Early the next morning in blood moon pack, every body was already gathered as the issue of Selena's disappearance was still very disturbing. Mark and Mabel were present too....
"Selena can you explain what happened? We are still very confused" Mabel sat up straight and said with all seriousness.
"Yes, one minute, you were sleeping peacefully besides me and the next minute, you are gone" Jason added.
"Okay Okay....I went to Blue Moon Pack" Selena said and paused, waiting to see their reactions.
"WHAT?!!" Jason shouted, his eyes almost falling from his head.
"Yeah What?" Damien removing his hand from his head very quickly.
"Blue Moon pack? Isn't that your home? Like where you were born?" Kyle confusedly.
"Yeah" Selena answered.
"So what where you doing at your home pack?" Allison asked frowning.
"Yeah, and how did you get there?" Mila added to Allison's question.
"I don't know, and I have no memory of it. All I know is that I suddenly appeared in Blue Moon pack and three hooded erhm...creatures I think? And then there was a lady, then Liam finally showed saying rubbish....All of a sudden, we were in a...in a shack with different potions and a huge pot. Then we again we appeared in what seemed like a dungeon where I found mum" Selena narrated heaved a heavy sigh.
"Okay so you remember all these but not how you got there?" Mark gestured with his hands....
"Yeah, exactly" Selena sighed again...
"I think it has something to do with Liam" Clara suddenly said as she climbed down the stairs.
"H....how do you mean Clara?" Mabel looked towards her.
"I mean that Liam could have used black magic to call her since she also has dark energy in her" Clara walked down to the free space opposite Kyle and Mila.
"Yeah....yeah that could make sense" Selena whispered to herself and as if sudden realization struck her, she asked "How is mum?" As she asked, everybody turned to Clara.
"Well she's better but still badly injured. She will recover but it might take a while" Clara informed sadly, then she looked at Selena who was equally sad, then she said "She's fine Selena".
"Yeah okay...wait Liam also mentioned something that will happen in three days and a day is already gone.....He said it involved me" Selena suddenly informed.
"Oh no" Clara whispered which they all heard.....well except for Allison and Mila.
"What do you mean by Oh no" Jason turned to Clara.
"Well two days from now will be a red moon and I remember he has been looking for your blood and there's just one thing he could do, the crimson covenant" Clara nervously informed...
Liam had meeting with the Nox witches yesterday and has already told them about his plan...Today, in the early morning, he was in his Umbrai room(spell room) together with Linda who was assisting him with what he was doing....
"Sire....you haven't mentioned what you are planning to do with the chosen one" Linda said as she walked over to the potion shelf, where she grabbed a bottle filled with a blue liquid which Liam grabbed and placed close to the pot.
"See I am going to try another way and I guarantee it will work this time....I will simply manipulate the weakest one amongst them and compel him/her to bring it right to me" Liam grinned arranging the potions, then turned to Linda and continued "They'll never see it coming.....So I'm preparing everything so that once the red moon is out, we will commence and immediately carry out operation rule the underworld....Isn't that awesome?" Liam smirked, looking at thin air.
"Yes Sire, its perfect....Finally, we will have victory" Linda handed him a black dagger which he placed carefully close to the potions...
"Well two days from now will be a red moon and I remember he has been looking for your blood and there's just one thing he could do, the crimson covenant" Clara nervously informed........
"The crimson covenant? What does that mean?" Selena looked up at Clara, who sighed and said;
"My dear, it is a covenant that is performed on the red moon and it's two days from now" She explained.
"Wait wait wait, I still don't get it" Jason held his black hair in frustration.
"Yes please explain more" Mark urged her and Mabel added saying "Go on dear" To which Clara nodded and continued.
"This covenant was performed hundreds of years ago by the Arteria Sacra(An old witch group), they were experimenting for more powers but as they succeeded in the covenant, the power gotten was too much and the darkness was too strong. So they banned the covenant and it was never done again" Clara narrated leaving everybody with their different thoughts........
"Both now that psychopath wants to perform the covenant and its two days from now.......I mean how did he even know about the crimson covenant?" Selena exclaimed in frustration, Jason trying to calm her down.
"Dear have you forgotten that he holds the dark grimoire? And that just like a normal ancient spell book, the dark grimoire has a lot of information" Clara reminded.
"Dark and evil information to be precise" Kyle added sighing heavily.
"But he doesn't have Selena's blood......."
"Yet" Clara interrupted, folding her arms.
"What do you mean? He can't possibly get Selena's blood" Damien commented with a twisted expression.
"Wolf boy he is a dark lord with possession of the dark grimoire which unfortunately, has vast evil knowledge.....So don't underestimate him" Clara warned seriously, her face devoid of any friendly expression.
"Okay, so what are we gonna do now? We only know that he will perform the crimson covenant but we don't know how he'll get her blood" Jason questioned worriedly.
"We will train harder and prepare for a possible war.....Expect a war, a huge one" Clara got up and spoke confidently.
"Hmmm.......I hate to say it but she's right, I have a feeling that the prophesied war will happen sooner that we expected and we have to be prepared" Selena stood up as well and joined her aunt.
"I agree, I'll inform my warriors so that they can train better" Jason joined in followed by Kyle and Damien who nodded in agreement.
"I'll also help.....I'll inform my sisters and brothers.......the Sol witches and we will be prepared" Mabel joined the standing group.
"I inform some neighboring packs and borrow some of their warriors...We will be prepared" Mark joined in.
"Okay, good, so we begin trainings in the afternoon by 1:00 pm and we'll see what we can do from there" Clara voiced out the plan to which all of them nodded............
LIAM'S CASTLE...........
Liam was reading the forbidden knowledge when Linda materialized into the room and brought a bloody red flower with black stem, a silver colored bottle and five dark gold candles and when Liam saw this, he smirked evilly........
"Sire, I have gathered the remaining ingredients" Linda informed enthusiastically.
"Good, perfect, you got the blood petals, moon's tears and the gold candles created from human's tallow...This is perfect, now its just the blood of that brat and I know exactly what to do. You may leave now" Liam walked towards her while talking and took the ingredients from her..........
Soon it was afternoon, they were on the training grounds including Kira and Josh. The huge field was shared, the wolves were on one side, the healers had their own grounds and the witches also had their own grounds with Josh training the wolves, Kira training the healers and Mabel with the Sol witches. Clara was focused on helping Selena channel her dark magic without loosing her self to the darkness.
"Okay I want all wolves in pairs, find a partner to spar with before we transform into our wolves, Alpha Jason, you're with me" Josh shouted.....And then looked at the pack of different ranks of wolves then he continued.........."We will learn how to fight not just in our wolf form but also in human form, even without weapons....We will learn how to manhandle any creature that comes our way. This would be a benefit to us as we will be gathering energy for our wolves.....We shall begin....NOW... Our motto is Find their weakness and take advantage" Josh commanded as he watched the wolves spar in their human form....He observed and corrected every single mistake...."Never let them find your weakness" He said...or rather shouted as he continued observing and correcting............
Mean while, on another side of the field were the healers. They were seriously focused on Kira as they acquired knowledge.
"As a healer, you have to think fast, be sharp and smart, always have your herbs and medicines and also your weapons....Be prepared for anything. We will begin by understanding and identifying herbs......different herbs. I will give you a herb and you will create a healing medicine from it, I will also tell you the illness, but that will be after we understand every herb" Kira spoke loudly and confidently, using her hands to gesture.
On another side of the field, were the Sol witches. They were being trained by Mabel.
"......We are witches and although we can't fight physically because of our nature, we can make good use of our powers. We are of different kinds, elemental, time, spirit, mind and so on. So we can definitely make good use of it. Now I want rows of the different witches and the strongest of each.....This is what will happen............" She went on and on instructing the witches how to master their different, and unique powers...........
Clara and Selena went farther. They were not a bit close to where the others were. Clara started instructing Selena on how to use her powers......
"So you see, you teleport faster than any witch, you have all the different kinds of witch powers and you can master it. There is also your dark side and that's what we'll be focusing on......I want you to channel your dark side and try to stay in control" Clara instructed, walking from one place to another.
"No....what if I hurt you?" Selena voiced her worries.
"Don't you worry sweet heart, I'll be fine.........."
"How can I help?" A voice asked from behind and immediately Selena shouted..."Mum" Then ran to hug her, crying hard. Clara also joined the hug, crying..............
"Well guys meet Naomi, the supreme sorceress" Clara, after all the shedding of tears and the explanation, announced, and all the witches bowed while the rest followed.
"Okay guys, there's no time to waste time....Luna Mabel, let Clara join you, I'll take care of my daughter......Everybody continue, we don't have much time left" Naomi instructed as she vanished with Selena.......The trainings continued.........