Today is Sunday. You've been looking forward to this. You stand outside the movie theater. Expecting the best of the best. It's timely that day you've been waiting for you. Have it all planned out. The two of you go to a movie talk about how neither of you have seen this movie before and if both of you don't like it or what if he doesn't like it, you discuss how you feel about the movie. Then after the movie's done you get lunch and talk about work and then finally the two of you announce you ask if they want to be friends. Your thoughts on the matter make you a tiny bit anxious. You feel that you're not ready, but you know in your heart that you'll never be ready. So you have to do this not wanting to seem like a weirdo. You've reduced your visual appearance rather than cargos or khakis. You wear genuine jeans because you don't carry purses because you feel purses are inferior to backpacks yet carrying a full-blown backpack on and outing with a friend for the first time is a bit weird. You decide to wear a waste connected side bag while smaller than a backpack. It has more compartments than a purse and plenty of zippers. Plus this one was ordered with a special compartment for charging portable devices, even including its own charging Bank which you remember to fully charge the prior day as your father always says when prepared for a big event. Always think five steps ahead. That way, even if you take two steps back, you still have plenty of steps. Premade to fall back on. You are confident in your ambitions and you know that nothing almost nothing can stop you. You spot your future friend in the distance they wave to you. Garnering your attention. You are not sure if you should wave back to them or you'll feel weird. You slowly try to raise your hand giving a sort of awkward wave but you also subtly put your arm to it. Your hope is that The way you see it you are waving back at them, but with your second arm supporting your other arm, they could easily interpret it as you waving back or you stretching your other arm, which means in either of cases. You successfully made this situation a little weird, but not completely weird. Leaning not completely in One direction as soon as they arrive they asked if you waited long you tell them it's fine and that you just got early because you had to run some errands in the area. This of course is a lie. You had no errands to run the area you needed to make sure that you got here on time so that you knew you were in the correct theater in the correct town in the correct City. And also you needed to text everyone. You knew to leave you the f alone should they come up with anything? Of course, this excludes a few people that you wouldn't dare say that word to those being your father, your mother, who you're currently at war with, and you still don't know why cuz you can't be bothered to read those series of texts that you exchange with your mother while you were drunk and Mackenzie and your brother because for some strange reason his phone isn't receiving any messages, but you feel like that's probably nothing to worry about. But in short, that means that you've only said leave you the f alone to three people total. Nicole, Bridget and the currently on honeymoon. Tiffany your plan you still feel is foolproof as the both of you arrive to the inner workings of the theater. You look to the booth where you receive tickets and mention that you ordered them online for reserve seats. You don't know why a lot of theaters do this now but apparently it's a thing. The two of you receive your tickets for which you excitedly want to hurry into the theater but upon reaching the ticket guy who lets you into the theater, the guy unfortunately tells you that your 2 hours too early. Your eyes widen as you look down at the the tickets. Right now it was 12:00 but the tickets say 2:00 you then remember that you were busy cleaning up Nicole's message so you instructed her to purchase the tickets on your behalf you were certain that you said to order the tickets at 12:00. You then were fairly certain that you said that three different times to make sure she got it. Of course you're also surprised she got the right feeder, so maybe it's for the best that this was the worst. She's messed up while you contemplate. If you should yell at her for this, you do remember that you can just have her clean the shower head later. You smile at the thought of watching her cry while she struggles to clean the dang thing, which always has grime at the center of it you try to resist letting out an evil laugh then you turn around and apologize to your future friend for the poor booking error on your part leaving the theater you have time to kill between the two of you deciding to make the most of it. The two of you wander down the street for a bit out of the corner of your eye. You noticing old comic book store? No, it looked like it should be close. The lights were on and the cashier was sitting at the front desk. Your gesture for your future friend to head in the two of you wander around looking at the variety of different comics and novels that line the shelves. At one point out the corner of your eye, you spot a particular comic. You're all too familiar with backpack. Joe, volume 7. You remember this comic very fondly. It was a comic that you and your father both read frequently. You even could recall that there was rumors of a revamp. Joe's daughter Sue having her own comic out of nostalgia you decide to buy a couple of volumes. Hoping to use it as reading material when you're bored at home. When you taking these up to the comic book register guy. He really squeezed out a lot of money from you. You also recall your dad saying that these comics are worth a fortune you side to yourself thinking is nostalgia really worth so much money as your mind slowly leans towards piracy well, making another round circling the shelves of the bookstore. Your future friend does asks you about the things you bought as a response you try to tell him about your childhood well, a more bridge version, the version of it that doesn't include the bullying dealt to you by your own mother you explained to them about how when you had nothing going on due to a lack of friends. Although you don't mention the lack of friends because you don't want to seem less friend making Worthy, you would spend time with your father who would often go camping and things of that nature. One of those times your dad was in a really good mood and wanted to share with you some literature from his childhood, particularly a comic book based off of a novel called backpack. Joe, the average adventurer guy with the ultimate backpack that carries everything he could ever need his backpack was so amazing that it could do anything and eventually you just like your father took a lie in the backpacks yourself. Thus, leading to when all the other girls your age wanting to buy purses you instead would look for backpacks only. The best of the best would do his way you thought. Designer, exploration, biking even the minor ones like a drawstring knapsack you collected quite the variety and of course you and your dad would often read more and more backpack. Joe comics, of course the author got sick and eventually retired from writing them and the series was discontinued but with the possibility of a return you feel the ever eagerness of wanting to pick up where you left off. But the last issue released was issue number 13 of the 50th series realizing that you just went on a tangent about something very nerdy you feel embarrassed and kind of exposed talking about this with your potential friend candidate. Hey, do look at you in a fascination of your own passion while soaking up the embarrassment of the silence. You find that your phone is going off. You take it out to see that the number calling is not registered. So you think it's a telemarketer and decide to just ignore it still having a lot of time. The two of you to do things out of order and go get something to eat. You wanted to hold back on the matter considering it's more entertaining to eat a meal after watching a good movie together so that you have something to discuss, but you figure a light snack wouldn't hurt considering you skipped lunch in order to make it on time at the burger joint you find yourself in a bit of a conundrum. Naturally, when you go to a burger joint you like to order the stocked burgers with lots of meat and cheese and stuff that looks like it'll clog your arteries you feel eating something like that in a rather vigorous method. The way you usually do when you're alone would take away points of appeal. In your opinion unsure how to go about it. You decide to go for a less greasy meal requesting a chicken sandwich instead. Still getting a bunch of fries though. Fries are nice, they're small. You could pop up you in your mouth without having to shove the whole basket in. Although shoving the whole basket in is fun. By your opinion, you choose a method that's less unappealing in the eyes of the masses. Hoping this will win some points in the eyes of that future friend of yours cuz the two of you sit down. Waiting for your meals to be ready. You find yourself in awe not at The restaurant no. The restaurant is okay at best. What does catch your attention? However, is the kids meal toys? You don't know how but in recent years the quality of children's toys have decreased especially in kids meals. When you were young, toys were more intricate and had a an array of colors, but most of the toys on display were of either poor quality in terms of functionality or the color was just flat out. Unappealing like a kid in a sweatshop was being rushed to paint it and at one point they fell short of time and just threw it in the basket. Not even letting the paint dry which led to the smudges you find yourself. Unfortunately wanting one not for the need to have to collect but out of curiosity to see if it was just the displays that looked like that or if the actual one's also look like that. But of course ordering such a thing as an adult with an adult associate you find that pursuing these thoughts wouldn't only embarrass you, but still your mind. Still subtly wants to want one just to just out of curiosity, while you the two of you sit waiting for your meals, you find yourself looking at them and then subtly darting back to the display for the toys and then at the streets to see if maybe there's something that you can distract yourself with a common issue that you have that you found through online forums that other people also have is when hanging out with someone you're never sure where to look at times. You don't really see a need to actually look at them so you often stare into space. This habit leads to a repeated action of staring at a person to a very uncomfortable degree for the victim. Not wanting to do that. You try to force yourself to look out the window and see if you spot anything and without really thinking about it, you actually do spotting a familiar face standing across the street leaning against a glass window. You can't help but notice and feel very curious.