Farrel's feet moved as fast as they could.
Delivering Farrel away from the black tiger behind him through the uneven ground seamlessly as the cursed sword enhanced his whole physical prowess.
Just a quick look was enough to make him understand he would be the tiger's lunch if he ever dared to face the tiger head-on.
And a more thorough observation would tell him that he was basically an insect compared to the giant black tiger.
Not only the towering size of the tiger was something that Farrel was 1000% sure would give the tiger more strength, but the unusual amount of negative energy the giant beast emitted also gave a chance that the tiger had some kind of supernatural power.
And Farrel also would not be surprised if the tiger would be somewhat immune to his spells due to the stronger negative energy it had compared to him.
Be it fighting head-on or whittling down the tiger's mental defense like he did with the bandits, doing either of the two would not be effective.
Hence his decision to run away at full speed.
Unfortunately, despite his decisive action, the tiger was… a tiger…
His feeble bipedal body couldn't compare to the quadruped that excels in running on uneven terrains, let alone one that probably had double. triple, heck maybe quadruple of his physical strength.
Disregarding his legs that had gone overdrive with the cursed sword's enhancement, the tiger quickly caught up to him.
A few meters distance was only left between the two of them even after Farrel ran at full speed.
Farrel heard the tiger's growl close behind him, the deep sound resonating with his being as he felt the tiger get closer and closer to him.
'I'll be dead in a few seconds if I do nothing…'
Farrel used the cursed sword and once again bled his own hands and started chanting.
The second he didn't hear the tiger's growl anymore, Farrel concluded that it was time.
Farrel jumped forward, throwing his body to the front as he swung his bloody hand backward.
Farrel took a quick glance behind him to see whether his blood got on the tiger's face.
His guess was correct.
The absence of a growl was because the tiger had gotten close enough to him to launch an attack.
What he saw when he saw what was behind him was the giant tiger raising its claw, ready to swipe at him.
And with such a huge body and claw, that single swipe would probably tear his body in half.
He had already expected it, hence why he wasn't stingy when he used his own blood to cast the hex.
With such a deep wound on his hands, a large amount of blood was splattered all over when he jerked his hand backward.
Only a few drops reached the tiger's face that stood tall towering over him, but a few drops were all that he needed to activate the hex.
It was the same spell that he used to blind the boar before. A spell that he also used to blind the politician's minion back on Earth.
It was a pretty useful and strong spell even without his body being enriched in negative energy.
And considering the anomaly that he felt ever since arriving in this world where his spells had somehow become stronger than what they used to be, Farrel bet on the fact that the spell would also work on the giant tiger despite their difference in strength.
And his bet paid off.
The second the drops of blood touched the tiger's face, the tiger suddenly stopped swinging its claw as it felt its world turn dark.
'Yes! It worked!'
Landing on his two feet, Farrel only took a split second to see the effect of his spell on the tiger before changing direction and started running once more.
Making his hand bleed so much wasn't a great idea considering that his current body was already malnourished and was just starting to recover.
But when the price that he would pay if he didn't do it would be his life, Farrel didn't hesitate to sacrifice a significant amount of his own blood.
If it was under normal circumstances, then he would already be feeling lightheaded and it would be a chore to continue running.
But with the cursed sword empowering him, Farrel was able to brace through it and continued moving his feet at full speed.
'Now… If I can go there before it recovers, then-'
Farrel's thought was abruptly cut off with a resounding roar that not only made him shake but also the forest around him.
He instinctively looked back.
And what he saw shocked him.
Farrel saw the tiger's already overwhelming aura rise once more along with the roar.
The negative energy around the tiger's body flared up as they pushed everything out of their way, including the drops of blood that Farrel had painstakingly put on the tiger's eyes.
And Farrel didn't have to guess whether his supposedly 'strong' spell was still in effect as the tiger showed its massive fangs, turning his head left and right before locking onto Farrel the second it saw him.
The spell was supposed to be one that couldn't be broken off as long as his blood was there.
Even then, any ordinary person wouldn't be able to erase it on their own as they couldn't get rid of the negative energy that had latched onto their bodies along with the blood.
However, not only the tiger's single roar had kicked Farrel's blood away but it had also totally overwhelmed the negative energy that Farrel had with its own.
"Well, fuck."
Seeing its prey trying to get away, the tiger pounced in Farrel's direction, still with its negative energy flaring up.
And the negative energy burst didn't seem to only affect the tiger's aura as Farrel could visibly see the tiger moving even faster than before.
If the tiger's ordinary jump before could traverse half a dozen meters with ease, now it could traverse twice the distance with a single jump.
This means that,
"I'm fucked beyond saving."
The tiger was only three jumps away from reaching him and Farrel would be dead meat the second the tiger got close to him.
He didn't know how smart it was, but Farrel wouldn't be so naive to think that the same trick would work twice.
Farrel now had only a few choices remaining. The gears in his head turned as hard as they could as he tried to think of a solution.
And when the tiger was only a jump away from him, Farrel decided.
"I rather fuck myself than be fucked by you," He said before slashing the vein on his own wrist.
***Author's Note***
So, Hello, the few readers who are reading this. First of all, thank you for reading! Second of all, I'm currently debating whether I want to put my full attention on this book or not considering the book isn't doing too well. And if there are at least 3 comments in this chapter saying "do it" or just simply leaving a gif to let me know that you are actually reading this, I will trudge on and continue writing regardless of the stat of the book and give this book another chance. Regardless of your decision, I thank you all if you are reading this far~!