Chereads / Infinity: Beyond's Journey / Chapter 13 - Into the Ground

Chapter 13 - Into the Ground

Seeing a person outside the building the people began to quicken their pace and in about a minute came right before the person.

Seeing the people coming towards him Arman didn't show any form of nervousness or fear instead only calmness could be seen on his face.

From what he can see he saw 10 soldiers coming towards him among whom 9 were of F Rank and one was of the beginner E Rank and from the looks of it the E Rank soldier was probably their leader.

Looking at the leader he was a tall man about 6'1 feet with a robust build with sharp eyes that seemed to have seen a lot of things. Overall he seemed to be someone not to be messed with and judging from the aura around him he had probably gone through a lot of fierce battels.

Just as Arman was observing the people who came, they were also observing Arman with vigilance clear in their eyes.

After some time of observation the E ranker finally spoke.

In a rough voice he said" Who are you and what are you doing here" 

"About time they asked" commented Light.

Ignoring Light's comments Arman looked straight at the person who asked him and replied "I am a wanderer travelling from place to place in search of a safe space to live in".

Hearing Arman's reply the E Ranker showed some surprise at the fact that Arman survived for so long in this chaotic place and after some thinking he asked again "You still haven't answered what you are doing here"

"As I said I was wandering from place to place until I found another survivor from whom I heard about this place and came to seek refuge" said Arman.

Listening to Arman's reply the E ranker still suspicious and on guard asked " What's your name and Who was the one that told you about this place?" 

"My name is Shura and I actually don't know the person who gave me this info as we had just met once while being chased by mutant zombies" said Arman.

"Very well then come with us and don't try anything funny otherwise you won't live to see another day" Warned the E Ranker.

Seeing the leader letting the person follow them, the other guards didn't say anything and proceeded to surround Arman in all direction making sure that he didn't try anything.

Seeing such a scene Arman didn't complain or said anything and just followed the words of the E E E Ranker.

"They are really careful aren't they, but considering their situation being like this is probably their best course of action" said light.

"Yes you are right even I would have done the same" replied Arman.

While the guards were taking him to the underground city Arman used his talent to view their information.

Like he had felt only the man in front was of E Rank while the rest were of F Rank.


Name: Helmond Haeckel 

Race: Human

Talent: Super Strength

Bloodline: Low rank human

Rank: E Rank (Beginner)

Basic Stats

Strength: 5

Agility: 4

Speed: 4

Source: 3

Endurance: 4 

Vitality: 4

Soul: 8

Description: Beginner E Ranker with a lot of potential, Experienced Soldier, Careful.

Combat Rating: Lethal Experience, Be cautious. 

Talent info:

Name: Super Strength

Rank: Medium Grade E Rank 

Level: 1

Details: Can help constantly increase the strength of the user and when activated can increase the strength of the user by 2 times.

Seeing the stats of the leader Arman got a bit surprised at first but looking at his overall build he thought that it made sense.

"His talent is also quite decent considering the human's situation" added Light.

After some time of walking the group neared a staircase leading downwards. 

Reaching the staircase the leader turned around and said to Arman "Don't get out of your area otherwise you might not make it" warned the leader.

After saying this much the leader turned around and started waling down the stairs with the rest of the group soon following along with Arman still surrounded in the middle.

While going down the stairs Arman noticed the people around him to be very careful with everything which made him think of the possibility of this place being filled with traps of all sorts.

He also felt as if he was constantly being watched by someone and thought that there might be surveillance all over this place.

After walking down for some time the group finally reached near the end of the stairway where a big door made up of metal can be seen.

Coming Infront of the metal door the leader pulled a card out of his pocket and placed it near the center of the door.

After a little time a light emerged from the door scanning the card the leader took out.

After scanning the card a panel emerged from the center of the door which asked for the fingerprint of the leader.

After inputting the fingerprint a light again emerged from the door only this time scanning the leader and all the others present in the nearby space including Arman.

"Detected a new person not registered in the database asking for permission from the control room" a mechanical voice said after the scan was complete.

After some time of waiting the metal door Infront made some clinking sound as if some gears were turning inside of it and gradually the metal door opened for the group of people outside to enter from.

Seeing the door open the group of people simply went in and after everyone went in the door closed by itself.

Entering inside the door the group of people came inside a big room covered with heavy machinery and surveillance everywhere.

 "Welcome to the checkpoint, we will do some tests here to see whether you are eligible to enter "The hidden City" and if you are suspected then you will have to pay the price with your life.

Saying so the leader went towards the place keeping the lab equipment's and from the pile of equipment's there he fished out an syringe and came towards Arman.