The next morning prince and kann got up early, prince gave his special water to kann to wash her face, she was looking very ugly.
Sea water is not good for all these purposes. Since everyone was asleep the prince and the kann sat on the beach and watched the rising sun...
After a brief silence, kann broke the silence and said
" thank you for saving us, what are your plans now"
he thought for a while and told her his story
he told her everything, how his town was destroyed by fake pirates, how everybody dies and how he escaped.
he didn't told her about his cave visit.
after that he asked about what happened to her...
"I lived on a small island. There were not many people in our village. One day slave traders came. There were not many young people in our village, mostly old people and children, And those who were young did not know how to fight.
They kidnapped some girls, they already had many girls, so they left, then after a few days we came to island"
he thought 'same as mine...'
"i am going to become a pirate so that i can clean up these types of people" he's was System mission or he will die, but he also wants to kill those basterds...they killed his friends and family after all.
kann was taken aback and suddenly asked "Can I join too?"
"huh?...Ok ,but remember there will be many hardship and bloodbath"
" i am ready, and i don't have anywhere to go"
They went to the slave traders' ship to steal their first ship
"system, is there any why to make it more unique?"
[You can buy support items from the shop]
'any recommendations??'
[You have 15000 points now, i think you should buy an automatic ship controller. it will cost 12000 coins, and you will also got an free engine]
'great, please buy it and fix it in that big ship '
[ it will take some time, please make sure no one gets in ]
Kann was about to go inside but prince stopped her and asked her to go to the smaller ship.
After that they both went to the small ship .
when they entered, they heard a voice from inside....
"You..who are you, and what are you doing here?" there was a 14 year old boy hiding inside a box.
"my name is Lucy, i want to become a pirate. so I thought I'd sneak into this pirate ship. But I didn't know they were slave traders that's why i'm hiding."
A strange smile came on prince's face...
'isn't it too obvious? a boy hidden underneath a box, named Lucy, and is going to be a pirate '
"i am starting a new pirate crew would you like to join me?" he asked
His eyes lit up and he immediately said yes.
"btw what is the name of your crew ??"
'what should I name this crew?? maybe straww hat ? ,,, redd hair??,,, whitebeeardd or Rooger pirates???'
'what the hack am i thinking'
"Ok what about Dark pirates?"
"not a bad name " kann replied
< ship renovation completed >
< please name your ship >
'ok umm.... what about going marr....'
[ no, you can't , please choose a proper name it's not a pirate novel, it's a fantasy and your own story]
'ok what about blakk pearl '
[ you wish]
"ok guys, it's settled then, i am Prince of Darkness the caption, our name is the dark pirates, our ship is blakk pearl .
Ms. kann is my first crew mate and second in command and Mr. Lucy is 2nd mate and 3rd in command "
*ok captain*
"Ahh...what a good crew, it feels great to be a pirate. i should act like one then" prince thought to himself....
"Umm...what about the flag captain?" lucy was curious and was acting like a real pirate...
"let's see...i think we should decide later, let's go see the others..."
"girls i have to say you something, i recently found a pirate crew, if any of you want to join me then come here. if you want to go home then take that ship and go. i will give you enough food so you don't have to worry about anything"
After thinking for a while all went towards the other ship but three girls stopped, one of them said "we have no place to go. If you treat us well then we would like to join you"
he accepted them and asked them to go to the blakk pearl and clean the ship.
they already told him that they can't fight so they would like to manage the ship for them so that they could do the other business without worrying
The Prince gave a new look to the ship with the remaining points and sent some food after seeing the rest of the girls.
Prince then turned to his crew and asked "What do you think we should do now?"
"What will you decide, we will follow it, Captain" lucy said...
Prince wanted to say one last goodbye to his parents, so he was going to do it...but before it
"all of you, i have a task for you all. you have to explore this Island and after evening report me. i want to draw a map"
*yes captain*
Everyone went in different directions, meanwhile the Prince put all his belongings in the ship. When everyone returned in the evening, prince lit a fire and everyone sat around it.
"caption, i went north and found some fruit tree. we can use them as food " a girl said
"caption, i found a pond " Lucy said
"prince, i found nothing but i can draw map ."
Kann said, she did not call prince as captain but called him by his name. Cause? i don't know...
Everyone ate and I made the map. when it was finished...
[ make a map of the island, quest completed]
[ obtained 1000 points]