Chapter 2 - Second chance

Why everything is dark here???

What is going on ???and why everything is wet around me???

(decode it yourself, if you have brain)

"Yeh ti skool ekil uoy tog a yob"

"Yllaer, tel em ees mih"

prince opened his eyes, a lady was holding him in her hands...

" I wonder if some gaint has kidnapped me, they all look very big and this's very strange" he thought he should wait and see what is happening...

(author note- well...yes he reincarnated again)

___2 months later___

Prince had understood everything by now. he is born again. i mean he Re reincarnated...

it's his 2nd or maybe 3rd reincarnation.

and he remembered how he died...




It was a peaceful day The Prince had accepted his fate and was living a miserable life, realizing that he was in someone else's story where he was not even equal to a mosquito. One day his master, to whom he was a slave, took him out for a walk and then the sky became dark....

yes you guessed it right... It was a plot development of the mc of that world....he was fighting some monsters....

And Prince i died because his owner used him as a meat shield.

Such a fate...

In his last moment his only wish was that he should get a fair chance to become a main character And in a world without magic and monsters.

And that's how he got in this world Named 'sitron' I don't know much about this world but i am sure that it is a non magical world.

you have to explore it yourself.

"i still can't understand what are they talking about.....what a pity"

__8 months later __

At this time the Prince was reading a book, by now he had started to understand a little bit of the language. after all he has the mind of an adult.

He goes to his father's stack of books every day in the middle of the night to collect information about the world.

there are two continents in this world, Northern Continent and Southern Continent.

The Southern Continent Isn't That Big while the northern continent is much larger. There are pirates in this world and there is navy, it's an individual organization that held the power of the whole world. Although there are kings but they can't do anything about navy. in the sea of course...they have less influence on the land, after all it's navy not a bandit organisation.

prince was born in the Southern Continent.he don't know how but his name was still prince. Because my mother thought that he looks like a Prince.

"Hyy kiddo....Are you reading your father's books again?? I think you will grow up to be a very smart man "

"Ahhhh mmmma....unuiudn'"

Yes, he can't speak because he is still a baby

She is prince's mother. It's a nice family he got....Well he still don't have any type of powers.But at least it is a peaceful and lovely Life.


prince continued to read books every now and then, to know the things around him, for many years.

he is a 17 year boy now....And yes he is a smart boy. his life was a peaceful one, until today.....




*Crying and panicking sounds*

"Boys....don't leave anything "

"Yes sir"

These were least that was he thought... because they were acting like one

pirates was ravaging the town and looting everything, they killed a lot of people. Most of the men have been killed and the women are being raped, they strip them naked and drag them by their hair.....some children have been killed and rest have been captured, and Prince is one of them.

his parents were murdered in front of his eyes....

his father was fighting one of the pirates but they outnumbered him then they cut his arm...blood was flowing rapidly, then they cut his right leg. he wasn't able to stand, he collapsed on the ground, his mother went straight to help him, then they killed both of them....

Since both of them have some brain, They didn't do anything to prince or mentioned him. so pirate didn't know who he was...If they had known, he would surely have died that day...

and I have to reincarnate him again...

Prince had tears in his eyes, he wanted to take revenge, but he was weak, he cried and matter what his mental state was, his body was 17 year old and his parents were murdered in front of's just natural to have tears.




After an hour pirates left the town with captive children. After 2 days of sea voyage, they stopped on a small island.

"Hyy kid eat this " Somebody gave him a piece of bread...

"Can I go pee?" prince asked "Ok, but don't try to run...." A pirate said.....

"i have nowhere to go, why should I run?" he left the tent and went outside.

he was doing his business, when he heard somebody talking. he overheard them.

Then his heart skipped a beat.....

Till now he was thinking that pirates are bad and was praying to God that Navy would come and save them. But now he came to know that they were not pirates but navy.

Not the real navy...but they were working for navy.....

Their job was to kidnap young children then travel to northern continant. Once they were in middle of the sea, Navy will come and save the kids...

So that the children feel that the Navy has saved their lives...Because no one had a house left now, so most of them will join the navy...they will pretend that they left the other kids alone but who know what will happen to them??

the navy will get a constant supply of individuals who would die for their sake, and the treasures they looted was extra earnings....

At that moment, he made a promise to himself to wipe Navy from the map of the world, because they suppose to help others but they were killing them. they killed everyone in his town and it was not the first town nither will it be the last....

"i must escape" he thought of escaping. After some time, he ran into the forest....

Fake pirates didn't care cause he wasn't that important, they had hundreds of kids....

prince walked all day cause he was afraid if someone came after him....

At night, he found a cave....he tried to hide in it

"Did you find him???"


"Ok let's go back he would die after all"




In middle of the night he heard sounds of the pirates...he was afraid that they might find him. but they continued the journey to the sea in the morning....

he Came out of the cave the next day. his throat was dry and stomach was empty.

prince looked for something to eat but couldn't find anything...

The sound of some animals was coming from the forest so prince went back to the cave "I wonder what is in this cave? Is it closed? It doesn't seem so, let me see"

He was walking for half an hour, but he could not find the end, after walking for some time he saw water dripping from the roof. He started moving forward after drinking water.

After some time he reached the end of the cave...the cave was big enough in the end. then he saw something there....

When Prince come closer, it was a hut.


he froze at that moment.....
