My daughter our people have been at war for too long. It is time to try for peace. I know you have had your eyes set on the dukes son yet our people need this truce. The toll war takes on our people is not so easy to bear. Their worries our ours to bear, we must work towards securing a time of peace for our people. That starts with an alliance through marriage. The council has chosen you for this task and we expect you to fulfill your role. Being in our positions have their advantages but they do not come free, sometimes a price is to be paid even if that price is our happiness. Children will be expected after some time has passed and I hope you can find some joy and love with your partner to be.
This alliance will upset the balance of power that has held the continent in a constant state of war for the past millennia and so we push for it even more. The table needs to be broken so that we can build a new one. The creed has roots in all nations at this point and their teachings have begun to spread throughout the populace and we see cycle after cycle them gaining more influence among the people. They preach of peace and the goodness within us while our history is riddled with evil. Breaking free from the moulds already set will be much harder than ever imagined I can feel it. This alliance brings hope to us all though. Progress is just many many small steps after all and it takes only the first one to change the course of the future.
Now, let us hope the creed capitalizes on this chance and our people truly experience peace.