Chapter 12 - going back home

Su xing came to the room with ye jinzhi where he find the crack . Su xing pointed and the small crack that ye jinzhi might not have notice Because it was too small.

Ye jinzhi " So do i have to touch the this crack.

Su xing. " Yes please.

Ye jinzhi touch the small crack in the wall he didn't feel anything different he tried nothing happen ye jinzhi began thought he was a fool to listen to this man word.

Su xing slowly wrote some thing then he show it to ye jinzhi.

Su xing. " It's seem like you would not be able to enter my house . well with that i can have a breath of relief .

Ye jinzhi " You can but i can't have it .

Su xing " Well for your relief I telling you I can't take anything from this mansion to my house liveing Or dead object I can being anything I want to being from my house to your mansion but the other way seem to be not possible. So i can't steal anything even if I want to. When I First came to this mansion and see you fallen there my first reaction was to take you to my house but it was not possible so I had to take care of you here.

Ye jinzhi said in quiet voice thank for take care of me when I was sick I will pay you back some day .

Ye jinzhi thought even if he cannot fully trust the man he need to let man guard down so that the man would not make trouble for him at least the time he is here .

Su xing " It ok any other person do the same if they find a sick kid.

Ye jinzhi ".....

Ye jinzhi remain silent he didn't think there Sach Kind people in this world when he was sick his adopted parents still force him to work or he would not been given food. his neighbourhood people never was to kind to him they always see him with strange eyes .

Even with grandpa wang his relationship was not too great they are relationship is about give and take.

He don't know about other people this is the first person he meet that saying he help him because of goodness of his heart. Maybe in future he should not be to Harsh on this man .

Su xing " for today this much is enough good bye I will meet you tomorrow morning .

Ye jinzhi " call me before you inter the mansion.

Su xing " Yeah bye.

Su xing touch the small crack and arrived in his house he see the time it already 7:30 pm

Good thing he already told aunt ming he is going outside and going to arrived home late aunt ming must have gone home by now leaving the food in the fridge.

He have to reheat the food in the oven now.

He wonder what aunt ming had cook today.

Su xing open the fridge oh today dinner is Snail noodles aunt ming really know what I like and today night snacks is cheese cake at least it easy to eat. After finishing his diner

su xing was so tried he gone back to straight to his room lay down his bad said to himself today it was too tiring .

He was too hasty in his decision wonder why he is sudden become so foolish .

he should had taken wait and see attitude and Slowly find out the information he wanted. If he done that he would not need to get involved with the boy.

He don't know why he is suddenly get so emotional about the boy .

It also could be that since enter this book or this world he had never face hardship because of his family and friends helps sometimes it's all feel like a dream he never want to wake up form.

When he saw the boy he really remember his past life his Orphan sibling who were like close family to him.

Maybe that's why he got so attached to the boy and can't see his poor liveing environment .

He sometimes wonder how his sibling like family are living now.

They must been sad because his death at the least Orphanage director must have get his life insurance money at least should be around 50 million he hope with this money new kid could live a little batter life now and he also hope his old sibling could take good of care of old Orphanage director in his old age.

He can do nothing but hope.

He should also start thinking this world is reality were real people live.

Just because a fantasy passage suddenly appear he should not think this world is fake and he can do whatever he want and it will work today the boy had proven to him this world is ture and his clumsy excuses could not work anywhere .

He himself is a example everything would not go according to the story .

But he still want to live his life to the fullest in his ability after all this life is his second chance God has given him for his hard work.

He will still try to do his best tomorrow.

On the other side.

Ye jinzhi saw the note book disappear from his sight it didn't appear again.

Looks like the man really leave. Today was very hectic and strange to him also very unscientific .

He started to wonder if his decision to let the man came here whenever he wants was correct.

He didn't have any other option not like he can beat the invisible man and chase him away . Only this way things could be in his grasp.

In his life he never feel so lost with the situation as now .

If he was in the man situation he would never bother to inform other people about it specially the connected party .

After all not like you can see him .

He can not find out why the man would do this .

He was really a strange man who would do whatever he want without thinking of the consequent .

Today is to late let's grab something to eat then go to sleep.

He also have to wake up early morning . Let see what the man give him.

Ye jinzhi open The Lunch Box asw inside it was some meat dumpling.

The taste was very delicious the most delicious thing he ever eaten .not like he can't afford them it just can't become greedy now for little food he had to save money for high school.

For some years he never get to eat them now he only saw his adopted brother eating them . adopted parents would never give him . He eaten them in the past when his adopted brother was not born. That time was really peace full his adopted parents would not stop him from eating anything or doing anything even if they don't like him much. If someone ever ask him does he hate his adopted younger brother he will say yes but he didn't want to harm his adopted younger brother now nothing going to change if he did.

So he stopped bothering with their family. What don't belong him if it lost he do can nothing. But if something belong to him he never let it be taken away from him he will do anything to keep it. When his adopted parents take away there kindness what was given to him he can't do anything reason being there kindness did not belong to him. So when they take back eveything they given to him all those years he gives them everything back without much resistance or reluctance. He accept the beat or scolding , work that his age children would never do for living with them all those years. But he will never allow them to take you away his future freedom from him. If they don't allow him to further study he will find his own way out in his life with what ever mean he needs to use . He did wanted to report them for child abuse if they tried to stop him going to high school but doing that seem to be not possible . The reason is his bad reputation no will support his claim no one like him here so he do did not have any witneses and the second reason he has some troubles with chief police officers son so this option is unable for him. So he can only continue the way he is doing things. After ye jinzhi was done with eating he take the lunch box to sinks to wash it when he was done cleaning the lunch box he left it upon the dining table. He can return it when the man came tomorrow. Now he can go his room to prepare for the final test that going to happen next week.

It seem like tomorrow going to be long and tring like today for him.