Chereads / Hick’s Harem / Chapter 2 - Chapter 1: Playin’ Catch

Chapter 2 - Chapter 1: Playin’ Catch

"We're going inside, you boys have fun out here!" Clara yelled as she walked up the wooden steps leading up to our screened-in porch. The thing had seen better days but it was still sturdy, Dad built it after all. Her hand grabbed hold of the screen door's handle, the thing squealing as it opened.

Elsie followed behind my sister, the sight of her shorts riding up her ass as it jiggled up each step filling my vision. A pink blush was still on the girl's cheeks, and a number of bumps had caused us to lean against each other several times during our drive. The number of times my hands had touched her boobs was nearly a dozen, and when she leaned into me her hands touched up against my legs really close to my dick. It was all accidental, at least that's what I told myself as the girl glanced back at me one more time before entering the screened-in porch. The thud the door made as it rattled against its frame woke me up out of my daze.

"Dude, she's fucking into you!" Ricky whispered or at least he tried to as the man had no concept of what quiet even was. The girls were already past the threshold of the trailer door so hopefully they hadn't heard Ricky's loud mouth. His words echoed in my head as I glanced over at Billy, if anyone could read a person it'd be him.

"If you two were alone in the car together you would've scored." Billy's voice imitated a sagely monk as a grin grew on his face, Ricky nodding along with a thoughtful look like he'd achieved enlightenment.

"W-what should I do?" I mumbled out, my own steps leading me across the gravel driveway. The crunching sound of the rocks under my boots filled the air, my eyes narrowing as the sun glared in my eyes. Arriving in front of the old shed we had in place of a garage my hand unhooked the latch before tugging at the door. The groan of rusted metal filled the air as a gust of stale air hit me in the face, a veritable mountain of junk laying out in front of me like a mountain. At the top of Mount Junkmore was the object of my desire, an old pigskin that I kept around for days like these.

"What do you mean what should you do, Isn't it obvious? Ask her out!" Ricky spoke as I turned around with the football held in my hand, my fingers wrapping around the laces. With a flick of my wrist, the ball was airborne, a tight spiral keeping the ball on course as it landed in Ricky's hands. The sound of the ball thumping against his palms bounced off of the gap between our shed and the trailer like a gunshot.

"I don't know—Else's always kind of been like a little sister to me. It would be awkward for us to uh—hook up y'know." I fumbled my words as Ricky tossed the ball to Billy, the big man catching it against his chest. The redhead gave me a pensive look before he decided to speak.

"You do think she's pretty though right?" A lame duck of a ball came sailing toward me, the big man wasn't the best at playing quarterback and it showed as I had to jump up to catch it. My feet landed back across the gravel with a crunch, a smile growing on my face as I twirled the ball on the tip of my finger. Out of the three of us, I was the most athletic, and had it not been for our crappy financial situation I would've been on the football team instead of working. The thought brought a grimace to my face as I threw a tight spiral toward Ricky.

"'Course I do, she's gorgeous, but what happens if it doesn't work out between us?" The ball slipped through Ricky's fingers, a curse leaking from his lips as the pigskin skipped across the gravel. Eventually, the football rolled to a stop in the high grass of our yard, the lawnmower had broken earlier in the summer and Dad was currently unavailable to fix it.

"Fuck—Ethan stop being such a pussy and man up! She was practically throwing herself at you dude!" Ricky cursed as he walked over to grab the ball, his head turned back to me as he yelled.

"Fuck you, Ricky, your guy's advice is useless! I could've come up with that myself." Before he could snipe back at me Ricky yelped, a girlish scream leaking from his lips as he looked down where the ball landed.

"Snake!" His yell reverberated in my ears as he high-tailed it back toward me. The man's stringy blond hair fluttering in the wind, his face paler than a ghost. Billy was already on the porch, the man wanting nothing to do with his biggest fear.

"What kind?" I was decidedly less panicked, years of living in the backwoods of Shelley County meant that I'd seen a number of snakes. As long as it wasn't venomous I'd let it live as snakes act as great pest control.

"How the hell should I know!?" Ricky sprinted past me and up the steps of the porch, his face a mask of terror. My head turned back at the two as they cowered from behind the screen door, a wry grin spreading across my lips.

"Come on guys you're giving us hicks a bad name!" They groaned at my teasing, the term hick was always slung at us when we went anywhere out of Munford. To them, we were nothing more than inbred hillbillies, and to us, they were nothing more than hyped-up city slickers.

"We may've been born here Ethan but we aren't crazy like you!" Billy spoke as he grabbed hold of Ricky's thin shoulders, the big man using someone half his size as a human shield against the snake. The blond-haired man glared back at his captor, his skinny arms desperately trying to pull Billy's massive hands off his shoulders.

"We don't have a death wish like you do buddy!" At Ricky's words I paused, do I have a death wish? The thought about the way I behaved never really occurred to me. My feet continued taking me toward the snake without a hint of nervousness. It was a leisurely stroll and when I looked down at the coiled and pissed reptile wrapped around the football I didn't even flinch.

"Oh come on this guy's perfectly harmless, see!" It was just a little garter snake, my hand reaching for the back of the little critter's head as I picked it up. The snake hissed, it's all black body wriggling in a desperate attempt to turn around and bite me. Its pink mouth opened wide waiting for the chance to sink its tiny teeth in me, the lack of fangs being another sign of the snake's harmless nature.

Walking toward the edge of the yard past the shed I looked out over the expanse of trees sounding the clearing of our property. The rays of the evening sun dripped past the brown and red leaves of autumn trees like golden drops of honey, the light splashing over everything it touched. Contrasting this was the looming shadows of the massive oaks surrounding us, the lack of light meant seeing beyond the initial 20 feet of trees was all but impossible. It was beautiful and frightening at the same time, and I loved to look at it.

"Here you go buddy." I cooed at the snake, my hand turning its face toward me. Coal brown eyes met beady black ones, the creature's jaw unhinging further as it tried snapping at me. A crooked smile grew on my face as I gently placed the ungrateful little bastard on the ground. My hand holding the back of his head let go and I backed away as the snake slithered into the dark forest beyond our home.


(Clara's POV):

Elsie's face was plastered to the window, her fingers pulling down the off-white slats of the window blind as she peeked through. A stupid grin grew on her face, a cute giggle leaking from her lips as she continued peeping. Her body was bent at an angle, her plump ass straining against the blue denim of her shorts as she wiggled it back and forth.

"Having fun~?" I teased, the girl jumping in surprise at my voice. Her head turned as an embarrassed grin overtook her dopey smile, her other hand not busy fucking up the blinds took to nervously twirling the shock of hair framing her face.

"S-sorry, he's just so cool!" Her beaming smile and blushing face would make any man's heart beat faster than a line of blow ever could. Even I found a blush crawling across the bridge of my nose, my hand rubbing against it to try and hide it from her. Those big doe-eyes of hers looked at me with such an excited look. Just watching my idiot of a brother play catch with his stupid friends made her happier than any time I'd ever seen her.

"You really love him, don't you?" I muttered, my body relaxing against the soft fluff of my mattress. The feeling of my bare legs brushing up against the soft fuzz of the red throw blanket at the foot of my bed sent tingles running across my skin.

A moan leaked from my lips as my body stretched out over the plush bed, my fingers digging into my bedsheets as I rode out the full aching pleasure of my tight muscles unwinding. My back arched and only then did I realize how erotic my display looked, my eyes drifting over to look at Elsie's reaction. The normally pale skin of her face had turned a deep crimson as the blush spread all the way down her neck.

"You and your brother have got to stop doing this to me…" She mumbled under her breath, her eyes trailing my long legs before quickly shifting back to my face. "Yeah, I love him but I also love you too." Those earnest golden eyes of hers once again sent a scalding hot blush across my face. Even her stutter, a product of any time she mentioned Ethan's name had disappeared.

"Not this again, look even if I was into it which I'm not, there is no way in hell E would agree to that! He's probably already making excuses about how he sees you as a little sister so what do you think he'd say if his own sister confessed to him?" God, my cheeks felt so hot! I should've never told her about my childhood crush on Ethan damnit, the girls going to drive me nuts with it!

"Step-sister." She made sure to emphasize the step part, a cheeky grin on her face.

"This isn't a porno Else, I'm not going to go stick my head in the dryer and pretend to be stuck!" I groaned, my hands reaching for a pillow as I smothered my face with it. It wasn't just incest, no my childhood friend wanted to engage in a polygamous relationship with me and my brother. I wonder how Ethan would react if he found out the sweet innocent girl he saw as a little sister was actually a slut wanting to fuck two-thirds of the Langston family.

"I don't want a porno relationship though. I want to wake up every day and see your brother's dopey grin, and to see that gleam you get in your eyes everytime you see him. Wouldn't it be great for him to wrap his big strong arms around us and hold us tight? Not to mention the sex would be—"

"No, no, bad Elsie, no horny!" My sock-covered foot pressed into the girl's stomach as I interrupted her dirty fantasy. A pout grew on the brunette's face, her cheeks puffing up like a squirrel.

"Hmph, don't worry because until you confront your feelings I won't touch either of you!" My eyes widened, a dawning realization hitting me like a freight train. I glared at the girl, behind her innocent eyes hid a cunning fox, and that fox had found itself in the henhouse.

"Don't you dare string him along!" I gritted my teeth at the thought. My brother was a hopeless romantic, we'd watched as he confessed to Veronica and the subsequent brutal rejection she gave him. The boy was still running off of the preconceived notion that the promise they made to get married in kindergarten was still on the table. If Elsie kept sending him signals of attraction but never let it get beyond basic flirting Ethan would be crushed.

"I won't, but you know him, Clar, those idiots out there will hype him up and he'll ask me out. What happens when I'm forced to say no?" A forlorn look washed over her face but instead of her wavering on her decision, I saw that fiery gleam her eyes get when she really wants something. Damnit Else, why are you making a stupidly easy thing so fucking complex? She was baiting me into finally confronting my feelings, a nervous knot forming in my stomach.

"Don't say no, you are practically made for each other!" I snapped, my hands balling into fists as I stood up from the bed. A shadow enveloped the girl as I loomed over her, my blue eyes trying to bore holes in her dense fucking skull!

"I could say the same about you as well. Who is the one already acting like a housewife around here? You make his meals, Wash his clothes, and I know damn well he isn't the one cleaning his room! He's going to come home tonight from his shift at Huck's and you're going to have a bath drawn and clothes set for tomorrow!" Her rant was punctuated by one of her dainty fingers pressing into the middle of my chest with each sentence. Her face was a mask of rage, the usually calm and polite girl was replaced with someone who wouldn't take shit from anyone.

"Ugh, how am I supposed to change the fact that he's my big brother you stupid fucking bitch!" My words were harsh, but they didn't seem to phase the girl.

"Pretend." A smug grin grew on her face.


"For one week pretend he isn't your brother. You don't need to pretend like you're married or even dating, just treat him like a normal man."

"I-If I don't fall for him in a week then what?"

"You won't, I'm sure of it~!" She licked her lips, that innocent face of hers looking so perverted in that moment. This was the most confident I'd seen her and something about that demeanor made the girl's already gorgeous body downright irresistible.

"W-why's that?" I swallowed the lump growing in my throat, the sight of her creamy pale cleavage catching my eye. She's dangerous, a little nymphomaniac hidden under a shy girl's skin.

"Because silly, you've already fallen for him." A cute giggle left her lips, the sound of tinkling bells filling my ears. I had just wanted to have a girl talk and yet I feel like I've been trapped in a sticky web of honey, and the scary part is I'm not sure I want to escape.