Chereads / Hick’s Harem / Chapter 7 - Chapter 6: Plannin’ A Job And Gettin’ Detention

Chapter 7 - Chapter 6: Plannin’ A Job And Gettin’ Detention

"Good morning class, I hope you all had a good night's rest!" Camilla Anderson spoke to the class full of energetic boys, the fact that it was the first period seemed to slip their minds entirely. Like the strongest energy drink you could imagine, Camilla's presence gave the same effect.

Long wavy red hair cascaded down her back like tongues of fire. Her heart-shaped face was framed by crimson strands, her forehead covered by her bangs. Grey upturned eyes peered behind a pair of red-rim glasses as they rested across the bridge of her cute button nose. Her lips were painted red, the pouty kissable things quirked in an eager smile.

She wore a white button-up shirt, the buttons at the top straining against the woman's massive cleavage. In fact, the shirt was so strained that the gaps between buttons were spread apart revealing the red lace of her bra. The last three buttons were left undone, the top of her creamy tits exposed for everyone's viewing pleasure. Her thick thighs were covered in a short black pencil skirt, a slit cut down the side revealed even more of her thick pantyhose-clad legs. She had tall slender legs that tapered into a pair of dainty feet hidden behind red velvet 'cone heels' or that's at least what I think they are. I'm not Clara with her ridiculous knowledge of fashion even though she shouldn't know about it either considering we're dirt poor and can't afford any of it.

All I know is that Camilla was hot, like stupidly hot. How did a woman like her end up in a town like this beats me, but I'll thank whatever thread of fate brought her here because it would've been a tragedy to go my entire life without seeing her beauty. Before I could go on dazedly watching the woman's fat ass jiggle with each step she took while she wrote on the whiteboard a finger tapped my shoulder.

"What?" I turned only to be met with the concerned look of Billy. The big man had the seat in the furthest back corner near the windows, his large frame dwarfing the desk he had to uncomfortably sit on.

"What're you going to do about the ticket?" His words were quiet as his eyes shifted around making sure no one heard. Ricky sitting to the right of me gave us both a questioning look before he began scribbling something on a piece of paper. The blond-haired man knew he was too loud to whisper so any secret talk in class had to be done via note with him.

'Is this about Officer Maggot?' I scribbled back a quick yes on the paper before turning back to Billy.

"I don't know what I'm going to do, the electricity's due this week, and we're running low on minutes for our phones, not to mention the taillight itself will probably cost me around forty dollars so I have Jack shit to pay the ticket." I groaned as I scribbled in my creative writing class notebook, a question beginning to form in my head. Why did I even bother coming to school? My grades are shit, my chances of getting into college and receiving any form of financial aid are slim to none, and any job I could get in Shelley County only requires a GED.

"I hate to add to that pile of bad news but my Dad says I can't give you any money to pay it off. He was really angry when Officer Maguire called him to tell him his son had been involved in a traffic stop with teens who 'reeked of cigarette smoke'." Billy scratched the back of his curly head of hair as he spoke. The man looked like he'd had a rough night getting chewed out by his parents, dark circles forming under his emerald eyes.

'I'm fucked too, Mom took all of my money until I fess up and tell her who my dealer is.' Billy looked over my shoulder as we read Ricky's note, a shudder running down both of our spines. Ms. Nash would kill Dylan, the local dealer if she found out it was him. There was a reason why the beautiful woman had remained single ever since her first husband left and that's because she is a fiery woman with a short fuse and an explosive temper.

"Hey, does Dylan have any work we can do?" Billy looked appalled at the thought, his head shaking from side to side and his arms crossing over to make an x. Ricky grinned as I tossed back the paper we were passing notes on.

'Yeah, he said something about needing security for a party' I read the note as a grin grew on my face, but before I could show Billy our latest gig the sound of someone clearing their throat filled the air.

"Mr. Langston, would you mind reading to the rest of the class what you and Mr. Nash are passing back and forth between each other." The paper was instantly crumpled in my hand, my eyes making contact with hers as I placed the wad in my mouth.

The taste of paper is shit, but getting busted would be even worse. I fought hard to swallow the soggy paper as it slid down my throat, Ricky handing me a water bottle he kept in his bag so I wouldn't choke. Giving him a nod I uncapped the plastic bottle before downing the thing in one go. Beads of water dripped from my chin and onto my notebook but I didn't give a shit as the sweet feeling of the paper finally going down my throat brought instant relief.

"….sorry Ms. Anderson, but I don't know what you're talking about." I gave a weak smile as the woman's grey eyes narrowed. Her steps led her toward me, the sound of her heels clicking across the concrete floor sounded like a judge's gavel. She was right in front of me, her incredible height at 5'11" (180cm) allowing her to loom over me like a specter of death.

"That's fine, I can help you learn what I meant after school's out." In between her pale fingers was a pink detention slip, the throng of students murmuring at the sight. It took Ethan Langston only two days into the new year to get his first detention, a groan leaking from my lips as I realized that no matter what I do someone will always screw me over.


Munford High's cafeteria was shit, but me and Clar got our meals for 40 cents a piece due to our low-income status so we both put up with the prison food flavor as it kept our bellies full. I sat my tray down at our table with me and the boys on one side and Elsie and Clara on the other. We were in the back corner furthest from the exit and near where the trash cans were. It was the place where the unpopular kids ate, and even the nerds and freaks of this school knew to avoid our group.

"I'm sorry E, I don't know what got into me, but as soon as I saw that bitch it's like everything went blank in my head." Clara apologized as she dipped one of her crinkle-cut fries into some ketchup. The girl loved to paint the purple lunch trays we were given with all of the condiments they had in the pumps at the edge of the lunch line counter.

"Don't apologize, I know why you're angry—just despite the way she's treated me I still want to preserve the image I had of her before yesterday." It was sappy and corny and everyone at the table looked at me like I was an idiot but it was my honest thought on the matter.

"Didn't you call her a fucking bitch yesterday?" Ricky chimed in as he took a large bite out of his sloppy Joe sandwich, the back half spilling the ground burger onto his tray and the fries underneath. A look of disappointment flashed in his eyes as he looked at the remains of his sandwich in his hands.

"Yeah I did, but I've calmed down since then. Fighting her ain't going to fix anything so please don't do anything stupid." I leaned over the table as I bit into my sloppy Joe, the red sauce dripping down my chin as I reached for a napkin. Staining my tank top is a no-no.

"You'd know a thing about stupidity wouldn't you Ethan?" Billy spoke in between well-mannered bites of his peanut butter and jelly sandwich, Mrs. Evans packing a veritable buffet of fruits and veggies the big man hardly touched. Most of the time me and Clara would snag them before he threw them out so we could add a few healthier options to our diet. It's how Clara got the celery and carrots for last night's chicken and dumplings.

"That's why my motto is to do as I say, not as I do. Speaking of stupid, what kind of party is Dylan throwing to need security?" I sat down my sandwich as I cracked open my carton of chocolate milk, my lips pressing against the freshly torn fibers of paperboard. The sweet nectar of brown cow juice more than made up for the odd texture against my lips as I savored one of the only sweet drinks I got to enjoy in my life.

"He's callin' it a back-to-school bash, but in truth, it's a way for him to get more clients. There's going to be enough drugs there to definitely tempt someone into attempting a robbery." Ricky began eating his fries covered in the ground burger of his sandwich, his fingers staining as he touched the red sauce glazing the meat.

"Did you hear that Ethan, if we get busted we could be facing serious prison time!" Billy's whisper was more of a hiss, his green eyes flicking around looking to make sure no one heard him.

"Where's it going to be at?" I ignored the nervous Nelly, he could make his own decisions about whether or not he wants to do it, but he can't tell me shit.

"Rita's Gentlemens Club." Ricky winced as he glanced over at the two girls. Their ears perked up at the name before a look of recognition flashed in their eyes.

"No, there's no way in hell I'm letting you go there!" Clara glared at me, her arms crossing over her ample chest. Elsie backed her up by nodding along, her arm wrapping under her breasts pushing them up further in my view.

"I ain't got money to tip 'em anyway so I won't be getting any 'service', but if you're that worried about me slipping away with another girl you'll just have to work harder to make me stay." I grinned at them, my vague words reaching their perverted brains like a bolt of lightning. Now I had two blushing girls who were all of a sudden more interested in picking at their lunch trays than stopping me from going to a strip club.

"Uh, anyway Dylan said he'd pay us $200 dollars each but we have to bring our own 'tools'." Ricky ignored the strange tension between me and the girls and immediately went back to talkin' shop. When it came to scams, schemes, or anything on the down low the guy was oddly reliable about it.

"I've got dad's but what about you two?" I asked as I thought about the revolver in the glove compartment. The thought of being forced to use it didn't really make me nervous, it's getting caught like my Dad that makes me scared.

"Please don't use a 'tool' that can easily be linked back to your father." Billy groaned, his hands coming up to his face as he buried himself in his palms

"Then what the hell am I supposed to do, guard the place with no 'tool'?" I shot back, my hands gripping my sloppy Joe a little too hard as the red-sauce-covered ground beef began splattering across my tray.

"I-I don't have shit either, and there is no way I can borrow Mom's tool without her noticing." Just the thought of Ricky trying to take his mother's gun sent a chill down my spine. She would kill him, and then kill me once she found out I was a part of the little operation. Both of our eyes turned to the last remaining option, Billy looking at us with a hopeless look in his eyes.

"Ugh…fine, I can get us some 'tools' but they'll be decidedly less lethal." Billy always gave in, he was the enabler for me and Ricky's hair-brain ideas, and the one guy who could make our stupid plans work. Despite his attempts at acting like he was a straight lace goody two shoes, he loved the thrill of skirting the edge of the law. It was his rebellious way of defying his parents and their strict discipline.

"Good, I'm glad we all could come to an agreement, but I need you two to do me a favor." I clasped my hands together like I was about to pray, my eyes casting a glances at both of them respectively.

"What is it?" Ricky asked, Billy, nodding for me to go ahead and spill it.

"Can you take my car and drive Clara and Elsie home for me?" I spoke.

"Wait a second E, why?" Clara asked, a hint of worry filling her tone.

"I've got detention, and making you wait for me to get out would take away too much of your guy's time."

"Then w-who's going to t-take you t-to work?" Elsie stuttered, her honey-colored eyes narrowing at me.

"Abby Miller, she's back in town and working there at Huck's now so I'll just ask her to swing by and pick me up." As I spoke my hands typed out a quick text to the girl to the same effect, my eyes not noticing the conspiratorial look between Elsie and my sister.