Chapter 35 - The creator awakens

Reflecting upon his dream with the vivid imagines racing through his mind, he felt the sensation, of movement even if not by your own power. Those zip lines, such a great creation but along what? A city didn't suit it, and he began to brain storm for ideas, he found the motivation needed to create a level, and as a large sheet of paper, his own instincts moved him into an empty plane with many ziplines hanging around the infinite canvas.

Perhaps this forest which invoked his fear was a piece that he could use.

He was playing God on this one, and so with a light bow and a touch onto the nothingness the terrain began to manifest before his very eyes. He was able to create something, because he didn't doubt, but act. He wasn't expressing happiness with his face, neither with his thoughts which only went through the ideas of what to make, spawn, etc.

The trees grew emerged from the ground and the sun and moon spun rapidly, making the process faster. He was skipping through the process like it was nothing. He looked down as he body flew up, he reached down and placed his hand in the forest, as he began to carve paths.

"So far so good." He said to himself, enjoying what was happening and believing that the final product will be even more beautiful. He stopped carving in the paths as a path of dirt and leafs replaced it, the ground was steady. He flew back down into his normal size, before stepping onto his unfinished creation. He looked up at the now large trees, spruce, birch, oak were the most common trees, perhaps he could create an exit out of the tree variants once he puts this level as an addition to the backrooms.

As the daynight cycle came to a stop, he looked at his forest covered in the darkness of the night shadows. The moon lit up the crowns of the trees, but from there shadow appeared.

At his command a street lamp emerged from the dirt towering over and somewhat entering the personal of a tree, pushing its leafs aside the lamp lit up a portion, but now he needed to place more, till everything is covered. He considered making this zipline park infinite, perhaps it was a way for him to just explore his limits.

With the whip of a hand the level stretched out reaching towards the concept of infinity. He felt a slight tow to his head, it didn't hurt, but he felt dizzy.

He fell back into a sitting position and continued giving out commands to the canvas to draw on itself, the end of steel ropes were thrown left and right through the infinite space, some mixing into a train track like zipline.

The paths continued spreading out with lampposts emerging right beside every corner, beside the side of the walkways, and even dead ends. He stood up and took the first step into this level. A creation that still had much more to be worked on.

He added more details by adding grass, bushes and even creatures. Facelings walking around with the sole intent of riding the zipline, some even walking hounds. He made them docile towards everything, except if they are threatened. He somehow brought more life to the backrooms, and he didn't had a reason to limit them to just letting themselves die. What if he made a small quantity of sentient facelings. What will happen then?

Will a piece of his mind be tore apart so he can give it to them, or would it simply appear on its own.

He looked at the randomly walking facelings and decided it looked strange, so he made a more complex cycle. He looked up and pretended like he grabbed the moon before throwing her to the side. As the sun and moon spun around, he saw that when the moon was present the facelings disappeared, then appeared again once the sun was up.

With this detail out of the way, he began to think about how people were going to get to the ziplines. Which quickly ended up with a simple design, of wooden entrances to wooden obstacles, tunes of planks, floating logs with the only thing holding you up and safe was your safe lock which went along the steel rope. Small jumps, parkour and finally the main attraction, the zipline itself.

He looked around over his own creation and enjoyed how it was all coming together, as he stepped on the wooden ladder towards one of the obstacle tracks, the safety features quickly wrapped onto him, as it would for any other creature. He began going through it, as he remembered that his dream, without question, gravity loosened its grip on him and he had an easy time going through the course, before finally jumping as gravity slowly dragged him along the zipline. Which then joined a bunch of other steel ropes forming a formation. With that, he landed on wooden boards meant to catch everyone, before the safety gear unwrapped itself and let him go.

"Yes! GOOD!" He yelled upward as he smiled to himself. His level was now half way complete, he needed to add it now to the infinite board of the backrooms and string things up. So he began, he climbed down from the wooden contraption as he looked around, the forest was with a high attitude, it had rivers, high lakes ziplines going over otherwise impossible gaps, giving in to the experience, he placed beautiful bridges with more steel ropes. He gave the level a chance of rain, mist, storm, power outage even as he placed on a few places concrete buildings with wire coming out of them. With a switch within so the systems can be restarted, but this meant, that people could intentionally sabotage the level by cause the outage. Which only brought even more liveliness to the level. This beautiful landscape was stretched on for infinity, in width, but in length it reached a limit, and he believed that there could be an exit, even after he glimpsed through everything, he still didn't understand or know. But he made the top of the mountain more snowy, so it represented towards the level it would lead to once it was reached, but then, he wanted to make another zipline out of it. On top of that level he placed a staircase which was connected with the zipline. Same properties as the mother level.

He flew through the level and put a few chances here and there for noclipping, falling asleep and waking up at another level, and the main exit, towards level 9.

With that, he began testing it out as if it was a new game with bugs... nothing out of the ordinary, he found no problems, even if he was forced to fall asleep at a few locations just to see if it would work.

"Now a name to this masterpiece... Zipline park? No this sounds too boring... Zipride. Good, good." He suggested to himself before thinking some more of another name. "Zip mania... Not elegant enough..."

He gave a sigh as he choose the second name he thought of. He made a wooden gateway with the name on it, with the gate in place the forest was cut revealing level 9 and its creatures wandering around. He had hopes that the neighborhood watch wouldn't infiltrate his level, and in such case he was going to personally deal with the matter. He walked through the gate into level 9, and then back into his level.

"Done and done." He said rubbing his hands together shaking off the dust from them. Before walking back into his level he felt as if it wasn't complete it missed something important. With this he thought about what more to add to the level, the bulb lit up, as he gave the command for resting areas alongside the attractions from time to time on the path. Vending machines even, with snacks, drinks. Bubbly drinks, water, almond water, and even a few colors of lucky o' Milk, being green, violet, pink and yellow. This vending machines were placed onto concrete floors alongside them being the resting areas, placed all throughout the infinite terrain.

He was humming to himself setting up a few more things to add more details, giving the floor smooth bricks in a few areas, statues of himself as the founder of this level and much more. As he grabbed a yellow bottle of the drink from the vending machine, a voice was heard greeting him.

"Hello uh, do you have any idea what this place is? It kinda just appeared." A gentle feminine voice was heard behind him. He looked at the vending machine as the drink immediately replenished, before turning back while drinking from the bottle.

He took a breath as he stopped, before speaking. "Well of course I created it." He said prideful with a straight face.

"Wait! How?!" The woman asked shocked of this information.

"Shh, it's our little secret." The child said putting his hand on her shoulder before walking past her. "Enjoy!" He said quietly as he began making his leave deeper into his creation.

The woman was left dumbfounded with no answers in the horizon, she understood that she wasn't going to get any information out of him, but what now. It was 'their little secret', she didn't know if she should make a report about the child being the creator of this level which appeared out of nowhere, but could that be true? Was he truly the creator of it, or was it a lie, just so he can confuse her. She was left in the dark, but he knew his truth and that was all he needed. With a smile on his face and a half bottle of tasty refreshment he began climbing the mountain, with steady steps, the atmosphere slowly became cold the upper he went, he felt as if he knew what he needed to do. With a handy idea in mind, he created a small house for guests with a few rooms, a restaurant area, and a large balcony looking over the park. The whole things was made of wood, it had a furnace which warmed up the whole building. He walked away from it as he placed a few facelings to act as the managers of the place.

He walked out as he looked at the building, it had a beautiful concrete base and stairs that lead to a glass door with a wi-fi sign on it. He felt good about himself, he has made something great today. With the expected last detail placed, he felt as if his job was now done and that he can rest a little. He walked down the mountain path on which he placed stone stairs and fences so people can assist themselves with, and got to the starting point, he walked into level 9 to look over the entirety of his creation and with a happy smile he shed a tear with his arms in the air, saying I did it.