In the parking lot, I saw a man with blonde hair and a rough-looking face. He also smelled of smoke—like if you put twenty packets of cigarettes in one closed-in area and then lit all of them. You could also smell it from four feet away. The smell was so pungent that you could smell it four feet away.
When I got closer, he was also smoking cigarettes and leaning against a car. What's more impressive is that he was smoking three of them at once. God, I can already feel the lung cancer. Let's not dwell on it too long. I walked up to him.
"are you dale?" I asked the guy.
"Yeah, what's it to you, kid?" He took out one of his cigarettes and blew a pile of smoke in my face. I already want to kill him.
"uh, harley told us to find you for a place to stay." Don't let the smoke bother you; don't let it bother you; don't.
"Ah, if that's the case." He blew another pile of smoke toward my face. "I'll lead you to ya new home, but ya will have to share the place with another roommate."
"That's better than nothing, I guess," Aqrim said with an annoyed look.
"And you sure ya want to live near this ugly thing." He blew another pile of smoke in my face; I wanna kill him.
"he's bearable for now." He hasn't been that bad, I guess... nah, he's pretty bad.
"If ya say so, I won't judge; we need more hands in this place." This time he turned the other way and blew his pile of smoke. Thank God I thought I had to kill him for a second.
"Walk down the parking lot and ya'll see the apartment complex; ya room will be fifty-nine." He pulled out his three cigarettes, dropped them to the floor, and finally stomped on the cigarettes. "Just make sure to say that I sent ya if you don't want ya ass beaten."
He was now walking away towards his car. "it's official, i don't like him."
"He wasn't that bad, just a little much," Aqrim said with a tired face. "Let's hurry and get out of this place; who knows what goes on at night?"
"the people here don't seem to worry about it."
"Yeah, because they're used to it; we're not."
Walking down the parking lot, the building was... pretty big. Why did we have to share a room with someone when the complex is five stories tall? And also, who the hell built this complex?
"damn, that's big; guess ten years is enough to build five stories, with no magic too."
"Guess we got lucky and came late."
Walking into the complex, there was no one working at the counter. Just an empty lobby and an elevator down the hall. Walking toward the elevator, pressing the button next to the elevator, it glowed red.
The door opened, and we both stepped inside the elevator. Looking at the buttons, it said, "Floor nine, twenty-one, fifty-nine, and eighty-eight."
"what the hell, there's only four floors here... and it's not even numbered correctly."
"Shut up and press fifty-nine already."
"alright" Pressing the button, the elevator's door closed. Feeling the lift, I could feel the elevator go higher and... higher up. "it's still going. there are only five floors; why is it taking so long?!"
The elevator finally stopped, the door sliding open. I could see a long hallway. The lights were all dimmed, and it was quiet—too quiet even. There were no other doors in the hallway, just one door very far back. You could only see a silhouette of the door. But that didn't matter because there was no sound coming through.
The hallway had no decorations, just red carpet and white walls. The quietness is now getting to me. It was quiet, but there was no sound that came through. You know when it's quiet, but that quiet still had a sound, but not this hallway; it was just nothing. The hallway had nothing...