When something good happen to you, you call for a celebration, everyone would come and celebrate with you either if they are angry, sad, happy or any emotion we come together to celebrate the good thing that had happens.
Rose POV
Rose walk forward and backward when her leg got stuck in the square hole on the floor cover with a white rug which make her to fall hard on the floor, rose raise her body up to seat down and place a hand on her head which hurt , ouch that hurt more what is that on the floor.
Rose stood up and look at the floor and notice that they is a square hole on the floor " huh that Is what make me fall earlier", why do principal zato had to put a rug on the floor to hide the hole , Rose stand up for the floor think about this where is the square that cover the hole so this is a some kind of tricks or just in the movie the villain would hide the box so the hero wouldn't find it, I need to find it.
Rose check everywhere in the room looking for the square box but no sight of the box , Rose stop what she is doing place hand on her chin if I was principal zato if I want to hide a box where would I hide it hmm , I had check everywhere apart for the door, wait that means the box would be there. Rose run quickly to the back of the door see if the box would be there, why the box is not here just only wallpaper on the wall I need some clue to find the box Rose was about to turn around when her sight they is a small hole on the wallpapers which makes her to something like gold light shining on her eyes umm that strange I need to check what is that.
Rose torn the wallpapers of the wall see a golden diamond shaped like heart on the wall I need to break the wall.
Rose look at the corner of the door see a bat Rose pit it up sorry principal zato I need the money so I have to break the wall, Rose swing the bat in her hand hard to break the wood wall the wall broke Rose drop the bat on the floor and shook her hans on the wall to bring out a box painted with royal blue and white color.
Rose carry the box on the bed and look at it wok it beautiful now I need to open it rose turn the box to the lock and noticed they a word on Rose read it, if you want to open the lock they is a password on it and they is ones chance if you answer the riddle correct the box would be open the riddle would lead you to the answer of the password word but if is wrong the box would exposed the hold building would collapse and you drop the box or not answer on time you would die here so let have some fun the right is on the right side of the box.
Rose was shock I need to answer the riddle first, Rose turn to the right side of the box to see the riddle " if roses are red violets are blue am always sad in Life looking for a freedom I at times look for love or something that would make me happy but just like the weather change everyday just like my emotion what can I do now to seek my freedom I don't want to be sad anymore but happy what am I answer the riddle and explain your time starts now.
Rose put a hand on her chin what a hard riddle hmm" if roses are red violets are blue this talk about a love story that have be cherish and blossom all of a sudden the love stop".
they is more" am always sad in life look for freedom in life this means that the person she love do not love her anymore so she look for another solution in life ".
they is more' I at times look for love or something that would make me feel happy ". that meant she try to look love for love somewhere or something that would make her but can't stop thinking about the person she love".
they is more" but just like the weather change everyday just like my emotion what can I do to seek freedom, but am still looking for freedom", hmm that weird that means at times she would be happy, sad, angry, betray, jealous and all others feeling but she still seeking for freedom".
Hmm they is more I don't want to be sad anymore more what can I do to make me happy , pause if I am sad something I perfect to listen music or watch kdrama movie it is interesting or do something that makes me happy it would make me happy back to the seems, hmm if am sad I lick ice cream, watch movies, go for a swim and shopping it helps me alot to feel better. But what make her to felt happy they is a parable about people cry not because they are weak but had been strong for too long so that means she don't want to be sad anymore more. But even when she is happy the saddest is just under the surface.
that all of the riddle I have explain on the password side rose look at the time and noticed that 9 minutes left conclusions she don't know her feeling or emotion, I think that the answer the box open rose see a key an a gold diamond heart near the key and a note under it.
Rose pick the note up and read it congratulations you have successful pass the riddle and your rewards is the gold diamond heart shape diamond and the key you can go to the hidden basement but before you go you need to solve this riddle , the riddle would lead you to the hidden basement what do one wall said to another ? I will meet you at the corner hmm another riddle this first one was not easy but the second one is kind of easy what do one wall said to another wall? I Will meet you in a corner that means that the hidden basement is in the corner of the bed wall.
Rose stand up for the bed collect her rewards put it in her bag before going to the corner of the bed wall and place her hands on the wall to look for a doorknob , rose bring her hand down alittle when she felt the doorknob rose tear the wallpapers to see a door in gold color just like the key Rose bring the key out of her pocket quickly and open the door.
Rose enter the room and noticed they is a touch on the wall, Rose carry the touch and move forward to see a staircase, rose climb down on the staircase when Rose reach the middle of the stairs Rose notice that they a slide and it a long way, Rose hang the touch before seating on the slide and push her self forward which makes her to slide down fast Rose scream loud in her lungs aaaaaaahhh this is worst them a park slide for the kids but the good part am almost close to where my money is this is a great adventure.
Rose the end of the slide and fly up in the air because it was fast and landed in a hay, Rose come out of hay and dust herself.