Yuuya's eyes open to bright lights. "W-Where am I?"
'' a voice said. "My boy, you are in heaven!" Yuuya's
expression changed significantly. "Huh?" He asked.
"You heard me." The voice said. "Wait, so by that you
mean…" Yuuya asks, "I'm dead?" God nods his head. Yuuya felt a
sense of relief but at the same time didn't want to accept it. "You
know…" God tells Yuuya, "The person driving the vehicle was my
son," Yuuya's eyes widened in disbelief. "So, as forgiveness. I shall
grant you one wish when you get reincarnated." "Reincarnated?"
Yuuya asked. "Yes, You shall get reincarnated into a magic world!"
"When you say I can wish does it mean that I can wish
anything?" Yuuya asks God.
"Yes, you can wish for anything."
"Hmm… In that case then when I get reincarnated, give me
three bodies!"
God gives it a second before granting the wish. As soon as
Yuuya blinks he is no longer in heaven. Yuuya wonders what's
going on. "Oh shit!" Yuuya thinks, "I'M IN THREE BODIES!!!"
Yuuya's isekai life starts now.