Chereads / Personal Meta Essence / Chapter 20 - [Safety] Power

Chapter 20 - [Safety] Power

Essence of the Matter Master - By consuming this Essence you'll gain the power to shape the physical world with nothing but will alone.

● You near-limitless psionic ability to mentally control, transform, and manipulate anything up to a continent in size so long as it is composed of matter or energy near instantaneously.

This range will continue to grow exponentially the more you use your power. With time you'll be able to control and shape all matter from the macrocosm down to the microcosm, on a multiversal scale.This does the Law of Conservation of Mass & Energy allowing you to create (either ex nilho or draw elementary particles from the void,) or destroy both entirely.

● You can create, shape, manipulate, summon, destroy and customize all possible forms of matter (shape all scales/sizes of matter), whether organic or inorganic, baryonic or non-baryonic, etc., from the macro-scale down to the planck scale, allowing them to control the workings and structure of matter regardless of its level and size, including celestial/cosmic bodies, atoms, molecules, particles, quarks, strings, branes, and even the quantum foam, the smallest level and foundation of reality as we currently know it.

○ This includes converting it from one form to another, (solids, liquids, gases, & energy.) As well as controlling it in those forms.

○ The finesse to manipulate prions in a persons body or the electrons in a machine.

● Exotic matter, forms of matter with "exotic properties". Exotic matter can be matter with "exotic" physical properties that defy the known laws of physics, such as dark matter; antimatter; tachyons, that have negative mass or "imaginary" mass, allowing them to either reverse the laws of physics or simply go faster than the speed of light. It can also be hypothetical particles that have capabilities well within the laws of physics, states of matter that aren't commonly encountered, like quark-gluon plasma or Bose-Einstein condensates, or states of matter poorly understood like dark matter, or normal matter placed under high pressure. You can manipulate matter from alternate timelines, dimensions, universes, etc., using their immense power to pluck it from one of the aforementioned categories and materialize it to your location. Along with this, the you can also create new types of matter and imbue them with properties of their choosing, creating matter not of the normal variety. For example, you could create matter that has properties or a structure that defies the established laws of physics.

● Primordial Particles, which is the initial state of all things. Manipulate the primordial particles that act as the building blocks for everything, including the subsequent ancient matter and energy that would come afterward. Unlike regular particles, however, these do not exist in forms (photon, tachyon, etc) but are completely undifferentiated and singular. Even concepts such as magic, cosmic and primordial power. It all falls under one big category that is the primordial particle.

○ Absorb and manipulate infinite amounts of energy; energy which can be utilized for an infinite amount of purposes which are solely limited by your willpower and imagination.

● Gain a complete awareness of and control over all atomic and subatomic particles within your range.

● Animate inanimate materials by causing constant mass movement of molecules: for example, make a brick building walk. Rearrange molecules so radically, to reconfigure all forms of matter and them into different substances and forms (such as, for example, turning air into complex machinery, arrows to butterflies, people to sand, nothing to something & vice versa), and can change matter into energy and back again. Move it or transmute it however you like, gaining perfect, instinctive knowledge how to shape & transmute objects. Create force fields and energy blasts, and also open up wormholes through hyperspace and traverse them, thus travelling faster than light.

● Once you effects a change in the arrangement of molecules in a quantity of matter, it remains in its new configuration until you consciously changes it back. Even if you are rendered unconscious, the transformed substances remain. You can even affect the molecules of matter with mystical properties, matter fashioned by vast cosmic power, and matter composed of the most impervious materials devised by man. The process of molecular manipulation does not cause you any more exertion than performing simple arithmetic.

● You have full knowledge how these powers work & the best ways to use them and you won't be overwhelmed by the sheer number of powers you have.

● Your powers cannot be suppressed, severed, copied, corrupted, altered, nullified or affected negatively against your will & will not malfunction or have control loss of. These abilities function as is regardless of what universe you're in or their laws, concepts, etc.

● You will gain all necessary physical & mental faculties to process and utilize these abilities while maintaining uninterrupted consciousness.



Essence of the Space Master - Consuming this Essence will make distance becomes a mere intellectual concept allowing you to manipulate & control space as you desire.

● All things are related; space is an illusion; all things exist in one place, all tied together by the fibers of a single concept. In your presence, distance and space mean nothing.

Allowing you to manipulate space anyway you see fit.

● Its most basic power allows one to move themselves, others & any object to your desired destination at will instantaneously, even if those two points are in two separate realities, without the use of physical contact to any place they can picture in their mind or think of; the distance is irrelevant when moving anything, (be it other planets, galaxies, universes & dimensions,) location (move someone from South America to Asia while being in Europe,) or preventive measures, such as walls or spells. Blinking out of existence in one place & reappearing at your destination.

○ You displace matter & energy in the area you teleport into in addition you have a sixth sense of where you teleport, so you don't teleport into objects unless you desire to. Alternatively you can teleport objects into other objects or beings or simply telefrag them.

○ You're precise enough to teleport the air out of someone's lungs, organs nano-objects or substances (be poisons, bacteria, or even molecules,) out of someone's body, transport a suit of armor around your body or a weapon into your hand in times of danger. In time you could teleport the appropriate particles from all over the universe and stack them together to create any object you desire.

○ Even perform a flicker transportation by disappearing when a weapon is fired at you & reappearing in the exact same location without being injured.

● Alternatively you can create portals (as many as you desire) to travel interstellar distances or dimensions, instantaneously by creating a wormhole through space. You may create portals anywhere you can imagine with but a thought, or reflexively if you are in danger. These portals may take any dimensions you wish, ranging from flat planes, to wormholes, to three and even fourth dimensional objects. Likewise you may alter your portals as you please, changing their shape or size and moving them as you please and altering their destination at your will. They automatically compensates for a traveler's size, mass, velocity, & momentum when teleporting them from one place to another. You can toggle this feature if you desire. Once you open a portal, it lasts as long as you desire, remaining open only temporarily, opening and closing intermittently, or staying permanently where it was placed. You may "stick" these portals on any surface, cause them to remain in the air and move them at your will. You can create keys for your portals; certain objects, traits, phrases or gestures that allow access to the doorways one makes barring anyone without the key from passing through.

○ You are instantly aware of where any given portal leads, the conditions on the other side of it, who created it, how it was created, how to recreate it and how to collapse it, both safely and maliciously.

○ In combat you're able to use portals to attack opponents, open several of them at once & strike through them with attacks from any angle redirect attacks or, open up portal into complete nothingness to banish things to.

○ You may alter the permeability of the portals, allowing you to reach into, alter, or perceive the other side without risk of environmental hazards or detection.

Alternatively you may allow the external environment to permeate and impart all its hazards and even gravitational force through the portal you create. In theory, opening a wormhole in the center of the sun & the other end on a planet incinerating it before anyone notice or open one in the middle of Jupiter, with the other end next to a black hole. You may choose what occurs whenever a portal closes, whether it leaves a perfect cut, warps space around the target in strange alien ways or shunts the interference from one side to the other is up to you.

Likewise interactions around the edges of your portals are also at your discretion in much the same manner that things occur when portals are closed.

● You're capable of extending your senses beyond their current location remotely observe a location in realtime with all your senses without being detected yourself, split their perceptions over various locations, allowing them to see multiple places simultaneously, viewing other universes, whole cities, anyone or everyone.

- Additionally, you can bestow you perception of alterations of the fabric of space upon others.

○ A higher understanding of positioning of objects in space, affording you greater accuracy or detection through means other than sight (in case one is blinded or otherwise vision-impaired). You can perceive in a 360 degree arc of vision or track the movements of an item one wishes to keep an eye on.

Allowing you to detect warping and alterations to the fabric of local space.

○ Regardless of whether or not you can observe them with your senses, you can be aware of any objects in your immediate area, know their dimensions and volume, and determine the exact distances between them.

Further, you will always be able to determine your orientation (North/South, Up/Down, etc), and you may detect spatial instabilities and anomalies, such as warps and wormholes.

● Space manipulation is a vast field, you can warp, loop, bend, flip, crush, create, erase, compress, & control space according to your will, altering sizes & volumes, stretching distances, & willfully manipulating any objects that appear in spaceinstantaneously.

More powerful abilities allow one to appear in multiple places at once through Bi-Location or place objects outside space entirely.

Your abilities include but are not limited to:

○ You may travel without motion, disappearing and reappearing as you cross the illusion of distance. Altering the distance between objects contrary to the laws of physics via folding the very fabric of reality, such as shortening & lengthening the distance between two points is longer or shorter than it should be, allowing you to travel leagues, if not from planet to planet, with a single step. This can be used to increase your speed or stretch your limbs.

■ Later on this can used to move the entire world around you to place you in a position that you desire, such as where you can easily defeat your enemy & win. Indeed, even if your target is on the other side of the world, the ability allows you to move the target towards you. It can on your discretion operate automatically, adjusting position & distance in such a way that none of the enemy's attacks can reach you & that you're in the ideal position to attack.

○ Bending space to cause a moving object or person to curve away from their destination while from their perspective they travel in a straight line, to put shields in your path, or ensure your attacks will always hit what you aim at.

○ Fold space or loop space so that whenever someone leaves a position or spot, they can effectively return to that position after a certain distance or spot (such as a door,) is reached. You can thus return to any position you were before after going so far or after doing something. If you desire it, you may use your powers to transform a door into a portal to nearly anywhere else in the world.

○ Shrouding an area of space to make it unviewable or create zones of space so tightly warped that they're, effectively, sealed off from the rest of the universe.

These shrouds are theoretically impenetrable from the outside even to scrying or remote senses, although they can be deactivated from inside.

○ Warp dimensional axis to create areas of impossible dimensions or non-euclid geometry; a hallway can be made to stretch out for miles, though it's in a building only thirty or forty meters across, or every exit in the building is made to lead back to its foyer. If you desire, you may ensnare others in twisting roads and winding paths with neither origin or destination.

○ You may warp space to allow two locales to exist within the same area of space without interacting with each other, or force them to interact, usually in a violent manner.

○ Merge chunks of space together, superimposing location on each other instead of creating a portal.

○ Wrap one's opponents in spatial threads that prevent them from moving or bind them to a given location.

○ If necessary you may step into the gap between spaces, waiting in an impermanent tiny universe until you are needed. You may conceal locations within gaps in space, and twist the bonds of it to ensure that no mortal is ever able to find it.

○ Place yourself in a state of spatial intangibility, rendering you virtually untouchable by attacks via moving yourself to a different spatial axis.

○ Anchor a point, person or object in space, hindering or outright stopping attempts made by others from teleporting, creating portal or wormholes, or otherwise manipulating space in a given area. This can also be used to anchor thins to a specific area in space rendering things unmovable, (such as a gun to completely eliminate recoil or yourself).

■ You're capable of setting anchor points so that you're capable of identifying & returning to your original universe as well as any location that you've been to previously.

● At your peak, space becomes more of a suggestion for you transcending the very concept of space.

○ You can be at all places in the universe at once simultaneously. Just as you are able to be in several places at once, so to may you draw objects, places and even other people into a similar disassociated state of being; allowing them to be in more than one place at the same time.

● Attack everything within your range all at simultaneously, instantaneously and continuously. Distance is no longer an obstacle. You're capable of attacking an enemy that isn't even in the same territory as you.

● You are able to alter the amount of space an object takes up, reducing a house to the size of a cat, or making a lonely road stretch out near infinitely.

● The ability of expanding space. This is not so much an extradimensional space, nor does it create a "bigger on the inside than the outside" effect. Instead, you literally creates more space. It expands the size of the universe on a minute scale.

- Instantly created atmosphere comes into being to fill the new space. If this technology is used near the ocean floor (or, in theory, on the ground on the surface), land also is created by the effect, as similar as possible to the original land at the point of activation. The device does not create living creatures or plants, nor any kind of organic material. You can use this to instantly create cavelike homes within what were once tiny crevices in a small rock, or to turn a small cave into a much larger one. It can be used it as a weapon to create empty spaces inside the bodies of their foes or used for defense to put space between yourself and a foe. Use of this technology over time or so can actually increase the size of Earth.

● Move the universe around you rather then travel through it.

● Travel to different any universe in the multiverse.

● Know where everything in the universe is located, even if you've never been there; from the furthest stars to the closest electrons, the most massive black hole to the most microscopic germ. You can monitor all events down to individual quantum packets out to edge of the visible universe and in a multitude of alternate dimensions. It's all in the back of your minds; all you need to do to is reach into your imagination & pull it out.

● When in battle, no sanctum or fortress would be safe. An invading force could effectively be "teleported" anywhere.

- Asteroids could be dropped over major cities.

- Wormholes could be used to suck things out to orbit or to the center of the sun. Or create spatial distortions in order to inflict damage to the target occupying within the said space.

Because it affects the very third-dimension that the target is occupying, it bypasses any and all physical defenses, and as such, cannot be blocked by conventional means.

Also, since most attacks appear at the target location instantaneously, dodging is intensely difficult.

○ You can distort the space around you so enemy attacks turn away or distort people or things you comes near to tear them to pieces or turn things inside out.

This aspect of power is versatile offensively & defensively,

This manifest as a protective field so you don't have to see or be aware of things to distort them or need conscious control.

- You can deflect or redirect bullets that strike you, or the pressure wave of an explosion without requiring awareness of the threat.

- For defensive use, you can subconsciously establishes a filter that analyzes everything as harmful or not, & use your field to reflect & push away anything that could harm you.

- You may apply this ability consciously however, to such effect as reversing the blood flow within someone's body, & choose which vectors naturally interact with you, (such as gravity, air pressure, light, oxygen, heat, sound wavelength, etc. & redirect everything else.)

○ Compressing space to create black holes or firing off maelstroms of inconsistent gravity & spacetime distortions, chaotically twisting reality in blasts that severely alters anything in its path. The blasts can rip, tear, twist, melt, disintegrate, & cause numerous other effects to organic & inorganic matter within a variable range.

- Such that this power is capable of destroying virtually any matter or construction that rend apart virtually anything they hit.

○ Hypometric attacks that propagate at FTL speeds, altering topology in order to destroy their opponent & intensely remove spacetime. - This pierces everything between the you & the target, leaving its power unable to be blocked by any barriers as a result.

○ Create a gaping hole in reality of pure nothingness that annihilate any kind of matter they come in contact with or generate void spheres that accomplish the same feat.

- Like a black hole anything that comes in contact with this rift, whether matter or energy, is effectively wiped from existence.

○ Collapse spacetime itself around a person or object destroying it entirely. Or fire zero-dimensional spacetime defects that dissociate atoms so completely that people hit by them simply disappear.

○ You're capable of generating weapons or constructs that carry the properties as the aforementioned.

- By manipulating the energy/force of the fabric of space, allowing you to condense space into a quasi-tangible form and/or energy and utilize it for more physical usage, as opposed to simply controlling space itself.

Such as blades that teleport areas struck by it or have portal edges as the blade.

Tendrils with the power to remove spacetime.

● Through you master of space, you can create subdimensional spaces & spacefolding technology. Fit big things inside small spaces arrange doorways to lead across interstellar distances or other dimensions. Make objects that are larger on the inside than the outside such as Bags of Holdings or TARDIS's. This effect is limited to the ascending dimensions like exploiting Tesseracts or Square Circles. You can create as many spaces as your imagination allows simply with sheer math. These internal spaces can be empty, or be filled with naturally occurring elements like breathable atmosphere, randomly generated planets and celestial bodies, quasi realities that you define, non-euclid realms and so on. Such things are raw materials from which you can perform great works of science. Creating seemingly infinite pocket dimensions/pocket realities (in or outside the universe,) that vastly resembles the real world or empty voids, it cannot be affected by the outside universe. Create a pocket of sub-space which technically exists within the real universe but can only be reached by taking specific and very strict routes and paths.

These pocket dimensions can be used as shortcuts, sanctuaries, prisons, or vaults to store valuable, dangerous, or toxic materials. You're capable of altering the internal structure of the pocket reality like manipulating time, or warping reality as you see fit.

- With this you can create dimensions that function similar to the Eldar's Webway, Qubit's Teleportal, or the Elder Thing's Great White Space.

○ You may also bring objects or places from normal space into a folded zone, but be mindful of folding space around things that affect other things, like black holes or suns. Lastly, you may use these folded realms to escape from higher powers like the Eldritch Abominations or Abstract Beings, at least temporarily. You cannot run forever, however. As long as you are conscious, you may open a portal to your own folded spaces at any time.

○ Alternatively, you can pinch off sections of space to store in your pocket dimensions, this varies with your range.

○ You may ward your sanctum against intrusion, forbidding entrance to certain objects, creatures or individuals, for space itself bares their passage.

● This range will continue to grow exponentially the more you use your power. Within a year you'll be able to move anything the size of town anywhere on Earth, the year after that anything the size of a city anywhere within Solar System. Even move an individual atom across the universe. There is no upper limit on the growth of your power.

● You gain an intuitive knowledge of the surrounding multiverse, and can move into spaces both real and imagined. You have an innate spatial sense for where you can travel to, thus ensuring that you teleport safely. This allows you to travel anywhere you can conceive of. This may be the other side of a planet, across the universe, another dimension, or the mind-scapes of other sentient beings.

● You will adapt to any reality, environment or place you enter and are able to survive there as easily and with as little harm to the world itself as any native. Be it the Marinna Trench, deep space, neutron stars, the galactic core or stranger vistas.

● You have full knowledge how these powers work & the best ways to use them and you won't be overwhelmed by the sheer number of powers you have.

● Your powers cannot be suppressed, severed, copied, corrupted, altered, nullified, affected negatively against your will or be used to harm you without your intention & will not malfunction or have control loss of. These abilities function as is regardless of what universe you're in or their laws, concepts, etc.

● You will gain all necessary physical & mental faculties to process, comprehend and utilize these abilities while maintaining uninterrupted consciousness.

