Zena's eyes fluttered open, and a blinding white light forced her to shut them back. This... she couldn't move her body. In fact, she couldn't feel her body. Was she dead? She was dead! She had to be dead. After getting hit by a 15-ton truck, of course, she was dead. Tears slipped out of her closed eyes and slowly her dull senses awakened. the only thing she experienced at first was a beeping sound that pinged unpleasantly in her eardrums and though she felt the weight of being in a body, she still couldn't move. Wait? Does that mean she's alive?
Deciding to give it another shot, she opened her ears. The light was indeed blinding, but soon she got used to it as her pupils adjusted to accommodate all the light pouring into her retina. But as she became accustomed to her surrounding, she felt a force toss her into the atmosphere. She was experiencing this intense falling sensation and Zina could swear she was screaming, yet it didn't seem like anyone was hearing her.
The beeping sound suddenly ceased and a loud consistent ping filled the room around her and she couldn't breathe anymore. She was really going to die!
Help me! Save me! Someone, Anyone!
"Xian Mina, wake up you fucking bitch!"
"Her vitals are stable. We can move on with the surgery. If the children remain in her belly any longer, she may die. Are you ready to meet your sons, President Zhen?"
"Will she be okay?" he asked, and the nurses in the room, as well as the doctors and surgeons, all looked at each other. Is he asking for her well-being after calling her a fucking bitch? Is what they all silently asked each other, who calls their dying wife a bitch?
"She is stable for the time being. The only injunction is that we cannot wake her to welcome her babies into the world." The head surgeon explained, and Xerxes simply shrugged.
"Not like she would care anyway, as far as the boys are healthy." He responded, and this time he noticed the silent expressions they gave each other.
Before he could ask what it meant, they moved on and in a few minutes, Xander and Xavier Zhen were brought into the world. Only the poor little things were heavily jaundiced and premature.
"Are they going to the okay?!" Xerxes stepped forward, his brows in a deep furrow and his voice sounding heavily aggressive.
"President Zhen, you must let us treat them."
"Do anything it takes to save them. You must save them no matter what, no matter the cost."
Zena shuddered instinctively as she listened to that deep growl. What the hell was going on?
Where was she? And whose protective father was that? Gee, how amazing it would be to marry someone like that in the future, and his voice sounded just-
What was she doing? Lusting over someone's husband? She shut her eyes and opened them again. That bright light was still there, and the beeping was still... as annoying as ever? She still could not feel her body and... are those doctors? Was she in a hospital? If she was being honest, this looked like the inside of an operating- oh my goodness! Did she wake up during her operation? That makes so much sense.
She said a small word of thanks that she hadn't hurt her brain. And she was still alive. That was good.
"Oh my, she's awake."
"Did you do something?"
"No, not at all."
"Put her back to sleep."
"But sir-"
"Do you not understand? The Zhens- follow my order, double the dose and put her to sleep. If we are lucky, she'll never wake up."
Zena's eyes would have widened if she could move them. Was she now going to be murdered?! What the hell was going on? What the hell-
"What do you mean, she doesn't have any brain activity?" Xerxes asked.
"Waking up during the surgery with all the heavy sedatives damaged her nerves, and she has..." the chief surgeon trailed off, looking up at Xerxes.
"Is she in a coma? Is that why she won't wake up?" He asked.
The chief surgeon leaned forward and placed his elbows on his desk. "Her heart stopped beating during the surgery as you witnessed yourself. So she didn't get enough oxygen to her brain she is assumed to be brain dead."
"She is brain dead."
Xerxes' eyebrow rose as he sat up in his seat. "Wow. I paid you handsomely to ensure the surgery goes well and now you are telling me Xian is in a coma?"
"This is unbelievable," Xerxes interrupted with a mirthful chuckle. "Do you really think I am supposed to be listening to such excuses? Me?"
The chief surgeon was confused. What was this reaction? Was he not supposed to be happy?
The rumours between the two weren't even rumours anymore. Their relationship was a public scandal, a very messy one. People have even said they had been separated for months now, this pregnancy was believed to have been aborted.
Xerxes frowned. His eyes narrowed with such intensity that the surgeon felt as though they were spitting fire.
'What kind of stupid news was this?' Xerxes thought bitterly. How was he supposed to divorce her like this? He hated the fact that she was right. Xian would never shut up about the fact that she was sacrificing her life by bearing his children. He always took it as her sacrificing career and social life, but she would actually be right. She would be sacrificing her life and it irked him more than anything that her selfishness would be justified.
"So what now? Where do we go from here?" He asked.
"Well, since she has been declared brain dead and has shown no sign of brain activity for forty-eight hours, then you as her husband can legally stop the life support and-"
"Kill her? Are you telling me to kill my wife?"
"She was a healthy woman, she can donate organs to-"
"No!" Xerxes growled. The chief surgeon wanted to pull out his hair. What was this man's problem and not letting him finish sentences?
"I won't be the one that kills her. Wouldn't she love that the most? Haunting me for the rest of myself with a silent ' 'I told you so'. Leave her as she is. We'll send a check every month for her life support and care." He said, standing up.
"Are you leaving?"
"Of course, I need to see my sons."