Chanaka knocked the door of the house of Takida. Marakashi did not know that Chanaka had returned, but he was sitting along with Minato and staking the place again. We need Akido and then we can retrieve the diamond, said Marakashi.
Chanaka entered the house and Takida wecolmed him with a death stare. "Who are you?" asked Takida. "I'am Chanaka and I bring death," he uttured. Takida laughed and took his Uzi's out. He pointed the gun and was about to shoot Chanaka. Chanaka came forward and kicked Takida so hard on the chest that he fell out of the window on the ground.
Marakashi was shocked as he saw the large man fdd as lol to his death. One by one, the yuzdin fell out from the window. Marakashi got up and peered at the penthouse. He looked at the penthouse with his eyes now. Through his dragon eyes. He was even more shocked to see Chanaka land one Kikku after another at a furious pace. The yuzdin did not even have a seconds time to react. Soon enough, everyone was dead. The penthouse was empty and only Chanaka remained. He walked out if the house. Marakashi and Akido ran out if the house. "This is our chance to get the diamond," they ran as fast as they could.