Chapter 6 - meeting again

After su xing done eating dinner his was wondering around his house to digest his food.

Then he suddenly thought of unknown mansion how was the boy boing was he still in the mansion or somewhere else .

Form the boys clothes he could have been a servent child but still boys clothes was old and too big for him didn't seem to be his size .

But how can any parents allow there children wear such clothes if they have some kind of job.

Even the poorest people would not allow it. Only orphan children will wear this kind of clothes.

Was he a street orphan some how enter the mansion. Su xing look at the time in his phone it was 7:30 pm .

Maybe he should check out the mansion again Maybe he will found his answer there. Su xing enter unknown mansion from his storeroom.

Su xing look around Hallway today some lights are on in the hallway but none of the rooms lights are on in the first floor. Su xing decided to go to the second floor to take a look .

when su xing go there he find out second floor also has some light are on after some look around he finds the study room light are on .

Su xing enter study room found the boy siting there in a chair front of the study table writing something in his notebook .

When su xing was stare at the boy.

The boy suddenly turn his head around look his way after starting his direction for sometime he turn his head back and start looking at his notebook again.

Ye jinzhi suddenly felt someone stare at him when he turned his head around to see where he felt the stare but no was there. But he can still feel the stare.

Ye jinzhi thought his intuition is often correct about such thing his intuition allways help him to avoid trouble .

why this time it's wrong Ye jinzhi thought maybe he is too anxious about leng mingshi and friend finding trouble .

Maybe he just being peranorad for no reason he should focus in his homework.

Su xing was thinking his reasoning about his invisiblt seem to be correct the boy can't see him.

But the boy seem to feel his presence.the boy intuition is Quite scary. Su xing consider he should take a look in the boy notebook maybe by this su xing can understand where is the place or is it the same world or not .

He can get his question answers here but Su xing thought this kind of peeking behaviour is wrong he should not intrude privacy still he needs the answers of his question.

On the other hand he did save the boy's life this much should not be consider too bad not like he is reading the boy's secret diary or something.

Su xing quitely got near the boy to look into the boy's notebook. What he saw in the notebook seems like junior School homework the date seem like today's .

Su xing don't know much about the curriculum room of junior school but he can allway check on the internet so there's no worries.

After Su xing finish check curriculum of this year junior School he finds out this year curriculum quite match with the bay 's homework.

After Su xing mulling over all circumstances he consider he and the boy might be from the same world.

When su xing was middle of his thought he heard a low grow su xing look around everywhere but can't find source he hard the sound again it comeing form the boy.

Su xing thinks about it sounds like stomach growling form hunger .

The boy did not have much of a reation form hunger and start writing again. Seem like he used to being hungry.

Su xing feel sad for the boy he knows how pain from hungry feels like .

Su xing often had this days in orphanage when he had not eaten full meal or barly eaten anything because orphanages financial crisis . On this kind of days he just had to bar it. Now this days has long past but he still remember them vivedly.

But Su xing can not give the boy food

he because he don't want to scare the poor boy. If anything suddenly apare out no where front of your eyes anybody would be scared.

He can do't nothing but to feel sympathetic for the boys standing here.

Su xing glance at the boy once before for leave the study room quiety .

Ye jinzhi falt the stare dispare now he wonder what was it is he really being peranorad for no reason or is it something else. He remember his classmate say something about this house being hounted.

Ye jinzhi did not believe in such thing but today happening were really is bizarre.

when Ye jinzhi feel hungry just now he remember tomorrow memory When he had fever someone feeding him warm porridge petting his head gentle he was in a dazz .

but ye jinzhi did not remember seeing someone face.

What this thing happened he can't understand any of it. Any of ye jinzhi reasoning can't mach the situation .

ye jinzhi didn't care much as long whatever it was if it would't not harm him he won't care.

Su xing wasn't feeling too good he knows he is not responsible for the boy .

But after remembering old memory he got a little too much sympathetic. Su xing even today didn't see the boy parents anywhere in the house.

He started to Wonder What kind is situation in the boy was in.

if the boy parents were the house caretaker even if for some reason they had to leave for some days would't they leave food for there day there's All kind in eresponsible parents nowadays seem like the boy is being abuse he seem so thin .

After return to the house he started to how can he halp the boy now day there's all kind of Wellfair commits . he donate to some of them every year. If he ask the child Wellfair againce to help the boy.

The boy living environment will surely improve and the can live a better life.

For this su xing had to find out where the boy lives what is his name. On the second thought he also to find where the place that connected to his house. He can't just let it be it for now only he can transfer to that mansion.

He can carry his house items to the mansion but he can't carry anything from the mansion well not like he wants to steal something for there. Su xing can still pickup the mansion items or liveingthings .

If after some years his side can also be enter like the mansion it will be very dangerous he also didn't want his privacy to be known to other. If someone with bad intense enter his house he can think of bad consequence.

After su xing deal with boys matter he will think of something about this.

Maybe su xing can block the storeroom crack with a concrete wall .

Evening if it's a great mysterious thing his family and friends safety is more important than this . Well if he somehow can buy the unknown mansion that will be another matter maybe he can keep the mysterious crack there then.

He should sleep now he will think what do tomorrow after seeing the situation there. Nothing can be done if he sleepy tomorrow.