Our people have banded into many nations now. We no longer call ourselves my people. We have distinctions between us now. Wars are fought against our enemies. Yet those enemies are our neighbors. There are many small nations under the authority of the bigger nations. Cannon fodder really. The nations seek control, and they aim to destroy all who oppose their control. With whispers of other lands across the oceans many nations have begun preparing for the next stage of our development. The Ruan people are one who seek more than they have. We take from our neighbors what we do not have and we take from their neighbors what we do not have. For if someone has something, we do not have it ourselves, we must take it. A tribe of warriors some may say but I see it for the destruction it causes.
Many wars have been fought, countless bloodlines have perished, and yet still we are hungry for more. There have been few tribes and even fewer nations who have sought not war but peace. All of them were destroyed by the hunger of their neighbors. The longer our people continue the more the path becomes clearer. There will come a day when we destroy ourselves. The anger, the hate, the sorrow, the pain will be too much to handle and so destruction will come. Continue to build your armies and wage your wars. There will be a day of reckoning, the world shall exact its toll. We won't be able to pay it with our lives.