these tasks is acceptable. Do you think you can do that recruit?"
As soon as the order was out he was running. He opened up his palm towards the general direction of the targets and summoned...something from his palm. A silver liquid emerged from his palm and quickly it formed ten separate floating arrows, these arrows were sent at the same time. Hitting every target at once, including the punching bag which had surprisingly not been pierced by the arrow. Suddenly a notification on Instructor Lyras iPad lit up and the same went for Ryan and the digital screen above the punching bag.
"4.5." Lyra announced.
He rushed back to the group only to be turned away in the direction of the academy doors. "Wait by the doors over there, the rest of your group will join you one by one."
"Next Recruit! Sebastian Lockheed!"
This time a rather large and imposing fellow stepped out from the crowd.