Su xing " Can I know why are you live here alone .
Ye jinzhi " I am this mansion temporary guard it's my job to guard this mansion against Intruder such as yourself and protect this mansion properties . So if something goes missing I will be responsible for it.
Su xing " ha kid I am not a thief and this mansion has nothing important anyway even if someone's stole this furniture it so old it will broken tomorrow anyway who even what to stole it.
Ye jinzhi " .....Even so if something broken or stole it will be my responsible as a temporary guard .
Su xing " Did you find any thing missing in this two when I came. If I really had bad intention I wouldn't tell you about all this thing. I can come and go out wherever I wanted without anybody finding out about it. I still tell you the whole story about this can't you see my sincerity to you. Ha this days people didn't want to trust other people now what have humanity come to .
Ye jinzhi " .... So who lie and say they are my neighbour and give me food for what reason you did this.
Su xing " well technically speaking your mansion and my house is connected so I can consider your neighbour and food I just want to have a good relationship with you. Is it wrong to neighbours to give each other food.
Ye jinzhi ".....
Ye jinzhi this man stupidity left him speechless out of out nowhere someone appearing giving you food and call himself your neighbour. Even his adoptparents didn't give so much headache they just look down on him ,beat him when he was not listening to them, or was indifferent life or death, didn't give him food and liveing expance there feels or intention were easy to understand. He can't understand this man even a bit.
Ye jinzhi " So what you want form me now I already give you the address of this place.
Su xing " I want to inspect this paranormal for one more week only after that i will reach to a thi conclusion about this thing I need your corporation in this I also don't like to come someone else house as a uninvited guest nor do i like to seek around like a pervert. As a temporary guard I want your permission to inter this house.
Ye jinzhi begin to consider his option what he had observed the man did not seem to be harmful to him and didn't have much brains either but if he did not give him permission to enter now that can cause trouble him later as the man said he could enter or exit without his notice if he wanted to .
Ye jinzhi cannot forget there is a possibility that if Ye jinzhi refuse to give in the permission to enter and this man accept it now and come later without his notice and cause harm to mension property he will be in big trouble even if he told others what happened no one will believe him.
So giving him permission will be a wise decision of course he also had to add some his conditions to it as well.
Ye jinzhi" I can give you permission but i have some of mine conditions as well.
Su xing " What are they ???
Ye jinzhi" Only enter this mansion when I am persent.and before enter always call me by telephone number this is my conditions.
Su xing " It ok.
Su xing also don't want to include in someone's privacy . So he was willing to follow the boy opinions.
Ye jinzhi thought he can't do nothing but to trust the man to follow there agreement he can do nothing but hope so at least at until job period he will tried to do his job well he keep an eye on this man when he is present . When he's job end this mess will be not his trouble. Housekeeper wang and this man can deal with this matter howevery they what he will be out of it by then . It not like he running away from the trouble he is after all a outside .
It's not like he don't want to tell all this to
grand pa wang. If ye jinzhi did tell about this grandpa wang might chase him away without give him his pay for talking nonsense about his beloved mansion. So he can't not tall the truth to him .
Su xing "if I trouble you for nothing I will feel bad but you are not even letting me pay you so how about I give your food for lunch and dinner for this week when I come intrude on you. You can think of it as a equal exchange this way so how about it.
Ye jinzhi thought this idea it's not bad this man did cause a lot of trouble for him and he is going to continue to trouble him he might as well accept this man's offer this way he can save his food expense for a week .
This man didn't seem to be the tipe that will poison him .
Ye jinzhi " It fine .
Su xing " Here now today food please accept this food I have brought for you or I my feel bad for trouble a kid like you .
Ye jinzhi had to accept this lunch box he already agree to it what can he do now with out accepting it .
Su xing " Can you help with me some things else as wall .
Ye jinzhi" want now ?
Su xing " Can you please follow me i want to see what will happen when someone from this side touch the crack in the wall of this mansion's I want to see if you going to my house by the crack is possible or not.
Ye jinzhi " Ok I agree to go with you.
Ye jinzhi was also quite interested in this mysterious crack in a scientific view nothing else not like he's like to follow this man.
Ye jinzhi " So do you have to carry this note book with you, do you not have any other way of communication .
Su xing. Actually I don't have any other method I can't call you here there's no singlenal in my phone. Now I think about it there another way I can touch you. I can write something with my finger in your hand like the game children's like to play these days .
Ye jinzhi " ...No thank note book is fine.
Su xing was wondering if the boy will be able to touch him or not but the boy wasn't not look too willing to test so he didn't mention it.
Ye jinzhi " Least go I don't have the whole day.
Su xing " Yes