Chereads / Time master / Chapter 4 - New classmate: 2

Chapter 4 - New classmate: 2

Sophie notice that her boyfriend Dave had come she run and hug he before giving he a kiss on his right cheeks, Dave rap his arms around Sophie waist and walk to the direction were their friends are, Sophie introduce Dave to Skylar this is my boyfriend Dave who everyone ones is talking about , Dave called out everyone attention, hello guys we'll talk later we to go to class now when I was coming I saw principal zato coming to this direction we need to go guys before we get into trouble.

Dave pull Sophie hand ran to direction of they class Ames watch they back till she didn't see them anymore, Ames look at her boyfriend them look at her friend what are we waiting for we need to go now, Erick, Ames and Skylar walk to there class because is nearby.


"At class everywhere was silent we can hear only one voice which is the biology teacher Mr Zoya caleb explain something.", as I said before the important organ in our body is the; skin, liver, brain, lungs, heart, kidney, spleen, pancreas, thyriod and joint. The vitals organ in the body are:

1.The brain; The brain is the body control system, it form the core of the central nervous system by creating, sending, and processing nerve impulses, thoughts emotions, physical sensations, and more. Also the skull enclosed the brain for protection against injury.

2. Next is the heart; The heart is located in the center of the chest, it's function to keep blood to flowing through the body. The heart is most important organ in the circulatory system, which helps deliver blood to the work with the lungs to add oxygen to the blood in other to pump the freshly oxygenated blood through the blood vessels around the body.

3.The lungs; The lungs work with the heart to oxygenate blood. They do this by filtering the air a person breathes, then removing excess carbon dioxide in exchange for oxygen.

4. The liver; The liver is the most important organ of the metabolic system. It helps convert nutrients into usable substances, and filters blood coming from digestive tract through a vein before it joins venous blood flow from other parts of the body.

5. The kidney; The kidney are the pair of bean shaped organs, and each is about the side of a fist. They are located on either side of the back, protected inside of inside of the lower part of the rib cage. They help filter blood and remove waste from the body.blood flow for the artery into the kidney.

"Skylar rest her head on the desk ," ugh, Ames turn to Skylar her seatmates Skylar anything is wrong, Skylar look at her friend no am just feeling a little bored, Ames ask while, today the teacher teaching is a little bored like it's not exicting as usual but is not only me but half the class is feeling bored like me, Ames turn to see what Skylar is talking about and noticed what Skylar said before is through, ok that strange but Skylar I hope you are not going to sleep their , no i can hear the teacher explantion while resting my head , ok Skylar. 

Caleb was done explaining and was busy arranging his stuff in his bag so he can leave the class, " this is were I will stop till next class ok". any questions before I'll leave, Caleb look at everyone in the class to see maybe anyone had a question till his eyes lay on Ames OMG why the nerd, Caleb breath in air then out, ok Ames what is your question Ames stood up. caleb sir is it through that liver is the largest organ in the human body, yes it is Ames and that a good question assignment class go and know more about the organ in human body next week you will summited. Ames took her seat why everyone looking at her with dark glare Skylar open her eyes when she heard what Mr Caleb said and look at her friend who is sad and look around to notice everyone eyes is on her, don't worries about the class me and Erick is here nobody can not do you anything, thanks Skylar but am okay just acting, Skylar look surprise so you are really acting I will not blame you but I'll blame Mrs April our drama teacher in high school, I wish I know earlier that you are acting as Juliet, I would told the mrs April to change you to be Cinderella step mom because it fits you must better, Skylar look at her friend laughing them put on smile on her face and Skylar close her eyes.

Caleb was about to go when he saw s beautiful lady standing by the door, Caleb drop his bag and went to meet the lady.

Good morning Mr Zoya, good morning Mrs just called me Erica, Mrs Erica is like you are new, yeah am the new secretary am sorry for disturbing your class Mr Zoya we have a new student here do you mind help me to let the new to introduce himself I had a meeting with his parent can you please, ok Mrs Erica, thanks I need to go now I have a meeting , Erica turn her and saunter to the direction of her office.after Erica left Caleb turn to the new so I guess is the two of us now please come in, the new student follow Caleb to enter the class room. The class was noising "everyone was talking about different things when Caleb left the class". Hello class we have a new student here please calm down, after that Caleb turn to the new student you can introduce yourself now. The students step forward my name is Jacob, when Skylar heard the voice of Jacob she raise her head to see maybe is what she think it is. Skylar see a student who put on black hoodie and face mask on his face with white jeans and white Chelsea boots while his reddish hair come out small through the hoodie cap oh my gush what the hell is he doing here or do he follow me here, Ames tap on Skylar why calling her Skylar, Skylar

Yes Ames I can hear you remember am not sleeping and it enough with the tapping ok, am sorry do you see the new student his cute but not as my king of evil, Ames is enough how can you know if his cute when you have not seen his face, Skylar nevermind.

Jacob was done introducing, Caleb told he to seat with Erick everyone eyes was on Jacob who is Erick new seatmate Jacob kept his bag corner of the seat when saw Skylar, "what is she doing here". So class am done with everything good day class, good day Mr Caleb. Caleb left the classroom and went to the teacher staffroom.