Cold. Everything was so cold.
Empty. That was all I could say about my situation. She knew that I would have wanted to stay with her after all that time together. She truly was kind yet so cruel. But it hurts! I finally found someone who brought colour into the world and she left me!
A swirling hatred began to fill me. Anger Depression and desperation filled my mind as I tried to figure out as much as I could on how to return however it was pointless and I knew that. She burnt out her soul just to keep me there for so long. She was gone and I couldn't bring her back no matter how strong I was, no matter how many spells and techniques I knew. I was alone, truly alone.
Opening my eyes I was met by crude and uneven stone filling my vision. The occasional drops of water from stalactites could be heard as it echoed off of the walls. Sitting up I took note of my situation. I should be somewhere near the beginning of the game that I played but I have no clue where I am or the exact dage. I could be partway through an arc of the story or I could just be beginning. Either way I needed to find out and that started with getting to know myself.
Long silver hair that flowed down to my waist with a deep blue/purple at the tips. My body was slender however I was tall giving me a lanky and fragile look. I didn't have a mirror nor was there enough water on the floor to see my face. Luckily I was not naked but I had an outfit that looked somewhat between a suit and casual clothes that fit me perfectly almost like it was tailored just for me.
A deep brown jacket with mixes of black making it look darker than it was with lines of purple runes that emitted a soft glow going up my arms and around the openings in the jacket. Long black trousers and combat boots that weren't too long or too short to decrease my movement. It was the perfect outfit.
A small ache suddenly hit my head as a wave of nausea caused my head to spin.
(Hehe I hope that you like your outfit. I spent some time moulding it from my old clothes that I was wearing before I died. Fufu I left you a gift too, since you are technically me, you will have access to my dimensional space, Surprise! You should have more than enough materials to recreate your weapons and mine should be in there too. Please look after them they were great partners in my battles. I'm sorry but your soul was too weak for- Ah I don't have much time left but thank you so much. Become strong and embrace your roots as a primordial to become the pinnacle and... Find someone to cherish... truly that is all I can wish for)
Creating an image of rune in my mind I opened the dimensional space to find heaps of books weapons and armour along with herbs and metals. It truly was a wonderful gift. Pulling out the familiar scythe I glided my hand across the blade allowing it to taste my blood.
Slowly the colour of the scythe turned brighter as it shook in delight accepting its new master. A single tear left my eye before I focused on surviving. It's what she would have wanted not me moping over what is already done.
I needed blood and lots of it along with a harsh training environment to go up the ranks. Any blood would do but the higher the rank the blood was better for faster growth.
I would need potions to replenish my stamina and health and runes for protection against status ailments and I needed to see if the gold in the dimensional space could still be used. I also needed to create an artifact to hide my bloodline before I was found. I had a lot to do and not much time to do it.
The first step was to learn of my strength. All beings needed an artifact to see their status. Luckily I had multiple of them in her inventory so I should never have an issue.
Primordials were given multiple benefits that decreased or negated their races downsides. For vampires primordials had a large resistance or immunity to the sun along with a great bloodline that consumes strength from others blood allowing for boosts in strength after each battle. Vampires were practically built for large wars on the battlefield as after each kill they would get slightly stronger, Kill 10 people you won't see much of a change but if they kill an army they may rank up a few times. But I digress it was time to see where I landed on the food chain.
Name: Jacob Fyre [Noir] Age:18
Race: Primordial Vampire
LVL: 05/?
Str: F
Agi: F+
Int: A+
Mana : E-
Aura: E-
Blood control {1/10}
Space control {0/10}
Time control {0/10}
Constellation magic {0/10}
Shadow magic {0/10}
Dimensional space MAX {10/10}
Hide presence {10/10}
Passive skills:
Weapon proficiency E-
Gunmanship- E+ (SS+ Locked)
Swordsmanship G- (B Locked)
Scythemanship E (SS+ Locked)
Calm Mind
Parallel processing
Mana Blessing (Locked)
What in the actual FUCK... I thought that if I worked hard I would have a reduced amount of limiters. She was going to say something. My soul, something about my soul. Looking deep within myself I felt my soul however it was dark and cracked it looked like it was being held together with some. tape and paper clips. That must have been what the pain and swirling consciousness was about.
Luckily it looks like most of the skills I learnt in her world followed me to this life and I have a bunch of skills related to my race too. I'll have to push myself to get back to where I was but I'll need resources that I don't have. It was heavenly that I kept my skills just at an locked level since my potential with mastering weapons was so low that it would take me years to reach the necessary proficiency of those at the peak harder for me to perfect a stance or battle technique
Pulling out the map in the inventory I marveled at the expanse that I would have to travel to. A super continent that covered 60% of the world split into 3 parts almost equally 3 Empires took control with multiple kingdoms that overlooked the rest of the land under control of the empire.
This made the influence of the royal family almost concrete as royals were everywhere always leading the other nobles and commoners. The only place without such control were the races that lived in the forests and small villages that were not big enough to take control over.
In the centre, If my game knowledge and memory served me right there was a Huge academy on the border of two of the supercontinents countries that all races seemed to attend. It would be my best bet to head there and enroll. They wouldn't be able to teach me much if her knowledge was up to date but I would be able to gain a foothold with current knowledge and I would have access to resources without having to spend tons of money.
There was 367 years before I would be summoned if I possessed her body right after the story began so I would have enough time to build up strength to crush that kingdom that killed me to smithereens.
And thus began my adventure to conquer a kingdom and live a slow and peaceful life.