Essence of the Fated Companions
By taking the essence of the Fated Companions, the quintessence of the desire to be amongst equals, you gain the following benefits:
• Through a combination of fate, luck and subtle reality warping, you find that incredibly attractive people who you are deeply compatible with, platonically or otherwise often appear around you in situations where it is easy to start a relationship. You may toggle this gathering process at will.
• The fated companions often possess interesting synergies with you and your companion's abilities no matter how unlikely (or even impossible) that would normally, and will always be able to relate you emotionally.
• Everyone affected by this perk finds that interactions with other members of the group have an odd tendency to help them become their best self, get over themselves when they need to, and understand more about themselves as they already are.
• You and your companions find that there is always enough time to keep your relationships strong and growing. Even if you decide to gather a harem of hundreds of women, you somehow have enough time and space in your heart to love and spend as much time with them as you would a single partner.
• Yes, your companions can have impossibly large harems of their own, if you want, with the same rules as yours. Yes, you can do research before assuming a form that makes the starting point better.
Essence of Hugs
It tastes like perfectly cooked S'mores, sunshine, and fills you with warmth.
• You now give the best hugs in the universe.
• You have a comforting presence that makes people around you more open to receiving hugs from you and seeking you out for future hugs when they need one and you are available and willing to give hugs.
• You have an impeccable sense for when someone needs a hug, though this is only active when they are close enough for you to walk leisurely to them, such as when you share living space, you won't sense when they need hugs if they live or travel so far that you couldn't give them a timely embrace.
• Your hugs give the effect the other person needed at that time from happiness to comfort to safety, etc. and are never too long or short for them as long as you're both not pressed for time.
• Your hugs have healing power in them, able to make someone feel better when emotionally hurt, bring their mind back from insanity, and even hug illnesses and disease away so they're gone the next day, even physical pain is lowered significantly and you will never hurt the other person when you hug them. This is for when you don't want fame or attention for helping them as it'll seem like a miracle occurred.
• You can hug anyone and never be harmed by any effects that would make hugging them physically impossible. You could hug Rogue without her power stealing your life-force, or Johnny Storm while he's on fire, a prickly cactus man without getting pricked, or even embrace Death without losing your life. This only works for hugs and the snuggling/cuddling effect below.
• You can shift any hug into snuggling/cuddling without the other person minding too much but only if you want to. This will cure the other person of any touch starvation they've been experiencing.
• Whenever you are in need of hugs someone you wouldn't mind being hugged by, that you know, will give you a hug or ask if you want one, this will happen naturally like giving you a hug when they walk by you to the kitchen to get a drink or when they check up on you.
• You can share the effects of this Essence with anyone to spread the wholesome love.
Essence of Paradise
By drinking this Essence, you will receive a number of boons.
● You are the center of an intelligent field of probability manipulation.
● This field constantly analyzes and tweaks your surroundings to ensure that you remain in an optimal state of physical, mental and emotional health.
● It also ensures that everything will go your way without any effort on your part whenever it would be beneficial for it to do so.
● While doing so, it will ensure that you meet as much challenge, and receive as much stimulation, as is necessary to keep you in an optimal state of mental, emotional and physical health and activity.
● You may consciously direct the field's effects if you wish, though it will inevitably know what you want better than you do.
● This field is self-replicating. Whenever another living being enters the range of the field, an identical field that centers on them instead of you is created.
● These fields, when overlapping, increase in power, range and intelligence.
● Every field will, by default, work towards the benefit of you and you alone. You may designate specific people who can benefit from the field's effects or simply allow it to work for everyone, continually refining itself into a perfected paradise that will satisfy everyone within its range.
● It will continue to keep your perfected desires in mind when dealing with other people, however, so as to avoid value drift or creating something you wouldn't want to exist. You may, of course, disable this protection if you like.
● The effect will, by default, perish with you if you ever decide to die permanently. You may also decide to have the field outlive you, in which case it will last until the last being within its reach decides to die permanently.