Chapter 4 - CHAPTER 3



To find out who you are and do it on purpose is something that I myself will admit is cool, great and inspiring, but doesn't literally apply to everyone because of specific reasons.

Becoming who you really are to me means following your heart and instincts to become "that" which gives you the utmost joy and satisfaction which can also be said to pursuing your dreams and achieving said dream. Be it GOOD or EVIL.

Lets take our first instance to be;

1. WHAT IF YOUR DREAMS DOES NOT ALLIGN WITH THE RULES: we are bound by countless rules and laws that we are not usually free to do what gives us that "zing" feeling all in the name of not breaking the rule, not breaking the laws and not breaching the mode of conduct.

Now imagine if you were to find out who you are and you have the inclination to become "that" on purpose only to find out that it does not ALLIGN with societal norms and doing that which give you utmost joy will make society to view you as EVIL, it will ruin your reputation and bring shame to your loved ones. And the question is, will you take that risk?


2. DON'T DO IT IF THE TEMPTATION IS TOO MUCH AND YOU CAN'T WITHSTAND IT: this is my second reason for not agreeing to this quote thuo it may not be of any sense.

Living your dreams like I said earlier comes with risks, some which can be overcomed while other might be overwhelming therefor cannot be overcome. But unfortunately that is not all, there is something that I would like to call THE TEMPTATIONS OF LIVING YOUR DREAMS. This Cleary is explained as it sounds but I would still do the deed. Living your dreams always comes with the chance of risking or dropping some habits which can act as a temptation afterward. Some of this temptations may come in you need to; drop some friends, drop some habits such as drinking and not being intimate with your opposite or same gender.

As we all know, all the above listed habits are things which are naturally difficult to ignore, then imagine when you will have to go through that to achieve a goal.l Strong wiled people could easily do that buh it will really be hard and also, are you one of those strong wiled persons? If you are placed in a position such as that, will you be capable of overcoming it?

Am not advising you not to go for what gives you the thrill but out of the two given instances (most likely the first) you should know that sometimes you even have to sacrifice your happiness for the greater good but surely if luck is by your side then no matter the obstacles. YOU WILL SURELY OVERCOME.