why is it hard to win a girl heart 🤔.
Jamie step forward to Mandy well I think she is angry already but it's right here feeling jealous after seen you with me and annoy Mandy drop her hand down and turn back to see maybe what Jamie said is wrong or right. but Mandy didn't see her Mandy was about to turn around and go when Jamie got her hands do you not want to see her again?, Mandy was tired for her boyfriend some kind of tricks Jamie just let me go I had important thing to do ok, Jamie do not let Mandy to go instead Jamie pull Mandy close to he and push Mandy against the well put two arms between Mandy she can't escape and look at her straight in the face before I will let you go I need to show my precious diamond that I can't sleep for days without not putting a eye on the diamond.
Mandy just quite listen and see what Jamie want to show but inside her heart is burn out of jealous, Jamie look at Mandy them place a devilish smirk on his lip, Jamie remove one of his arms between Mandy and place it on his pocket to bring out a mirror , Mandy look with a surprise in her eyes and think what do Jamie wants to do with a mirror or do he wants to talk with the mirror to know or show the beautiful girlfriend that makes he to have sleepless night just like Shrek cartoon or The huntsman Winters war just like in the movie I don't care, Jamie remove the other arms that was beside Mandy and use it to open the mirror Jamie look at the mirror see reflection saying some word that would make Mandy jealous and his corner eye to watch Mandy face expression wonderful she is gorgeous just like a precious diamond everyone would love to have in life when ever smile everyone around would be happy she lovely and unique In her own way Mandy jealous was raising every minute and second listening to Jamie praising of his new girlfriend don't blame Mandy it happen to every girls, girls feel jealous of their boyfriend be seen with a new girlfriend it hurts a lot back to the seems Mandy can't tolerate it anymore she snap of Jamie are you done with your speech or poetry uh I don't have time with this I need to go, Jamie smile after seeing his girlfriend reaction no am just ready to show you my new girlfriend Mandy fond her be fast you are taking Time Jamie turn the mirror to face Mandy.
Mandy do not see anything but her reflection Mandy look irritated Jamie what is this I don't see your girlfriend but my reflection, Jamie shake his you are wrong she is indeed looking at the mirror Mandy ready her fist is this a kind of joke.
Jamie look at Mandy straight in the eyes keep the mirror back to his pocket and hold Mandy fist do you not really know my girlfriend yet I would make you know her Jamie bring his face forward and kiss Mandy on the lips Mandy hangry and jealous leave her Mandy feel peacefully like her old joy and cheerful self, Mandy push Jamie to stop the kiss am sorry about that but I need to go be your girlfriend would be angry about this, Mandy turn her back ready to go when Jamie pull her close to he in a tight embrace which makes two of them can hear their heartbeat out loud and clear Mandy I don't want you to leave me anymore you are the only girlfriend that I will Charles a lot you have a nice ability when you are happy everyone around you is also happy when things not work out you come up with a way, solution and am sorry to lie that I have a new girlfriend just want to make you jealous because you are my only lovely cheerful girl and I want you back I love you Mandy very much since the day we met under the rain love you more than life and everyone, Mandy was hurt a little after hearing what Jamie said about her.
Mandy was confused of her feeling she sob out a little on Jamie embrace, Jamie push Mandy a little to look at Mandy face and wipe off her tears don't cry anymore more am here Mandy look at Jamie with surprise them push he against the wall and stump his feet hard Jamie shout out ouch that really hurt while looking at Mandy, Jamie just want Mandy to frustrate all the hanger and pain that was inside her heart, Mandy look at Jamie in the face and place a hand on his face if you know that you love me very much why'd you broken up with me ugh do you know how painful it's to feel heartbroken it hurt a lot I have to put on a fake smile on face my face to show everyone that am happy I try to forget about you but was in possible Jamie I Iove you but you don't care you continue to be a play boy as everyone said about you and you play with my feeling I hate you and despise you a lot and leave me alone I don't want to see you anymore.
Mandy turn around walk forward to the direction security room Jamie run and pull Mandy to a Conner this time Jamie hug Mandy and place a kiss on her head Mandy tried to push Jamie but he is too strong for her, Jamie place his hand on Mandy hair Mandy please give me you change me and the reason why I broken up with you because my parent is against it and my parent threaten to kill you or something bad will happen to you, i was afraid to lose you Mandy stop what she was doing and keep Calm.
Jamie notice that Mandy have clam down he lose the embrace and place a hands on Mandy shoulder look her straight in the eyes so now you know why I broken up with you Mandy was speak less of what she heard and remember that everything happens because of Jamie nephew NIDA she do not want Jamie to date her but her friend mira. mandy shake the though out of her head them look at Jamie and give he a hug am sorry for everything Jamie I was angry and jealous good part is that we are together I know what to do Jamie was surprise after hearing the last word of Mandy what you mean about Jamie was not done with his statement when Mandy place a kiss on his cheek Jamie smile that not fare I gave you kiss on your lips and you gave me kiss on my cheeks uh Mandy giggle and rap her arms on Jamie that would be later I have a mission can you help me.Jamie was suprise and look at Mandy, Mandy explain everything to Jamie to understand.