Camila's POV
I closed the door behind Marcus's room. I still wondered how the nurse was able to take care of a monster like him. Ever since he woke up, his level of aggressiveness had become unbearable.
He wanted me by his side every time he saw me. Now he wanted me far away from him. But then, it's a good thing, right? Maybe if he came home afterward, we wouldn't have to share a room. Or maybe he'd even divorce me.
My thoughts lingered in the air like clouds in the sky, but suddenly they became blurred when I saw him pulling the nurse. My chest was uneasy.
He told her words I could not understand because I couldn't hear since I was already outside. But then, I noticed the facial expression.
He was more than angry, his face became more dangerous and scary to look at, especially with the bearded chin he hadn't shaved since he woke up.
Then he pulled her away. The nurse wiped her tears and smiled. Something was wrong, but I didn't know what it was.
As soon as she started walking towards the door, I ran away and then lay against the wall. Pretending to wait for her.
I took a close look at her as she came closer, "So how is he? " I turned around and crossed my arms, trying my best to look like I was concerned.
"He is doing okay. He just had a traumatic moment because of the car accident, "
I nodded at the comment. However, I did not believe it. How was that enough for him to pull her the way he did? He was like a lion who just caught his prey.
"So there isn't anything I should be worried about? " I continued to ask, noticing that from the time she cried, her eyes were already red.
"Well, not really. Once we allow him to go home, he will be fine. And please excuse me, I have other patients to attend, "
She left me there. Questions still lingered inside my head as I saw her walking away. She moved faster as she got further.
I walked outside to the car that brought me there. The driver was still inside. Surprise filled his body when I opened the door without him knowing.
"Madam? " He smiled, " I'm sorry. I should have noticed when you were coming. It's also part of my job to open the door for the lady of the house, "
"Don't worry, I've been opening them on my own my entire life, " I sighed as I put my handbag beside me, "Let's go home, "
"Yes, Ma'am," He gave a salute with his hand like a real soldier before starting the engine, making me smile.
The ride was silent until we arrived at the mansion. The place seemed pretty much of a paradise ever since the king was away. For once more in my life, I could put a smile on my face.
The problem came when I thought of who made it happen. Two figures of men that looked too similar to not be brothers or anything like that.
I hopped out of the car and went inside, where I met Carmen preparing a table for lunch, "Carmen, "
I smiled as I approached her, "Are we expecting a guest? "
"Why would you think of that, Madam? " She frowned as she continued to put some plates on the table.
"No, madam. I thought I should just prepare it the way you like, you've always liked to eat with everyone around the house. When sir Del Monte arrives, we will barely have the freedom to do this, "
Speak of the devil.
"Carmen, now that you've asked, maybe there's something you know about this issue that's quite been bothering me, "
"What is it? " She stopped what she was doing and brought her attention to what I was about to ask, a little bit of concern hanging on her face.
"Has he ever had a traumatic experience in his life? Or maybe episodes? "
Carmen's eyes looked away without tilting her head. For seconds, he was like that until She finally answered.
"I don't recall any episode. Is he experiencing it right now? " She asked.
" I'm not sure, " Maybe he was. Maybe he wasn't, "Anyway, thank you."
"Maybe it's because of the accident? I do not know really. I was hired only five years ago. Maybe something happened considering his parents had a tragic death, "
Tragic death, she said?
I looked at her, my eyes giving her the question of 'What kind of tragic death' look. She looked behind her to assure herself that no one was near enough to hear the conversation.
"It is said that Marcus' mother killed his father and then took poison to kill herself, "
My eyes widened at the sentence, making Carmen demand me to look normal.
"What?" I whispered. I could feel the frown on my face that I failed to control. Who would think someone as fierce as Marcus had such a tragic story to tell?
"Where did you hear this from, Carmen? " I asked her.
"Everyone knows. Maybe it's because you were not born here. But the day their bodies were found dead, it was all over the news, " She sighed
"That's how Marcus became famous. Gabriel Gonzales never exposed his children to the public. He was known by everyone during that time. And paparazzi would follow him wherever he went until the police decided to protect him. But after his death, Marcus was the topic on every person's lips for months,"
Oh My God! Not even once would I ever think my heart would feel the pain that Marcus felt. I couldn't even put myself in his picture. It was too painful even to just imagine.
He's had to live with it all these years. Part of me understood why people laughed at me when I didn't know about the death of his parents.
Or maybe that's why he told me it was my responsibility to know about the tragic death of his parents.
My heart ached. t I felt guilty at the same time. But despite having such a history, I still didn't do anything to him. I didn't deserve it either.
"Carmen, one more question,"
"What is it, Madam? "
"What made his mother kill his father, "
Carmen sighed and began speaking in a lower tone, "That's the most triggering part because no one knows what happened, "
"So there's no clear answer? "
"Most people say she killed him because he wanted to give his inheritance to his mistress and leave his family without a single penny! "
Mistress? My heart sank. Suddenly his words started playing themselves in my ears like a playlist.
"You think so? Do you think she is innocent? A daughter of a snake is also a snake, she is just like her mother! "
Was the mistress... My mother?
"Camila," The reality hit me with a flip of her fingers. I blinked my eyes several times and that's when I saw and noticed Carmen in front of me again.
"Are you okay? " She asked me with a surprised look. She didn't expect me to be like that, it was obvious.
The fact that my mother could have been the mistress of my father gave me chills. And that's because if she was the mistress everyone talked about, then there's only one reason why he married me.