Chereads / Hick’s Harem / Chapter 8 - Chapter 7: Usin’ Detention To Flirt

Chapter 8 - Chapter 7: Usin’ Detention To Flirt

I trudged down the hall leading back to Ms. Anderson's class, my eyes glancing over at the bright purple mural displaying our school mascot, a nondescript and definitely not copyrighted monster man with bolts in his neck. Yes we were the Munford Monsters, and as I made my way past the trophy case I saw the object of everyone's desire in this god-forsaken school.

Under the glowing display case resting on a velvet stand was the 1993 Class 1-A State Football Championship trophy glittering like gold. Ever since that dominant season the school has done everything in its power to win another one and why fuckers like Keith and Jason got away with so much shit. The douchebags were a dynamic quarterback and running-back duo, and since that magic 1993 season, they've had the best chance at reclaiming the coveted title of state champs.

It used to be different, before my dad was arrested I was the third man in our unstoppable offensive trio in middle school. I played the fullback position and punched holes in the other team's defense so we could eke out extra yards. After I was forced to quit the team to take care of my family our relationship devolved into what it is now. Their egos had inflated as the town hailed them as the chosen ones destined to end the Munford Monsters' playoff dry spell. To them, I was a loser who threw away everything and left them to carry their heavy burden.

"Thank you for taking me seriously Mr. Langston, I had honestly expected you to skip out on detention." Ms. Anderson spoke as she leaned against the purple lockers right next to her door. Her room was right at the end of the hall, a glass exit door leading outside allowed the afternoon sun to gleam down on her flaming red hair. It was a really pretty sight, and I found myself lost for words.

"U-uh no problem, it's not like I could leave such a pretty girl like you waiting, my conscience would kill me." The words slipped right out of my stupid mouth before I could even think about how inappropriate it was for me to say that to a teacher. Ms. Anderson gave me a smirk in response, my ears heating up as I looked anywhere but where she stood. I don't know if I could prevent myself from staring at her massive tits, and the thought of having her catch me gawking at her was downright nightmarish.

"Your silvery tongue won't get anywhere with me, but that doesn't mean I don't appreciate it." She gave me a teasing smirk before she pushed off of the locker, her heels clicking against the concrete floor as she headed toward the exit.

"Aren't we doing this in your room?" I asked as I trailed behind the woman, my eyes looking at her juicy bubble butt as it swayed with each hypnotic step.

"Where would the fun be in that? When it comes to punishing students I have a bit of an exhibitionist streak in me." She looked back at me as she spoke, her eyes gleaming with mischief. The sound of my heart thumping in my chest was so loud I thought for sure she could hear it.

"…You're making this sound way too fun to be a punishment. I'm pretty sure every boy in your class would kill me for a chance to spend alone time with you." I spoke as she pushed open the glass door, a hissing sound filling the air as the sun-warmed air hit us. We stepped out onto the concrete sidewalk wrapped around the school, and into the gravel flower bed surrounding the school.

"Truthfully today was very stressful for me so I'm going to smoke while you sit here and tell me about yourself." I watched with wide eyes as the prim and beautiful woman's pale fingers reached inside of her cleavage before she pulled out a pack of cigarettes. "Ah, shit I forgot my lighter!" She cursed as the cigarette hung from her red-painted lips, my eyes zeroing in on the pouty expression and how sexy it looked.

"I've got one but I need a favor from you before I let you use it." I spoke up as I reached for the yellow lighter in my left pocket, the redhead staring as I pulled out the cheap plastic thing out.

"I can't let you out early—"

"No, let me bum a cig from you then we're even." I grinned, my hand held out like a little kid waiting for a present. Ms. Anderson stared at me like I'd grown a second head before she snorted.

"Are you trying to get me fired?" She asked as she pulled her glasses down the bridge of her nose, her naked grey eyes looking at my expression to see what I was thinking. "If I get caught supplying a minor with an illicit substance on school grounds I'm liable to wind up in jail."

"Nah, you picked this spot for a reason even though the school prohibits tobacco on school property. I'm assuming there is a blind spot in the cameras allowing you to sneak a quick smoke here without Principal Hardass getting onto you." I watched as her eyes went through a range of emotions from being shocked to impressed.

"Impressive Mr. Langston, but before I give in and hand you a cigarette I must inform you that my bra does not make for the best pocket. I've sweated all day and my breasts are no exception, are you really sure you want a damp cigarette covered in my sweat?" The red head held out her hand to show me the damp state the cigs were in, her eyes gleaming with mischief as she watched me swallow the lump in my throat.

"Is that even a question, I'd smoke lawn clippings if I had to so a little sweat from a hot chick like you is no problem!" I snatched one of the cigs out of the pack before striking my lighter and lighting the sucker. A deep breath and a long drag later I was handing Ms. Anderson the lighter as a cloud of smoke left my lips in a ring.

"Y-you're a rather perverted boy aren't you?" For the first time ever I saw my teacher flustered, a pink flush covering her cheeks. She struck her own cigarette before taking a slow drag as she savored the nicotine coursing through her.

"Guilty as charged, but you don't seem to be such a saint yourself you know." I glanced over at her as I took in the full picture of her sinful body. My eyes drifted to her slender neck, a bead of sweat sliding down her pale skin.

"Why am I not a saint?" She asked as she looked over at me, her eyes drifting across my broad chest. Her white teeth nipped at her bottom lip as she looked back out at the cornfields surrounding our school.

"Because saints don't tempt men to sin." I grinned at her, the way her face went tomato red at such a cheesy line brought a wheezing chuckle bursting out of me.

"Ugh, don't tease me like that Ethan." She took another puff of her cigarette before looking back at me. "Tell me about yourself."

"What would you like to know?"

"Let's start simple, what do you want to do when you graduate?"


"Uh, any place in particular?"

"Any place that will hire me and pays the most."

"What's the reason why you want to work?"

"To take care of my sis."

"Hmm, is there another special someone you want to take care of?"


"W-what, why me?"

"Because I think you'd make a great wife."

"O-oi what makes you think I'd even date you to the point where we'd consider marriage?"

"You see me as a person…you don't talk bad about me like the other teachers. And when you were my ninth-grade English teacher and my dad had just been arrested your eyes didn't change when you looked at me. You'll actually give me a chance to prove my worth and I'm confident I can sweep you off your feet. Now, do you have any more questions for me Ms. Anderson?" I looked over at the blushing mess that was my creative writing teacher, her face buried in her hands as she tried to hide her shame. Her lips were the only thing exposed as the cigarette tip glowed red hot mimicking her emotions.

"C-call me Camilla when we're alone, Ms. Anderson makes me sound like an old maid." The tall buxom woman finally stood up as she rebounded from my devastatingly sappy confession. I myself was hiding my blush by looking away, the fact that I was being so direct with her reminded me of how my Dad used to talk. The apple doesn't fall too far from the tree it seems.

"Okay, Camilla, do you have any other questions for me?"

"Why did you write your short story assignment about a man contemplating jumping off a bridge?" She was referencing the assignment she had given us the first day, a paragraph-long short story about anything we could think of.

"If you're thinking it's a cry for help your dead wrong, it's a story about a man worried about his next decision. Like he's one small step away from ruining everything, but in the back of his mind he knows he needs to take the plunge. That's what my story means." The man was still trying to figure out if jumping was still the right decision, a puff of smoke leaving my lips as I let out a wistful sigh.

"Ethan—I can call you that right?"


"Would it be okay if I pick your brain after school every day like this?"

"Only if you drive me to work after we're done."

"Deal." Our eyes both turned toward the cornfield as a gentle breeze caused the dry corn stalks to sway like the waves of an ocean. The glimmering sun reflected off of the golden leaves like shimmering water, it was a really pretty sight.


"Yo." Abby waved as I walked out of the front entrance to the school. She leaned against the hood of her car like a cat bathing in the sun, her muscles tensing as a yawn leaked from her pouty pink lips. The car in question was a small little two-door convertible coupe, the spotless glossy black paint gleamed under the evening rays of the sun.

"Thanks, Abbs." As I got closer I noted she was wearing a plaid flannel shirt, the thing drooped off her shoulders as she left it unbuttoned. Underneath the green and black patterned shirt was a white camisole that clung tightly against her massive breasts. Her legs were 'covered' and I am using the term loosely as her shorts bordered on denim panties than anything close to proper shorts.

"What's the matter Ethan, do you not like it?" She spun around, my eyes catching sight of the underside of her pale bubble butt left uncovered by her Daisy Duke Shorts.

"It's not a matter of whether I like it, because I definitely do, but that prick Jerry will definitely chew you out about the dress code." I made sure she knew I appreciated it as my eyes wandered across her gorgeous hourglass figure. There has got to be something in the water of this county making these girls so hot.

"Ah, who cares I can just use my flannel to cover it up." To demonstrate this she slipped the long sleeve shirt off before cinching the sleeves around her waist like a belt. Now the part meant to cover her torso acted as a loincloth covering her large ass, she gave me a twirl to show that her ass was indeed hidden.

"You make everything you do so sexy." I grinned as I walked toward the passenger side of the car. Abby stood stunned at my words, her face turning a deep shade of red and if this was a cartoon steam would be coming out of her ears.

"L-let's just go!" She hustled to the driver side seat where she opened the door like a civilized person. I on the other hand took advantage of the car's top being down as I hopped over the door and landed on the white leather bucket seat.

"Come on rookie, punch it!" With the push of a button, the engine roared to life, the vibrating purr of it coursing through my veins. Using the automatic gear selector in the center console she shifted the car into reverse. The sound of the tires squealing filled the air as we slid across the empty parking lot. Coming to an abrupt stop that jerked me up against the dashboard of the car, I rather nervously put on my seatbelt. I may have told the wrong person to drive fast.

"Hold on Ethan, we're going to fly!" She shifted into drive and the engine practically sung, the car flying out of the parking lot like a bat out of hell. I sunk into the seat as I held onto the edge of the car door and my bucket seat for dear life. All the while I was freaking out Abby giggled, her hair fluttering in the wind as she smiled like a maniac.