Chereads / Personal Meta Essence / Chapter 18 - [Safety] In Your Hands...

Chapter 18 - [Safety] In Your Hands...

Essence of Chaos Emeralds (Sonic)

The servers are the 7 Chaos. Chaos is power... Power enriched by the heart. The controller is the one that unifies the Chaos. - "Tikal's Prayer"

● By drinking this essence, you acquired the body of the Ultimate Life Form, that is, an immortal body of immense power and immune to all diseases known and unknown to man and of course to the rigors of the eternity of immortality;

○ You can shape-shift yourself into any species present in the Sonic Series;

○ Guaranteed that your will look cute, innocent, cool, beautiful, badass, handsome or several of these characteristics combined;

○ Your capabilities have been raised beyond the peak, yet they don't compare to those who are renowned for it:

○ You can move at hypersonic speed, has lightning-like reflexes, and unrivaled agility that lets you leap insane heights and cushion falls from any height.

Running up walls or over water is as natural as breathing, except you have to go fast;

○ Your strength lets you lift giant robots like Death Egg Robot (albeit with effort), a few serious hits and you could end up burying someone under a mountain;

○ Your durability allows you to withstand atmospheric re-entry, falling onto the concrete floor, getting up and out without injury and laughing for nothing, and of course dealing with any negative effects your speed has on your body;

○ Your senses have been heightened to the point where you are fully aware of what happens within a 100 meter radius, even what can enter the realm of the supernatural like psychic energy and chaos energy are just as visible with a neon wall. The loss of one or four senses won't affect you too much. Your instincts will reassure you when your other senses cannot;

○ Your mind has become noticeably better, not necessarily smarter, but sharper, more perceptive, faster, enough that is able to watch Sonic move in combat as if he were in super slow motion, able to do any calculation and/or deduction in moments, as long as you are capable of doing so. It's impossible to control your mind, untouchable to memetic hazards. You can observe what cannot be seen look into the abyss and it will be the abyss that blinks;

○ You have an extremely efficient healing factor, able to recover from any physical or mental problems in minutes;

○ You have the uncanny ability to breathe and speak in the vacuum of space... Anime Logic?

○ You still have the potential to be so much more, we're looking at the Archie comics' level and beyond, to infinity and beyond. This potential applies to anything.

● Just like Sonic the Hedgehog you are a "free spirit like wind", the mind of a different kind, an adventurer so to speak. That means you only follow your own conscience, most of the worries and worries in the world don't get to you, always living every second of your life to the fullest;

○ Contrary to what one might expect, this attitude does not negatively affect your relationships, in fact this positivity makes you friendlier and more charismatic in the eyes of others;

○ Your willpower is invincible, forget about the will to overcome pain and adversity, we're looking for a mind and spirit that can handle having your friends trapped in a state where even ghosts are more tangible, this while you're slowly being corrupted and suffering excruciating pain. Eldritch beings are more likely to go insane trying to get inside your mind, that kind of thing doesn't even make you shiver or wipe that damn smile off your face, dude the truth is just a lazy day for you. Just Smile;

○ Optionally you are "free" on a conceptual level, nothing can hold you against your will, even for a short time, from walls to chains to magic to feelings like anguish and concepts like gravity can't hold you. You will break free without much effort and yes, that means you can fly by breaking free of gravity and that life's disagreements don't affect you. You can still learn from the pain you may feel even when you choose to skip the acceptance process, of course it all depends on your choice;

● You have the most useful skill you can have in the world of Sonic… no, nothing to do with emeralds, nor intelligence or speed… no, not badass aura or plot-armor, I mean the ability to swim consistently, those hours of aquatic terror, it's serious around here there are more people who can fly than who can swim, and sometimes those who know swim forget from one story to another… you can take the ability to breathe underwater as a freebie;

● Gotta go Fast! And you are FAST. Wind, sound, lightning, all this eats dust when you start to run, speed of light is a "small time", what's left beyond that only you and a few others know. In case it's not already clear, you're much faster than light, your true top speed is totally unknown if there's a limit. When it comes to speed you're unbeatable, only that blue hedgehog can truly keep up and that's just when he strives;

○ You have complete control over your speed, able to accelerate, slow down almost instantly, you can also accomplish anything quickly with no problems,

swimming so fast as to generate propulsion is no surprise but eating or picking up and carrying fragile objects like eggs at that speed, that's something you somehow manage. This has to be something that depends on you, so unfortunately that download is still going to take forever;

○ That speed is no joke, running along walls, across ceilings, across water, that's basic. There is a chance that you can run through the air. You can kick and punch so fast that you can generate shockwaves, perform double/triple jumps by stepping in the air, perform "air tricks", heal at super speed, and generate super speed barriers. This could very well become a new skill over time, after all Sonic has already managed to fire shockwaves in a cross shape just by "pushing" the air, and parry blows from almost anything, including giant robots;

○ The laws of physics be damned, the consequences of moving at that speed don't exist for you at all, but if you want you can allow some to do so, which can lead you to set the whole atmosphere on fire when that's your will;

○ The laws of physics be damned once again, you have what can only be described as bullshit, I mean, even without any flying abilities you can control your momentum while still in the air. You can go forward, backward, sideways, zig zag, loops, skydiving in any direction or perform a Stomp which is basically an offensive variant of this latter that can shatter the ground, when you don't annihilate it. None of that hurts you, depending on the situation it's possible to use the Stomp as a springboard, propelling you even higher... Is it serious that he doesn't have the ability to fly?

○ You can use the Homing Attack, which can propel you in a certain direction and/or lethally towards a target.

○ You can use the legendary Boost, which allows you to reach other levels of speed and generate an aura that practically makes you an extremely fast and destructive cannonball. All you need to do to activate this is run and clench your fists.

○ You also gain all the other abilities that Sonic has proven himself capable of, including those present in Sonic Frontiers and future games.

● You have a mastery over chaos energy superior to that of Shadow the Hedgehog, self-titled as the only one who knows how to use the true power of chaos, this allows you summon, channel, and manipulate chaos energy to use the Chaos abilities at will even when you don't have an emerald. The most basic and well-known Chaos abilities are:

○ Chaos Control, the skill that underpins all the others, which just happen to be variations of this one, and is also potentially the most powerful of them all. It is the ability that allows you to manipulate and/or shape the fabric of space and time. The effects are potentially infinite, the power increases exponentially with the number of Emeralds, with just a Chaos Emerald it is possible to slow down or stop time and teleport yourself or a group at undetermined distances; with two it is possible to perform interdimensional travel (but a master can do it with only one) and tears in space-time that allow time travel (usually done with two users, each with an emerald, invoking the Chaos Control); With the 7 Chaos Emeralds the only limit is the imagination and how much power the user is willing to use, after all, it is possible to shape reality itself as you wish with this power;

○ Chaos Spear, a simple skill that involves channeling energy and then launching it as energy bolts/spears, the most common method is channeling it into the hands, but a more experienced user can summon multiple spears in mid-air. It is possible to control the level of power so that they only cause paralysis or devastating damage, it is also possible to hold them and use them like real spears;

○ Chaos Blast, a very destructive skill that involves gathering chaotic energy into our body and then releasing it all at once. Depending on the amount of energy and control of the user it can either result in a huge explosion or something focused and potentially even more devastating, with practice it is possible to generate localized explosions in areas close to the user.

● This is another kind of mind of a different kind. Your intellect is superior to that of Eggman and Tails combined and on top of that it is omnidisciplinary, in layman's terms it means, that it is a mind good at everything, good at mechanics, good at programming,

good at art, good at conversation. Honestly, very impressive;

○ Your mind has qualities not found in normal minds: Perfect memory? It is clear;

Perfect indexing and infinite storage? Obviously; Instant recall? Naturally;

Multitasking and Supraconsciousness? You couldn't call yourself a super genius if you didn't have that and there's more to that pretty little head of yours;

● No one values a detective's skills until they need to find something or when a joke between friends to find the killer becomes a real case... very graphic and convoluted, right? You have detective skills at a very high level: perception to identify almost imperceptible clues; "charisma" to extract the most information; mind capable of interconnecting all relevant data at a level that compares to an epiphany;

● The controller is the one that unifies the Chaos. Logic says that when one tries to unite opposites, they either cancel each other out or create a catastrophe, but what is chaos if not the lack of logic. You are the one who unifies Chaos and therefore its controller, you are Balance incarnate, fully capable of uniting opposites without problems and with results always greater than the sum of the parts, potentially exponentially. Negative and positive; Fire and water; Light and dark, even what aren't true opposites like Ki and Magic, or aren't even opposites, like fire and lightning, Chaos doesn't care, the results will be similar;

● Optionally you can access your Super Form without needing the Emeralds. This form is the representation of the power that is capable of controlling the entire world and potentially the universe, by commanding unlimited power with access to infinite energy, in this form:

○ You acquire the flying ability, which proves to be very easy to master, even on the first try there will be no problems;

○ All of your innate abilities are greatly intensified, to the point where a hedgehog known to be able to easily break the sound barrier approaches the speed of light and someone who is able to move boulders with his psychokinetic powers becomes able to attract projectiles similar to meteors and shoot them with even more force;

○ You acquire an invulnerability that can only be surpassed by beings of comparable level, indeed your own, which traditionally are beings empowered by the 7 Emeralds, the Master Emerald, or apocalyptic entities that can only be described as gods incarnate;

○ This energy is much easier to access and manipulate to the point where someone able to use Chaos Control to teleport any planetary distance with an emerald is now able to teleport the equivalent of an entire city the same distance without problems. However, this is the safe level if you are willing it is entirely possible to use such power to shape your own reality at will;

○ A lesser known ability is to empower machines by increasing their capabilities and giving infinite energy/fuel;

○ This is you using the positive energy, if you use the negative will assume the Dark Super form where you have the same powers, but you're not thinking of playing safe and goes show that the power of Chaos isn't a toy;

○ Feeling Unstoppable? Even if not, the better your base is, the greater the extent of that power and how far you can go "safely".

● You are the living embodiment of chaotic power, a literal and natural source of it, and that says a lot about your ability, after all this energy is the source of unimaginable power that transforms thoughts into power. This power at base levels can power machines and enhance the user's innate talents to epic proportions, but at true capacity? Effectively invincible and unstoppable with the power to bend reality to perform what can only be described as an act of God. You are currently still quite limited, but how long are you going to stay that way?

○ You have become something similar to a Chaos Emerald, an unlimited source of Chaotic Energy. From the moment you consume this Essence, you generate and have power equivalent to an emerald, which is more than enough to shape space-time for interdimensional travel or slow down/stop time, among others;

○ Being part of you, Chaotic Energy proves to be easier to control than ever before, even as an amateur without any experience, it is possible to control this energy on the same level as a master like Shadow. Practice will take you to levels far beyond that;

○ Of course you are an Incarnation and not a Chaos Emerald. You are a being with emotions, those emotions intensify the generation of that energy and you can contain much more power, a maximum of an emerald the size of a living being, something close to a Master Emerald. This is just the beginning, after all, as a living being, you evolve all the time. Every second your ability to generate and how much it can contain increases. Your evolution is faster the closer you are to large sources of chaotic power like Emeralds and how strong your base is;

○ If you can access your Super form without the emeralds, you won't have more energy than you normally would. When you use this power in this form, you will temporarily have at least the power of 7 super emeralds, that is, enough to reach Hyper form. This form is basically the Super form of the Super form, it is impossibly rare and as far as is known it is the very manifestation of power and invincibility;

○ When you reach the maximum energy you can sustain, you will stop generating and if that is not enough, you will harmlessly release the excess. The released energy can only be used by you and those you allow.

● There are sources of power comparable to or even more powerful than Chaos Emeralds... At least in more specific areas. Each of which is linked to you and has full access to your power;

○ World Rings - A set of seven mystical rings that serve as the hearts that make up the Arabian Nights stories, as well as the bonds that hold that world together.

Each Ring corresponds to a different emotion that represents one of the story aspects of the Arabian Nights:

- Prayer/Hope (Blue);

- Sadness (Purple);

- Rage/Anger (Red);

- Hatred (Green);

- Joy/Happiness (Yellow);

- Pleasure/Joy (Aqua);

- Wishes/Desire (White).

When the rings are physically touched, one can feel a "whirlpool of the emotions" related to the emotion it contains inside themselves.

○ Individually, the rings are sources of mystical power at cataclysmic levels, being able to control certain aspects of reality and allow use certain spells such as Time Break and Speed Break. Together, they can open the "portal between worlds", create stories (worlds/dimensions) from scratch and for those who have complete control over the rings they can shape reality itself as if it were a story being told;

● In the world of Sonic Storybooks, magic is something remarkable, something you own. You are able to use "High Ancient magic" and even genie magic, your magic is so powerful that it's easier to describe what you can't than what you can. You certainly can't affect more than a kingdom at a time, unaided, at least for now;

○ Summon heroes of other worlds or time? Yup, easily. Create illusions of former enemies with form and mass to fight for you? If you are superior to them then yeah. Giant ghostly warrior as strong as your magic? Please, something more difficult. Bestowing immortality, make an eternal kingdom, create a world in your image? Okay now you need aid, but once you have that your skill will do the rest.

● Time to talk about shoes… Please, having a little style never hurt anyone, especially with an air shoe that protects your feet from odor, is immune to friction, helps you balance on grind rails, improves grip allowing running on ice, boosts your innate abilities, allows you to float both on water and in the air, and even attack with jets... It's an amazing shoe!

- And you have several of these, some with notable variations.

● As the ultimate life form, you are not someone easy to copy or deny, but you are even more special. None of your physical, mental and/or energetic capabilities can be negatively affected by anything or anyone, even omnipotent beings;

○ At any time, you can perform Chaos Control to travel to other universes or home, regardless of distance or whether you know how to do it.