Chereads / Soul Chronicles: Road to Lysandria / Chapter 4 - Chapter 4: Turn of Events

Chapter 4 - Chapter 4: Turn of Events

"Sebastian Lockheed!" Instructor Lyra called.

A hulking figure moved forward with a confidence that belied his size. He stood at an impressive 6 feet 4 inches, his frame thick with muscle. His black hair was cropped short, and his eyes held a steely determination.

"Sebastian Lockheed, hailing from Greystone City. My ability is Earth Manipulation, Ma'am."

Instructor Lyra nodded, acknowledging the introduction. "Very well, Sebastian. Proceed to the targets and demonstrate your ability."

Sebastian strode over to the designated area, his steps heavy but precise. He raised his hand, palm open, and with a focused expression, he summoned the earth. From the ground, a liquid pool of earth began to circulate around his hand, floating and changing direction.

The onlookers watched in indifference. After all the earth ability was the most basic and common ability out there, over half the military had it as their ability.

He sent the liquid hurtling towards the middle target, as it was about halfway to the target it split into ten, each strike hitting with unerring accuracy. Then, with a final surge of power, he shaped a large amount of liquid rock into a javelin, gripped it strong and launched it at the punching bag. The impact reverberated through the air, leaving no doubt of his strength.

"Incredible," Adrian whispered to himself, genuine admiration in his voice. Sebastian's mastery over his ability was evident, and the display left an impression on everyone present.

Instructor Lyra's tablet lit up once again, displaying a number that seemed to satisfy her.

"Sebastian Lockheed, 5.8. Well done. Please go and stand with Ryan by the academy door."

Sebastian nodded, a satisfied smile gracing his lips. He made his way over to the academy door, a palpable sense of accomplishment emanating from him.

Ryan who had seen the impressive display from the academy doors had a look of pure disdain on his face, he had been showed up!

"Next! S- uh.. Scarlett Sinclair?" Lyra once again read out the recruits name after there was no movement in the crowd.

"I said! Scarlett Sinclair! Next Recruit!" She commanded with an air of authority.

Amidst the rookies a figure was making their way to the spotlight, the low levels not making much fuss, but the high levels Adrian observed seemed tense. They were moving out of the way for her..

Amidst the crowd of recruits a red haired girl stepped out from the crowd and walked towards the inspector. 

"What took you so long recruit! Proceed!" Lyra looked positively seething at this girl but Adrian knew by both their indifferent expressions that nothing would come of it.

"Scarlett Sinclair of Wokenhaven, Phenrix Ability." It seemed to Adrian that this girl either had a Deathwish, making a lie about something so important or she was like him. And judging by her reply which held no respect towards the Instructor it was probably the latter.

And just like that the entire crowd had made their first step towards teamwork, a loud and harmonious gasp escaped into the atmosphere.

"Recruit, are you an Original?" Instructor Lyra said, a little awe struck herself. Adrian was positively stunned, the inspector didn't know we had an original among us? 

"No, im not. I was given an ability book with the Phenrix Ability sealed inside, my father saved one of their daughters when he was just a boy. This was their way of repaying hi-

"Where is the ability book recruit!" Instructor Lyra had hesitated at first but now she understood the circumstances she knew what she had to do.


"I assure you, it would be in your best interest to hand it over Recruit." Instructor Lyra said, her voice containing something akin to a threat woven between the lines of her sentence.

Adrian had a feeling something like this would happen, it was the reason he hadn't mentioned anything about his Ability book today which seemed to appear and disappear at its own volition. If he were to be questioned like Scarlett he wouldn't have the ability book to hand over and they would assume he was unwilling to reveal its location. Though that wouldn't be true in that situation he wouldn't be able to prove his innocence in the matter. Know one had ever heard of an ability book that vanishes upon contact with the users blood. Adrian felt a well of sympathy for the girl in front of him. Unlike him she most likely did know where her ability book was, and if she decided to withhold that information the military- Well..lets just say it wouldn't be in her best interest.

"I gave the ability book to my father before coming here, who is currently staying with the Phenrix Original Family in Sandisle Valley. You nor the military will have the ability, and due to having it for the past few years I know all I need to progress for the next two years. Don't go there, Lyra."

Adrian thought that this Sinclair girl was positively psycho at this point, the amount of attitude in her voice was enough to shake the foundations of the entire academy board let alone the instructor she had basically just verbally admonished in front of at leased 40 other students. Adrian turned to see their gazes and it was worse than he thought, they were all glaring daggers at Scarlett. Even Ryan over by the academy door seemed to be seething with rage.

His gaze fell on Sebastian who seemed to be looking dead straight at- "At me!?" The words fell out clumsily and he awkwardly took a step back, unable to unlock his gaze from Sebastian's. 

Instructor Lyra seemed to have come out of her stupor and began tapping away on her iPad, not 20 seconds later a small group of 3 instructors walked out from the academy doors and hurried into the grassy plains where the 'induction' was supposed to be commencing.

"Lyra what's the problem." The bronze coloured woman with wide volumes of black and bronze curly hair asked sincerely towards her colleague. 

"The Phenrix Family has given an outsider an Ability Book. She doesn't have it on her, its held with her father with the Phenrix right now. Also, this one has an attitude." She glanced at Scarlett who had gone a bright colour of red out of...well, Adrian could only speculate but he supposed it was probably a mix of both rage and embarrassment. 

"I see, if the Phenrix are involved this may be a little tricky to deal with immediately, keep her here for now, we will sort out the communication with her father and the Phenrix Family now while you...straighten her out." The afro lady seemed to have a sinister but equally joyous smirk painted on her face ever so slightly. 

Scarlett was told to do the test while she continued with the next recruit, the grading was automatic so she didn't need to be on her iPad to check her results. Adrian sensed this apathetic action was Instructor Lyras way of singling her out or rather...Straightening her out. The two other instructors left along with the Bronze coloured woman, noticeably the only woman of colour Adrian had seen so far while at the academy. Sebastian being the only man of colour too made Adrian speculate for a while but very soon he was snapped out of his thinking process.

"Adrian Essentech!"

Adrian's heart raced as he stepped forward. He hadn't anticipated the rush of nerves that washed over him. It was his turn to demonstrate, to reveal his ability—or rather, the lack thereof.

"Adrian," Instructor Lyra repeated, her gaze focused on him.

"Uh, yes, ma'am, Original," he stammered, his voice betraying a touch of anxiety.

Instructor Lyra raised an eyebrow, but made no comment.

"Very good, Adrian. Your ability?"

He hesitated for a moment. This was the moment he had been dreading. He couldn't reveal the truth, not here. Not now.

"I... I don't have an ability, ma'am," he admitted, his voice tinged with embarrassment.

A ripple of surprised murmurs passed through the crowd. It seemed that the majority had actually expected him to at leased have an ability. Not for his physique, but his eyes and hair. Having white hair and purple eyes made his presence stand out, most thought he was like a fever dream. A figment of their imagination. So hearing that this character had no ability was utterly shocking. Not to mention his last name was that of an original family, having no ability as an original had to be the worst thing in the world, you had no excuse, your family are born with abilities, not having to spend ridiculous sums of money to buy the ability and skill books required for you to move up in the world. Having no ability was incredible, Even Sebastian had to admit he was even a little impressed at how bad this kid had it.

Adrian felt a weight settle in his chest, a sense of being out of place.

Instructor Lyra's expression remained unreadable. "I see. In that case, take this Earth Manipulation ability book. You'll be expected to study it and demonstrate your proficiency in one week's time."

She handed him a small, leather-bound book, its pages new and untarnished. Adrian was half tempted to accepted it with a nod, grateful for the reprieve. But his tome told him otherwise, right next to the book she had presented, his tome, invisible to the eyes of others was floating around it, almost- Studying it? Soon he got the notification that would put his curiosity to rest.

"Compatibility: Too Low in relation to the Tome Holders [Energy Unit Type]."

"Addition to [Tome Collection] Rejected."

Alexes face contorted. It seemed he wouldn't be able to learn anything from the Earth Ability. This presented a- delicate matter.

"S- sorry, Instructor Lyra, but I would prefer to remain ability less until I find the ability I am looking for. Until the second year I can manage with the Beast Weapon Class."

Once again gasps and shock patterned the crowd. Only this time there were no exceptions, Ryan had his mouth to the ground in shock, Instructor Lyra had a mix of shock and curiosity playing on her face while Scarlett and Sebastian couldn't help but breathe the loudest and most obnoxious laughs Adrian believed he had ever heard in his entire life.

"V-very well recruit, join the others who are waiting by the doors after your test. Unfortunately since you didn't accept the ability book and have no ability you will need to take the test. Please make your way to the range and strength counter now."

Adrian made his way to the designated area, the weight in his chest now a mix of apprehension and dread. He couldn't afford to fall behind. He needed to prove himself in this new environment.

As Adrian had no ability he could use in this situation. He had no choice but to hit each target with the rocks that had been scattered on the ground near the throwing line on the ground.

Picking up the first rock, he lobbed it at the first target, hitting it just an inch from the bullseye, luck would have it that his accuracy was more taken care of than he was it seemed. He continued to lob stones at each target until he had hit all of them. Making his way over to the strength counter he prepared his fist, taking a deep inhale before exhaling and throwing his fist with every ounce of strength he had in him.





The counter finally stopped at 10, making Adrian's heart race as he steered round to take a look at the students expressions. Judging by their shocked expressions it seems 10 was good?


Adrian stole a glance at his watch which had suddenly come to life. The digital display read: Power Level: 1

Adrian reprieved a large sigh and turned to Instructor Lyra, who had stopped the recruit she had called up mid sentence and was glaring daggers at her iPad.

"Adrian Essentech! What is the meaning of this?" She said, yelling his name before carrying on her inquisition in such a pacified voice it sent shivers down Adrian's spine.

"1- I'm afraid i don't know ma'am. I hit it as hard as I could..." His voice began trailing off, comparatively he felt insignificant right now in relation to everyone. Seeing the bar hit 10 but only level 1 showing up didn't make much sense, someone without an ability to grow and cultivate rarely had a strength level above 7 let alone 10. While 10 was the strongest a human being could get before breaking into the 'Superhuman' category it was surprising to see such a skinny and tall boy with no muscle hit the 10 mark, signalling he was in peak human form. Something wasn't adding up and neither Adrian nor Instructor Lyra had any clue why. 

After a few long moments of silence Instructor Lyra had sighed and sent him over to the Academy Doors.

As he made his way over to the other recruits, he stole a glance at Sebastian who still had his eyes glued to him like a hawk! A shiver ran down Adrian's spine and it visibly showed. Adrian fumbled while locking gazes with Sebastian. Embarrassment surged its way up Adrian's face, he almost couldn't bring himself to look up at the boys eyes now. This was bad, he knew nothing of how to act in this situation! 

As he went over, Adrian had lent up against the wall next to Sebastian, his heart pounding fiercely.