Chapter 5 - Chapter 4

*birds chirping

nics: what a good morning *yawn* i slept well last night because i sleep early *yawn*

*checks messages*

nics: is this single life huh? Peaceful night, peaceful morning, but its bored at all. Should i flirt with someone for fun? but i get easily attached *sigh* *pout*. Nevermind i should love myself rather than being hurt again *relapse* auggghhhh *shakes head* slaps her cheek* don't ever think about that guy its disgusting.

*phone vibrating

nics: *blush* its him again *bite her lips while smiling*

Ryan: am i your batch mate?

nics: sadly no *getting delusional again*

Ryan: ah okay

nics: why did you ask?

Ryan: nothing, just wanted to meet you.

nics: me too *blush* *screams over her pillow*


*getting delusional*

oh right i have classes today.

While getting ready ma'am imelds sends an update for batch. *shocked* *doomed*

"auuughhh why of all people!!!!"

Jasper the annoying guy was in Batch A

" just thinking about it gets me irritated. Nevermind i hope he will not annoy me later"

After she finish cooking for lunch she check the clock and see that she's gonna be late.

"shocks i'm gonna be late i better hurry."

She finally arrive at school she checks first if her adviser is in there classroom, she peek and see that her adviser was still not there.

She finds her seats and see the annoying guy. *rolls her eyes*

Jasper: " hey nics we're batch mates huh"

nics:" so? "

Jasper: " Attitude! "

nics:*rolls her eyes*

Jasper: " can i seat beside you?"


he insisted and it gets me irritated.

*hannah interrupted and seats between the two*

Hannah: "hi nics!!! good to see you"

nics: me too *ear to ear smile*

*ma'am imelds enter the classroom

ma'am imelds:" Goodmorning Class im your temporary adviser. I am ma'am imelda garcia, you can call me ma'am imelds. "

we all stand up and greet ma'am imelds.

After three subjects, its finally a recess time.

nics: "*yawn* its recess time, what are we gonna buy hannah" *grabs hannah hand*

Hannah: " i don't know just anything"

nics: " okay lets go to canteen"

We go to canteen and see jasper and oliver.

(oliver is his bestfriend they get along well.)

Jasper: Hi hannah!

nics: *rolls eyes*

Hannah: hello.

( i see jasper's eyes while looking to hannah, and yeah i know, i think he likes her. so what if he likes her i don't mind after all.)

After this week ma'am imelds announce that theres no batch and all students will meet in face to face class.

me deep inside getting excited i finally will meet my crush, ryan.

first day of face to face class one of a teacher said we must introduce ourself, i got a little nervous because its been 3yrs after the pandemic. its my turn to introduce.

nics:" G-goodmorning ma'am faith, i-i'm Nics Montegero e-eighteen years old and live in ParaƱaque."

After the Introduce yourself of ma'am faith we all given an assignment to be submitted tomorrow. Ma'am faith was our cookery subject teacher. Ma'am faith rolls some papers and call each name of students (per line)

nics:" wow i'll make an vegetable sandwich"

Hannah: *doomed* "vegetable sandwich i hate vegetables"

i peek to see if ryan was present and its feels like movies, my hearts started to pump faster, the slowmotion effect and those sparks in his eyes. *ryan wave* *blushed* *wave back*

yes everytime i see ryan my hearts started to pump faster, my face will turn into red and i get nervous when he's around.

After a month ryan and i got closer and yeah i ask him few questions

nics: " ryan may i ask something? "

ryan: " sure why not"

nics:"D-do you have a crush to someone in room?"

ryan:" yes, why did you ask"

nics: *started to get delusional* " may i ask if who is she? "

ryan:" no private, but i can describe her"

nics: " yeah just describe her and tell me why did you have a feelings for her."

ryan: " hmm she's smart, she has a chubby cheeks, she's cute when she smiles. *nics suddenly get blushed* and i like her because she's smart and cute"

nics:"let me think" / i think of my self i'm smart, has chubby cheeks, i dont know if im cute tho. " is it meri? "

ryan: "maybe? hahaha secret"

nics: *doomed* " ohh i seeee hehe " *awkward smile* " oh ryan i remember theres still some activities that need to be done. ttyl."

"aughhhhhhh i thought it was me (sad face) i getting my hopes up and then suddenly it was meri *pout* anyway its just a crush after all i dont have to be sad". * drinks milk and go to her bed* "maybe i'll just sleep, i still have time tomorrow to do my activities"

she fell asleep after she knows that it was not her.

to be continued.....